Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The 39 steps vs the 12 steps, the ultimate catch 22.

Eh, that very numerical title has a purpose, or at least i think it does....



The 39 steps, a very good thriller that's been remade a good few times.


The 12 steps, addiction programme recovery thing. Differs from addiction to addiction, or at least i think it does.


Catch 22, a very poignant phrase and philosophical idea that in essence is pure genius and a great work of fiction. The fictional example being that you have to be insane to be a bomber pilot, but in order to not be kicked out of the air force you have to be insane, A catch 22.



My Catch 22 and 39 steps as apposed to normal 12 steps is as follows, if you're following. I'm suffering from a mental illness. In order to get better i have to be active and willing to help myself. But if i was up to helping myself or in the right mood to be active, then i wouldn’t be depressed. Well it's far more layered than that but it's a nice lead in to why i titled this particular blog this way. 


As for the 39 steps, basically that's a joke at how many avenue's of help i have to follow in order to know how best to help myself. This includes, my CPC, some type of uber-cpc, Student Counselling, my tutor, my parental units, my gp, possibly a consultant psychologist/psychiatrist and possibly medication in conjunction with other steps if they don't work well enough. So in essence nearly a dozen if not more avenue's of discussion, decision and deliberation in order to demonstrate deliberate dealing's with depression. 


So i was with student counselling and i had to set goal's etc, i dont want to go in depth. I also went to the gp to talk about it. Also had to talk about my current cold/opportunistic infection in order to determine if i could go back to placement. I took last friday off as i was knackered. I in turn caught something and have been sick ever since that evening. I had to take monday off and today was my day off. Now i have 3 day's left of this specific placement and the main nurse i work with is only in tomorrow, wonderbar, im sick, and not quite infectious but not up to donning a tunic and being altruistic. I'm zonked by million's of thing's a billionth my size and i can't do anything about it but "rest". My new gp told me to rest for till friday. But i don't really have that choice, i need to get document's signed and so on! Oi Vey!




Procrastination, an under-ratted art form:

I was knackered on friday. Really really knackered. My train was then sub-sequentially late. Standing on the luas platform at 705am i just thought, i'm going to severely late and i'm half dead. It's my day off and i have to pay back a "sick" day that was forced apon me for having the runs? Fuck that shit, i have money in my pocket, ME DAY! Walking down Talbot street i develop a cramp in my left foot from all my walking all week, so i just think, ooh extra validation for not going in. Because of the early time i watch a bit of Grey's Anatomy in IS service's before i call the sick number in james's. And oh my luck, it was my cpc on the other end. I say i can't make it in and that it was my off day anyway, all's grandish i guess. Then End of Grey's, featuring Feye Dunaway btw, and then the return of Oceanic 6 to the time-travelling island in LOST. You know that very confusing OTT drama that is alienating people because it's finally revealing it's true colours despite being a pop-phenomenon. Anyhoo. That over and done with i think what else should i do. CINEMA!


The road to hell is paved with good intentions:


Now in going to the cinema i remembered my mother mentioning that that particular cinema, my favourite movie-house was looking for jobs. So i print out my much touted CV from back when i started this 2nd 2nd year knowing i owed money, before anxiety, rejection, lack of follow-through, study and laziness and the recession got in the way of job hunting. A very good intention. But on my belated way too said cinema i still had a limp, and it hurt! So i took nearly 15 minute's to go from campus all the way too lower Chinatown. Knowing the time of the movie i was seeing first i just bought the ticket and went up, neglected the cv. Also didnt buy a ticket for a second movie. So watch first, a consumerist slice of chic flic rom-com staring the Red-head beauty Isla Fisher. It wasnt half bad, predictable with a sevre lacking in use of secondary character’s and good supporting actors. Then instead of being a good movie go-er and paying for my second movie, i did what's easiest for said cinema, i ducked into another movie... Wow, how do i dream of working there if i steal movie's from their near empty afternoon seat's any chance i can get?


Diner with Hope:


She was busy with essay stuff, and well i had feck all else to do and had planed it only because i got credit for my phone. Enjoyable friendly banter. Not exactly what expected, but what did i expect. Cheap-o baguette’s from Londis and we sat watching middle-class rebel's at the foot of Ye Bank. Then wondered back to campus and a bit of a chat in the Soviet bunker in the warmth. A good evening if not shorter than i expected or intended after what i told the parental's. This left me with a couple of hour's still in town with all of 3 euro left. Don't ask where it all went, i have a nack for spending it all, even if all is 5 cent or 25 euro... So computer's ho! A slightly disappointing blog on the movie's i saw, just really lack-lustre and weak, really weak. And then switched computer twice as class's took hold at 7pm on a friday in the college, who would have thought people learn in college? Then the "laser hut" comp's were wonky and switched again. Made my train though and got home, albeit feverish. Where did i catch it, i'll never know. Friendly if not mistaken text to Cleo and discussed my general upset nature with my course if not onsidely and pointlessly. She knew all the answer's and seemed hostile, i don't know why i bothered.



