Bonjour y'all. I speak to you today from my computer, as usual. But with the unique position that i am now 18 years concious, 21 years alive and almost 21years and 9 months or so in existance give or take belief and legal definitions. On with the ranting you say, well here you go first a little tangent about language. Why i don't know but various vital verves and varying voices have left me a rant on my finger tips about english?
The Raping step father of language:
Wow... eh, who knew i could love the abusive father tounge so much... but hey, what else am i going to do. I may not have a high IQ, or be well read, but i love our language. I love that i can say so much and say so little. I love that i can combine, mash, cram and misuse so many words in a sentence, that it sounds amazing, sounds insane or discriptive but actually says fuck all? And dont get me started on fuck and veriants there of. It is probably the best user friendly word there is. It can be tagged to anything and has an over-arching reach and grip on sexual conotations, like most of society. Ah falic feminist arguements, whats not to love, so wrong they're almost right. But yeah, i went there, bought the t-shirt, fuck is a great word, fuck knows why, but it just fucking is. Now of course, you can't use it all the time, and why should you, you have to restrain yourself. Fuck that you may say, but it's true. You can't ask god to cut you some fucking slack, can't ask a gaurd for some fucking directions and you certainly can't ask santa for a fucking lightsabre! But that would rule. I do recomend that fanboy film about real lightsabre's and how dangerous they would be, so the fanboys sabre duel with the toymakers to stop them, pure genious!
Rant part deux: Social Networking, is the Shit!
No seriously. Before Bebo, myspace, facebook, Netlog, Tagged, Wayn and Nimble and any ones im forgetting, what did people do online? I've been online since i was 15. Now of course there was adult material, and before its recent youtube-type existance it was a difficult thing to access or utilise. Same goes for social networking. There was back in the day the MSN chatboards. Wow, talk about a long time ago. They ruled. They educated me in the ways of web edicate. A/S/L, lol, BTW, Brb and so.... All important lesson's of Msn chat rooms and its private messaging and of course MSN Messenger/MSN Live Mesenger. Now once that was gone there was a void. I don't know what everyone else did but i used And remembering it it probably was not a good thing. Infact it was a disaster. I discovered Lore there. If i havent discribed her before i'll keep it brief. Nympho lolita a little lost, fucked me up, i was obbsessed for a few years, all's better she's a lesbian. But there was other occaisions and frankly chat rooms are a V. Bad thing. Then circa christmas 2005 i discovered bebo. And from there i never looked back.
Social networking pretty much took off around that time. And i used it to keep in touch with school chums and so on. But Myspace was to me superior even still. It alowed me to discover my own music and expand my taste and The Like. And for once that was a phrase. You see The Like, if you don't know them are a beutiful trio of girls that are very talented. And when i saw them in concert the beautiful lead singer Z Berg locked eyes with me and would stop staring, and i will never forget that moment, ah... But anyway myspace was great for me. A Day Away, Farewell and many others graced my ears thanks to that website. But as a means of web socialising it never caught my attention. Somerwhere, and i don't know where i joined Facebook. And i was initially hostile. It wasn't bebo, it sat unused for a long time. But over the past 6 months i have become hooked. All my Society friends are there, and my old school acuaintance's and i have to say i am happy about it. But lo and behold my bebo suffered. It has fellow nurse's and ex's and ex hopeful's but it doesnt have my friends per say. It's dying a death and i feel sad for it. Its superior. Better picture's, more profile emphasis, youtube capability and a few other good points. But Facebook's Twitter like updates are better. Now bebo had them, and i used them a lot before facebook, but no one replied or listened. With Facebook they do, and its fun, its witty and its darn right better.
What i achieved there i don't know, but i said it.
Part Trois: What ever doesn't kill you, only makes you stranger.
No Grey it does. (insert seriously as neccissary) I feel/think/believe that each moment however wrong or right shapes who we are and we are better for it. Strange as we may become it's a philopsophical arguement that can not be overlooked or well thought out for that matter.
I've had a lot's of ups and downs, more down's due to the down's causing self pitty and whining but there's ups, i think. But they're all there for some reason. Whether a natual social construct of living or a predestined design they all help make us US. Several moments are on the horizon and i hope that other than typing here i make the right choice's and battle on. I may not know what they are but whatever i end up being that will be me.
Right, translation; I'm worried about my future, exams, life, carreer choices and so on. I know for definate that i'd prefare to be a writter and am now kicking myself for not discovering this sooner. I have 2 1/2 more years of college, or 1/2 a year left to go before i can even touch apon this fully and i plan to try my best to make it happen. I dont want to be a nurse, but its a means to an end that at the moment i cant stand be cause the course is difficult. The Study and lack of, Scares me. It isnt difficult, if i knuckled down i could easily do it. But instead i run to comfort zones, self pitty and words. And the words are the only one's i can still use when this is all over.
And i will use them as much as i can.
I'm currently writting a sci-fi novel that attempts to be different, but by doing so is the same. Sort of a satire but really just another way of saying the same old story again and again. Hero with special circumstance's seeks an ultimate goal. But in getting there i intened to distract from the hero with good back up charecters and slightly odd themes. For one i intened to use a non-camp homsexual relationship in the story, which sounds like a chalange but it's going to strengthen part of it. It's basically mentally lost pirate's in a distopian future with no hope left. They have a dream but it's hard to reach. New people show up and things happen and as it progress's through several stories they rekindle their hope and eventually find their dream. Only for that dream to be absoloutly bullshit but they ignore it and bring their hope to others. At least a trilogy of novels, or a whole series. I may have given away the ending, but it's the journey not the end that is the real story i want to write. And i have a lot more stories to write, hell nearly 15 ideas some of which are whole saga's of stories. All Down the line, all in the future, and hopefully i get to write them
Objective observations, of which i have many ie none; Part Quatre:
Hmm what else. I went pretty grim there. And insane before hand. What's left to say. Oh yeah... society wise we've decided to motion for the freshers debate thats cool. Eh.. im 21, there's an occasion. I plan to do a few things after exams, go to someone else's party, see a few friends, and maybe the week after hold a dvd night with my own friends. Im Thinking a Frasier Marathon/Movie marathon/Family guy/Wii-Fest(if i had a wii)/West Wing-a-thon(if i can buy the box set cheap enough/Hamish Macbeth-a-thon(because it rule's even if people don't know it)/Heroes season 1-a-thon(because its the best part of the show.). Yeah a lot of thoughts on that, but thats what i have. I've also been left with the odd position of having to decide what presents i want, but the catch is they have to be keep-sakes. It's impossible to choose because my own dislike of jewlery on myself has led to this odd position. I perfectly accept my gift and i'm not upset with it, but because im not goint to use it in my current state of opinion i have to choose 2 gifts without a clue what to choose. I can't be selfish or brat like and choose crazy cool gadget that i have a nack for breaking. And i can't choose something as insensative as a normal gift. How the hell do you choose a meaningful gift for yourself when you dont wear jewlery?
Slán go maight.