Weekend was a non event:


Caught up on Dexter and Californication. Suffered from my illness. And rediscovered the joy's of Halo and Civ2.



Monday, sick. Dog watching and cleaning-up-after.


Today, already mentioned, but also the highlight, the master-trump card the dance's on the inside and outside in spritely joyous fashion! My b-day present from my ex-pat sister! A digital camera, a beast of a digital camera, and small and functional and generally amazing. I love it. Filmed the dog's and snapped a few pic's and i just love it. It's amazing and i'm glad it arrived, it was starting to look like some gun-hoe x-ray technician in Far-far-away went "Yoink" and gave it to their peg legged sweat-shop child or something. Wow, how utterly bigoted and pessimistic... But hey, i have renewed faith in olde timey mail.




In Other news.....


In brief, everyone should have either Civilization 2 or Open TTD on their pc's. No if's no buts’. Simple game's that are timeless and endless. They also are both so old that you can run them in the background while you do your web-thang and so on and you can just drop into them pausing and un-pausing and generally having your way with profit or other people's empires.


Open TTD, is simple to get. Just get Transport tycoon deluxe off of Abandonware.com. Then Google Open ttd and nab the latest stable version, preferably the installer. Then install it, tell it where you put the unpacked TTD. And bob's your uncle you have basic open ttd modded glory. Then after that at your leisure look up some snazzy Grf file's like train sets, the wonderful Av8 for planes, all the pretty stations and a few other mod's and you can beautify your game's however you like. It's an amazing game, it's childishly simple and it's god damn addictive. Seeing your choo-choo's make a profit is always pleasing.


As for civ 2. Eh, buy it! I have both my sister's original copy from 1996 and a collector's edition that i got in a super huge pack with all the other civ's of relevance. Excluding the awful Call to Power series. Civ 2 is just endlessly fun. Feck the upgraded graphics and so on. This simple Risk like version is the Epitome of simplicity. Possibly the best strategy game ever if it weren't for a few out of date AI shortcoming's and annoying movement rule's and lack of ingenuity. Phalanx vs Tank being a major problem, or even the speed of development in some game's. But i love it. I addictively spent at least 4 summer's as a night owl enthralled in this game and crushing enemy after enemy with my iron finger tips.




Anyhoo, rant over, "cry-ses-ies" being dealt with on many level's and i big y'all a due for now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Credit dance, Cola War's and a hot CNS.

Ah what a day. Definetly better than the rest of the week. But do you want to know why? Slightly more sleep and the sheer amount of activity i've had all week. I may hate the level of busy craziness of the ward i'm on, but physically it's actually good for me. All of that standing, running, lifting and so on and so forth is good for ye old nogen. Although i can't say the same for my heel's, their in agony, stupid incorrect shoe's.

Now oddly, my play by play of the day's event's will be in reverse compared to the title. Because that's how they happened throught the day.

So the Hot CNS. CNS being Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Today i was with the pain team as part of my placement. Basically i tailed a CNS around the place being educated on Epidural's and Patient controlled analgesia(pca's). It was interesting, it's such a core part of nursing to look after pain and surgical recovery is all about pain control and management. And with the workhouse being such a large centre of general surgery it has a hell of a lot more pumps for pain relief. Epidural's in regional hospital's frequently never leave ICU, in the Workhouse they're common place on more than half a dozen wards. This may mean more work in theory, but Epidural's are never really in for more than a week, and pca's dont require anywhere near as much care as a epidural. But they can't be overlooked of course, that's why there's a lot of cock up's when it comes to them. Not checking perscriptions properly, becoming complaicent or acustomed to them and thinking it's always the same experiance or similar perscriptions. Wow, i really did listen. But do you want to know why, i've already said it. Oh yeah, the CNS was hot! She was very hot, older woman hot. Mid thirties, about 5.4, slim build, red hair, hazel eyes, and really friendly and informative. I couldnt NOT pay attention. What can i say, sex sell's. If all education were either Tv or slighly sexual i would be Eistein by now!

It was a good day. I started at around 820, sure i felt like a pillock waiting around, but some redbull cola was nice. Then most of my time with the CNS was spent talking and learning, and some with patients, and despite my quiet attitude, that's me, i have few pro-active things to say. I knew all of this at about 45% clarity. Knowing the basic's to me mean's i accept shit and don't strive to improve my knoledge of it pro-actively. By having examples and a good teacher and the physical document's and machinery being discussed at hand it was far easier to learn. It was all there to understand as we did everything. Now all i have to do is reinforce and practice all that information even if as a lowly 2nd year, still, i cant touch that shit with a barge poll. But i know about it, and can actively think about it. Finally some confidence in what im actually supposed to be doing. It's about fucking time, most of the time i hate it, or coast through, this was the way it was meant to be, informative, educational, interesting and with adult thought's tagged on for happy images and idiations. All in all, i'd let her check my morphine pump anyday;-)

Main lesson's:
-Think of things logically and have logical reason's to do them.
-Never accept thing's at face value, validate them youself.
-Use even basic observation to assess a patient, just like sizing up potential partners or attitude of friends or foe.
-If in Doubt, check again.
-If an answer is unclear, rephrase the question.
-Women are still very hot in their 30's.

Cola Wars.

What is the best cola out there? I really really want to do a taste test. By far i love Redbull Cola the most. I used to be the main reason why The Orchard supplied Jolt Cola, but i havent had it in age's. Would i still like it as much. I keep buying Coke the odd time and it's a caramell yuck incomparison too the fruity perfection of Redbull. Pepsi Max 750 is sweet and refreshing and no where near as sickly as Coke, but it's still not redbull. Jolt cola is a kick and a half. It's amazingly refreshing when cold and you can nearly feel the caffine as you drink it. It's utter shite, but damn is it a pleasurable cola to drink, even if it's flavour isnt anything special. There is also others out there, the different Coke's and Pepsi's, Pepsi Raw being utter sludge, but there is also Cadet, St Berrnard(dunnes stores own), tesco's own, and of course Spar's own which is like 83 cent a bottle.

So which is better? I must find out! I love, love, love, love Redbull cola. It leave's a fruity after taste and longing that make's you want more. As a fluid it may not be thirst quenching, but it's sweetness make's you want more. Coke, is increasingly unpleasent to me, pepsi 750ml a nice change and Jolt the Mother of Caffine boost refreshment in cola form. A demand a Taste test of myself, blind if neccissary!

Credit Dance:

After an amazing morning with the CNS i ended up having an extended lunch. She basically let me go from her quiet day at 1230 when i was due to finish at 1pm. After a lunch i was due to head back to the ward and finish the day. Well with an extended lunch i could have done anything. I went to the locker room's, stretched my sore feet. And sat in Silence. I wasnt sure what i could do. Go to computers and catch up on my shows? Go to the cantine and hope to see a fellow second year i might know. Read HST. Walk to trinity and back, either via red line or via james' street-Thomas street-dame street-college green. Or what i did.

What i did was. After nearly 20 minutes in a low mood silence and indicission was head into town. I was on "lunch", i had 2 and a half hour's of excuse to play with. So i went into town with a semi-clear mission. To head to henry street and sort out credit for my phone and educate myself on what mobile to sugest as a supplimentary for my birthday present. I found out that i could actually top up my phone, or at least via store bought credit not online, must try that again next month. And i also cemented my love of the idea of having the Inq Social-Networking phone from 3G. Free Facebook, best of both and it's many perks, skype and free texts till july. The shopper neuron's in my head, smaller in males, screamed MUST HAVE, MUST HAVE. It's a gadget, it's like shoe's for women, its irrisistable! Did that, good time left and headed back. Changed and went back on the wards.

But on my way home, i grabbed yet another Spoon. Yes i did something pro-active for my social-life. Well of sorts. I did something nice. I gave an invatation to hope to cook her dinner and catch-up and so on and so forth. Not much of an alterier motive other than doing something id thought of doing months ago and catching up with a friend. Sure i have pinches of salt for possibilities and idea's but that's my subconcious. Conciously i just want to be happy and talk to someone in a nice setting, what's so wrong with that...... Many things probably, but why overanalyse. It's a nice thing to do, it's a nice way to do it. And i have no set aims or expectations, just an action or good deed with a friend.

PG and the war against my own Thoughts:
Now, i have something else to say. But i really don't know if i should say it or not. You see i still have thought's about PG. Not relationship thought's. But regret, envy and anger. She deal's with her life just fine. She's moved on. But ive been in a rut of my own making for over a year. Im envious of the fact that she can be seemingly happy and i cant be. It's a terrible stupid selfish disposition to have. I hate having it. But it's how i feel. I have this feeling that my constant grief should be shared out in an more equal manner. Obsurd i know. It's a heavily incorrect notion that i shouldnt be suffering alone. Other people, mainly PG who have what i see as problems should also be down, should show the same weakness as me of being overcome and pacified by down moods, depreesed feelings and general mental illness. HEAVILY SELFISH. And so male.

It's bitter, it's wrong, it's just really really stupid. But i can't help it. That relationship was a joke. We were not meant to be at all, barely 60% compatable but it was rushed, and it was agony, and it was a fucked up miserable ending. And i doubt i have gotten over it fully at all. Because i have been unable to be succesfull with anyone else since that relationship and im very bitter about that. Shot down straight after it by Hattrick, then the verryberry situation, then Hope, then Cleo and then Daisy. The only positive one was Hope because it was far more real and i held back my neurotic nature. But still, i have had no success whatsoever and i am bitter to fuck. So much so i hate it. I hate my own viewpoint. How does that even work, i know it's wrong but i still hold it? It's still something i think. It's a negative thought i can't shut off. Why do i have it. Why can't i move on from something that was such a mistake? And why do i have to such a whiny bastard about it?

Hattrick was straight away. Merely a week or so after PG. Before i broke it off with PG i admitted to her i had a thing for Hattrick. Hell i had a thing for her first, i was flirting with her before i "settled" for PG. And it was still there at the end with PG, i was thinking of what would happen if i cheated or even i could. I was fretting over something that was only a dream. And i addmitted that to PG. And then i was shot down by a dream, realising she is not someone i could be with. Uncompatable but the mere Idea of her was so attractive that i was blind to actually getting to know her or liking her as person and not an Idea.

Verryberry, she may be my latest and nearly greatest internet friend, but she's tied too the real world too. She was spoken for even when i was still flirting strongly. And when she ended that relationship she was in limbo and was hurt a few time's. By that time i was over her but i still thought of the possibility. And i still do, but it doesnt interest me. I think were just good friends. We like so many of the same things that it just seem's like it would ruin our friendship or change who we are with each other if anything else were to happen. Like going gay with a best friend, it's just not right somehow.

Cleo. Uggghhhh, Cleo. One of those things i will always always regret. A partial friend of mine via association with Pg and our course. I barely knew her at all. And i always thought there was something interesting and mysterious about her. And i was right. She's one of my wetdream idea's. But like all dream's, they arent as true in real life. No, because despite a few charecteristics there is also the person and how we interact, and they do not gel or connect the same way. I went off on a neurotic obsessed tangent that i couldnt control or trust and i thought i had feelings for something completly false. There was nothing there. And She never, NEVER thought there could be. I should stay away from confused, fucked up people, but i seem to seek them out. Cleo has a lot of cloudy issues. Sexuality being one of them. She is definetly a sexual equal, maybe even surpassing me in some area's. But she has shyness and other issue's that make her unsure and uncertain about many things. She's still lost in finding herself in that world. I don't know what exactly she is, but it would not surprise me that she could be a lesbian. But other issue's that i "can't and haven't" mentioned before also stop that idea. Basically she's an enigma. A confused situation that my manic-depressive mind should stay well away from. She brings out the worst in my illness without even trying. The agony of her presance was just awful before christmas. I am glad i have barely talked to her since then. It has alowed me to get over those insane idiation's that mean nothing. She's like a catalyst for insanity and i need to stay well clear of her even if we are "friends". I never thought we were, i only saw her as a mystery i wanted to understand and possibly date. That won't be, or at least i hope it won't, it sounds very dangerous.

Daisy. Do i even have an informed or logical opinion of her? No i don't think so. She's a younger girl i really got along with. A lot of similar taste's, great report and good brief friendship. Something about her eye's nearly made my heart stop. But i knew nothing about her and i got a maybe and a rejection and havent talked to her in full since. She's best forgotten or given breathing space because i have no idea what to think or do. The reason for rejection was a need to study and lack of time. No hint of acknoledging anything between us. All of my thoughts were null and void because circumstance ment NO. I've talked about it endlessly for weeks and im still no closer to an answer or excuse for her. Best forgotten, but impossible to forget.

2 post's in 2 day's. Wow, self-reflective role. Mighty typing hand's i have! Nah not really. Placement's getting to me. On many level's. The excercise is flooding my mind with hormone's forcing manic idiation and analyse's of my feelings and i can't help but express them. That and i need to express them. No one listen's to even my trivial fact's at home. I've been in my room for most of my time since i returned home. I said nothing of consequence when in Aus, and i still say nothing. I can't even discuss the most binial thing's at diner. Soaps and other issue's interupt my attempt's to be sociable with my own family. In the car this evening i said dozen's of things commenting on the radio and my mother didnt even respond. I was met with hostility when i commented on the TV the other night too. My own distance must be making my parent's angry. But if attempt to open up i'm met with obsticle's and hostility. I can't help it. I was an imature young adult when i chose this course, and i was severly wrong. I've squandered and wasted 3 years of college and ruined my self-esteem and mental status because of a massive carreer mistake. Im a thinker, im imaginative and i need to express that. What im doing is destroying me and everything i touch because i have avoided this problem for so long that i didnt even know it existed.

Wow.... Eh, though conclusion there. I didnt know i had that one in me. But it's true. Damn, i really need to talk to the Parental's. But somehow it's not quiet right yet. Maybe after that meeting next tuesday. And all that help i have comming my way thanks to my CPC dragging the truth out of me last week.

Maybe more bloggage this weekend. But certainly more next week. Stay tuned, same manic-depression, same blog feed. Untill then, Toodle's.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Tidle key of life, via mild sleep deprevation

If you spend as much time at a computer as me, and play computer game's especially one's based on the quake 3 engine then you will know the tidle key. It's the magical key that is either represented beside 1 or is on the # button. I am of course talking of that wavey little thing called the tidle key (~). And I've come to the philisophical inclination that this is what life's "learning curve look's like! Now unlike the real tidle key it does give us access to wonderful cheats like God mode(invunerablility), Full Ammo(for all those go postal mornings), Noclip(walking through wall's, so handy) and of course no level skip's or disabling of enemy AI's. No life is difficult, life is topsey turvey and it is shaped like a Tidle key. Depression is the Tidle and success the "pound"#, although some hash would be nice.....  This wonderful symbol at the moment seem's to some-up life and all it's trappings, pit-fall's, woe's, high's, low's, wonder's and obsurdities.

I am fucking tired. No really i am. 3 night's in a row with 5 hours sleep and being on my feet all day run ragged with meanial free altruistic labour. I'm giving myself over agaisnt my will to sleep, or will in general to supposidly study. Instead most of the time i'm running around with conflicting task's and orders and just juggling care and time trying to do things right or get them done at all. It's not that i'm off the ball, hell i'm on it. But it's rotating so fast that i'm running out of steam. I had a long day today and very busy. 1 patient very sick and then 2 patients getting blood, and then another far from my ward but in my care getting worse as the day went on. Not to mention my Preceptor, although a good teacher, has an inate nack of creating business. Where-ever she goes she end's up doing yet another thing. Which mean's she has to delegate further to me to fetch stuff and do thing's, despite my standing orders of hourly fluid balance's, charting and observations now and then. And ontop of that she kept reminding me of those hourly duties. Hell i dont want to complain, but i was chasing after each request as much as i can. She freely admits she cant get everything done, or finds it hard to get it all done. But she was rubbing off on me making it all ten time's worse. And when you have a patient you have to watch like a hawk and a dozen or so things due for 5 other patients it's a nightmare!

I think if money were no object the HSE should hire mesues's to help nurse's with their bad backs and nerve's during a long stressful day. I know i need it! I'm bloody recked and all i have is a gradually more lumpy double bed all to myself to comfert me. My back twinge's, the sole's of my feet are on fire, and my eye's weigh a thousand tonne's. Oh and did i mention i don't even want to be a nurse professionally or for very long, if even at all?

When on wards my imagination still wonder's. I still think critically and about my task's. But i can't help but dream of how i could make it all easier. Like having some sort of Electronic Patient Report. Like the system in theatre but hand held and automatically and inteligently organised to inform you of what care you have to give, what's due when and anything you can do inbetween. Like a iphone with loads of alarm's and to do's programmed in... Or my hygenic would be a touchable hologramme that extend's on your arm? Oh i can only dream. That's my problem, medical knoledge and people do interest me, how can they not. But i've always been a dreamer and doing all this caring for other's just starve's and pushes that away. And Imagination and dreaming are how mind works. I'm used to flight's of fantasy, of quick imagination and random idea's, epiphinies and so on. Working altruistically when i'm misserable and trying to think of all the thing's i haven't been able to grasp yet because of academic reluctance is just killing me inside. It's so bloody difficult to get up at 5 am and drag myself into something i never really loved. It just feel's like duty now. Like i have to do it. And i don't get payed a thing. I'm free miserable labor agaisnt my will. What am i learning, i don't even want to learn it? What the hell am i doing?

Other notes.... Eh what is there....

Oh yes.

The Emergence of the Nevoux-Poor:

Ie The recession and the like. 

Wow this really is all a big mess. In my more lucid non-self-affacing and non-self-loathing moment's i had idea's about how to bitch about all this. But i really can't place half them. If any at all. This country really is a sinking ship. It's titanic for the last 2 hour's of that over awarded film. It's Steve Martin or Eddie Murphy's level of hillarity since the late 90's. It's shit creek with a boat made of sobositaries! 

Job's are going left right and centre, and what ever the bottom part of the political compass is. Everyone is affected. And a common ending to Recession debate's amoung the public is now becomming, "well at least you have a job."  And thinking about it, it is a good point, but also a cop out. Not everyone is safe. Sure Nursing may be partially recession proof but they're starting to fuck over the "real" students. Transport in this country is also a joke. Dublin bus was ideally was meant to gain a further 200 buses or more over the next few years to provide a perfect service. Instead they want to axe 250 drivers and some route's, even with the knoledge that the current network is inefficiant and archaic? CIE, our transport company, for those of us inclined to still think that we live in a semi-socialist democratic republic, is supposed to service US. It holds a monopoly on transport and yet it has not delivered anything good enough for the countries needs. How is it that the NRA got billion's for car-park style motorway's and CIE was left with inadequet bus fleets, useless networks and Victorian Rail Lines? There's so many thing's wrong with how the civil "service" is run it's just sickening. Fuck all is ever done for the good of this country and it's people. For age's it's been about the political bullies and land grabber's and we haven't voted in disgust because we don't complain when it really does matter.

Am i wrong? No i doubt it. This country and it's people complain all the time, look at taxi-person's. And yet we don't vote accordingly. FF have been in power for donkey's years. The same shit has been happening for over a generation. And yet with such a stagnant uninteresting opposition or lack there-of no one has ever engaged with our politic's and voted for that buzz word, "Change". I hate irish politics. Not as much as it's very complex history, but it really does suck. Both F parties want thing's i don't want, the socialist's and worker's parties are only aimed at the working class and are too small, the green's are visionless and half the time i forget that there even is a Labour, whatever the fuck they do... Oh and Sinner's, sickening thought. Half of the parties want the north back, a pointless manifesto when the south's so shit, even when things were good. And none have any good idea's about what to do about, anything really. HSE is a mess, School's are a mess, College Fee's are insulting when the state run(public) school system is nearly dead or underfunded, and the nightmare of transport. This country is also a rip off. Cost of living is insance, taxes, food, fuel, booze even street drug's are all extortionate.

Thing's that would be nice if ireland was a fierryland:

Dart Interconnector
Double Decker Train's
Effective bus service
Luas line's to Lucan, Bray, DIT(grangegorman), BX (red line to green line), Rathmine's or even rathfarnham.
Metro North being a train not a light rail service
Metro west being a segregated service, light rail or not not too important.

Better Management of the HSE
Improve school's so as to increase Medicine and Nursing place's in Future.

Using all the jobless graduate's around at the moment as Teacher's to prepare tomorrow's kid's for a better future. As in plan a better structure of how the country should be run now and work at it with the future in mind.  Think the Operative in Serenity. An deplorable assassin who dream's of a better world, and know's he has no place in that world. Basically we should plan and toil for our future so that this fuck up doesn't continue or affect future generations.

All well and good, but i'm ranting. Damn Socialist leaning's of a manic-depressive reluctant student from an upper-middle class backround quickly becoming very very poor.

Rigth sleep, and fuck do i need it!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Women of music, and why they rock!

Now i know this is going to be a very odd post. But hear me out. I recent years more and more i have added a lot of female artists, bands containing female lead singers and all girl band's. And this is for a very good reason. No im not some kind of lesbian trapped in a man's body. No it's because female artist's thankfully sing about topics from a different viewpoint then the overkill of male singer's out there. 

Pop-Punk, punk, rock, emo so on and so forther is full of male singers. There's far to many of them. And when most of them are singing about girls that have jilted them it becomes pretty stagnant and annoying. Now the real talent amoung them is those who can write new songs that tell the same old stories and still sound good. The difference with female artist's is that they tell completly different stories from a new point of view. They are also inclined to sing about nothing the odd time too, and compared to a lot of what i listen too this is a very good thing.

I will start talking about each artist as briefly as i can and explain why i like them.

Avril Lavigne:

Now before i get started, i hate her new stuff, it's awful. But the moody earlier stuff and her hits, that's what i love. And it's not because they are catchy or in some case's really emotional or whiney, no it's because they are really good songs. Complicated or My happy ending, brilliant songs. And she should never be put down based on being comercial or that new pop crap. She was once really really good and coloberated on writting some very good songs. I dare you to listen to her first 2 albums and not like them. There are of course a few duds here and there, and Sk8r boi is just formulaic and annoying but most of her early songs were brilliant and she is a good artist.

The Like:

Oh how i love the like. 3 Gorgeous girls with slightly unique fashion sense and well they're just really good at what they do. What they do is write catchy and melodic indie tunes that are sometimes hard to understand due to Z Berg's deep and smooth voice but brilliant none-the-less. What i say and what i mean, June Gloom and (so i sit here) Waiting are all amazing songs. And it has been a very long time coming but i can not wait for their next album. Also, i have a thing for Z berg ever since her eye's locked onto mine at a gig. Oh and Charlotte Froom is very hot in hot pants and who could forget the mad thing that is the cute british drummer Tennessee Thomas.


Ah paramore. I forgive them for their christian beginings. I forgive them for their fanbase. I forgive them for not being as amazing as they could be. And i love them for having b-side's that rock more than their album tracks. Hayley Williams has one hell of a voice and she use's it well. The latter half of their first album was forgetable, mainly due to My heart and Franklin but the rest, omfg the rest! Pressure alone is brilliant, but all we know, Brighter, whoa and Here we go again seal the deal and remind you that these kids are talented. Emergency is also a keeper but slightly too melodramatic compared to the rest and thankfully they dropped most of that emo edge. Now Their second album, although amazing didnt seem to deliver enough. Misery Business alone is a huge achievement, but That's what you get and Crush,crush, crush never seem to hit the right spot when it come's to catchy brilliance. I sing along anyway but there's better in this band. That better is song's like Rewind, Stop this song(love sick melody) and Decode. All b-side's. Every line in all 3 of these song's is catchy. The songs themselves are chock full of catchy little hooks and riffs and just show off how good this band is even when they dont try too hard or overproduce a song just for album space. Also look out for their acoustic performance's and their cover of Foo Fighters My Hero.

Leanne Harte:

Keeping the Irish end up so to speak. This talented solo artist can do things with a guitar you could only imagine a guitar soloist from a huge group could do. For simple indie songs and moderate writing tallent the really interest here is her skills with a guitar. She's just a genious and talented at that. What's even better is a friend of mine used to have guitar lesson's from her, and apparently she doesn't even know scale's or the major chords, or at least cant teach them. Impressive stuff for such a talented artist. She apparently works in Tower Records off graffton street. If you're like me you'd wish she would make some more music soon because she is brilliant.

Emily (r.i.p):

Another example of Irish music, and it is a terrible terrible thing that these guys are gone. No one in the band was called emily, and the lead singer Christine wasn't a Hayley Williams but she was good at what she did. What she did was belt out some seriously catchy tunes to some heavy and fast pop-punk riffs with an air of metal behind them that were just catchy as hell and really really melodic. Just because you say it, Fold like a twenty, Dear Temptation, Disco aint dead it's just resting, Trainwreck on great denmark street and the b-side's Fool me twice and i'll put you to the ground, down but never out and the song I helped name "We're gonna need a bigger boat". Yes folks i helped name that song, and it is one of my favourite song's ever. It was so emotional when christine cried at the end of it when i saw them at their second last gig and it's a shame they're gone. I love them to bits and they are just brilliant. Powerful and catchy a shame they're gone. Come on "You fold like a twenty", has to be in the runing for best wierd insult in a song ever!


I have to say it, they are FAR from perfect. But they are talented, a bit off the wall, not exactly the best singers. But damn are they catchy and sometime's funny. Their best song by far has to be Fuck Music. The very idea of loving music so much you want to fuck it is brilliant in itself but the song is just amazing. Hey Kids, structures and Don't Get Excited are also radio friendly tracks from what is basically a patchy album with a few gem's here and there. Fat boy and rock whore are weak and annoying but as a whole i love this band and it's kind of a specialist taste as i know not everyone would or could love them.

Miss Conduct/S!rens:

If you don't know them yet, you should start listening. Now called S!rens and with a new singer, but just as talented this band is just awe inspiring. Really really heavy riffs that are catchy on their own but add the amazing vocal's of Emma-Jane and you have a bad that can easily surpass paramore in brilliance. Their album should be out soon, but i heavily recommend their Ep Sinner vs Sinned which was recored with their old singer. Just an amazing bad, they will go far.

Hey Monday:

Now as a new signing to Fueled by Ramen they are obviously going to be compared by label-mate's paramore, but they are different. For one their're nowhere near as strong vocally and their riff's aren't as strongly layered or as talented. But among a few week song's like their first release Homecoming there is some amazing catchy jem's.  Set off, How you love me now, Obvious, Should've tried harder and the morale story of Josey. This band doesnt hit the mark but there is amazing potnetial. Obvious's basic chorus of "ah-ah-obvious" is surprisingly catchy and the story telling in Josey is brilliant if not a little disjointed. Arizona is also to be praised, but including a geographical inacuracy in a chorus should be fround apon. 6 Months is also a great slow song, but i can't help but feel the lead singer Cassadee Pope isn't up to the task. For such a moving song she fall's short of hitting the higher notes.
The Dollyrots:

Now they may be a bit gimmicky and Brand new key may be a reworking of "i've got a new combine harvester" but this band are amazing. Catchy beyond belief and just a big ball of fun. Only this band could cover "be my baby" from dirty dancing and get away with it. Why do you ask, "Because i'm awesome!" Enough said.

Mod Rocket:

A 4 some of young girls from New York. Rising star's that should be watched. Their really really talented for such basic songs and you have to enjoy them for that alone. Their simple, they're brilliant and they talk about the oddest things, sometimes nothing. I still struggle to know what Sonic is talking about other than some loose connection to talking to a boyfriend. 

Katy Perry:

Now now, forget I kissed a girl. It may be a mega-huge hit, but she's also pretty good. Sure she might actually be a marketing ploy but her songs are pretty good. One of the boys, Hot N Cold, Waking up in vagas and Mannequin are all really good. For a brief time i listened to her album more than Fall Out Boy's latest, with good reason, her catchyness and wit was easy to notice for a first album. For such a late album fall out boy's follie a deux require's a fan's ear to slowly get used to it's brilliance, katy perry is simple easy pop and it work's so well.

The Veronicas:

This Australian Electro-pop group are amazingly catchy and some how havent reached europe yet. They are really really good. I can't help but love them. Now some songs may seem simple and basically pop fodder, but they do it so well. Untouched, Hook me up, Take me on the floor and the simplistic Popular are just kareoke and sing along classic's that can easily get even the most hardened soul's bouncing about to pretty simple lyrics and amazing hooks. Their earlier work is good too but i havent given it as many listen's because their 2nd Album Hook Me Up is just so good!  Also, did i mention they're Non-identical twins, added bonus i think...


An irish indie group that i just love. They're coincidentatly also non-identical twin's and seem to have gotten their name from the same movie, or at least i think so. That movie being Heathers with Winona Ryder, in it she play's Veronica a member of a group of friends containing 3 girls called Heather. The Veronicas named themselve's after veronica where as the source of Heather's for Ellie and Louise is beyond me. But onto their music. Fire Ant's alone is amazing, and it's not even on their album, which i stil don't have. Margin in Irish is beyond catchy, you'll catch yourself mumbling the words just because they sound so good. Rember when is also amazing. I heavily Recomend them!

Women of music, and why they rock!

Now i know this is going to be a very odd post. But hear me out. I recent years more and more i have added a lot of female artists, bands containing female lead singers and all girl band's. And this is for a very good reason. No im not some kind of lesbian trapped in a man's body. No it's because female artist's thankfully sing about topics from a different viewpoint then the overkill of male singer's out there. 

Pop-Punk, punk, rock, emo so on and so forther is full of male singers. There's far to many of them. And when most of them are singing about girls that have jilted them it becomes pretty stagnant and annoying. Now the real talent amoung them is those who can write new songs that tell the same old stories and still sound good. The difference with female artist's is that they tell completly different stories from a new point of view. They are also inclined to sing about nothing the odd time too, and compared to a lot of what i listen too this is a very good thing.

I will start talking about each artist as briefly as i can and explain why i like them.

Avril Lavigne:

Now before i get started, i hate her new stuff, it's awful. But the moody earlier stuff and her hits, that's what i love. And it's not because they are catchy or in some case's really emotional or whiney, no it's because they are really good songs. Complicated or My happy ending, brilliant songs. And she should never be put down based on being comercial or that new pop crap. She was once really really good and coloberated on writting some very good songs. I dare you to listen to her first 2 albums and not like them. There are of course a few duds here and there, and Sk8r boi is just formulaic and annoying but most of her early songs were brilliant and she is a good artist.

The Like:

Oh how i love the like. 3 Gorgeous girls with slightly unique fashion sense and well they're just really good at what they do. What they do is write catchy and melodic indie tunes that are sometimes hard to understand due to Z Berg's deep and smooth voice but brilliant none-the-less. What i say and what i mean, June Gloom and (so i sit here) Waiting are all amazing songs. And it has been a very long time coming but i can not wait for their next album. Also, i have a thing for Z berg ever since her eye's locked onto mine at a gig. Oh and Charlotte Froom is very hot in hot pants and who could forget the mad thing that is the cute british drummer Tennessee Thomas.


Ah paramore. I forgive them for their christian beginings. I forgive them for their fanbase. I forgive them for not being as amazing as they could be. And i love them for having b-side's that rock more than their album tracks. Hayley Williams has one hell of a voice and she use's it well. The latter half of their first album was forgetable, mainly due to My heart and Franklin but the rest, omfg the rest! Pressure alone is brilliant, but all we know, Brighter, whoa and Here we go again seal the deal and remind you that these kids are talented. Emergency is also a keeper but slightly too melodramatic compared to the rest and thankfully they dropped most of that emo edge. Now Their second album, although amazing didnt seem to deliver enough. Misery Business alone is a huge achievement, but That's what you get and Crush,crush, crush never seem to hit the right spot when it come's to catchy brilliance. I sing along anyway but there's better in this band. That better is song's like Rewind, Stop this song(love sick melody) and Decode. All b-side's. Every line in all 3 of these song's is catchy. The songs themselves are chock full of catchy little hooks and riffs and just show off how good this band is even when they dont try too hard or overproduce a song just for album space. Also look out for their acoustic performance's and their cover of Foo Fighters My Hero.

Leanne Harte:

Keeping the Irish end up so to speak. This talented solo artist can do things with a guitar you could only imagine a guitar soloist from a huge group could do. For simple indie songs and moderate writing tallent the really interest here is her skills with a guitar. She's just a genious and talented at that. What's even better is a friend of mine used to have guitar lesson's from her, and apparently she doesn't even know scale's or the major chords, or at least cant teach them. Impressive stuff for such a talented artist. She apparently works in Tower Records off graffton street. If you're like me you'd wish she would make some more music soon because she is brilliant.

Emily (r.i.p):

Another example of Irish music, and it is a terrible terrible thing that these guys are gone. No one in the band was called emily, and the lead singer Christine wasn't a Hayley Williams but she was good at what she did. What she did was belt out some seriously catchy tunes to some heavy and fast pop-punk riffs with an air of metal behind them that were just catchy as hell and really really melodic. Just because you say it, Fold like a twenty, Dear Temptation, Disco aint dead it's just resting, Trainwreck on great denmark street and the b-side's Fool me twice and i'll put you to the ground, down but never out and the song I helped name "We're gonna need a bigger boat". Yes folks i helped name that song, and it is one of my favourite song's ever. It was so emotional when christine cried at the end of it when i saw them at their second last gig and it's a shame they're gone. I love them to bits and they are just brilliant. Powerful and catchy a shame they're gone. Come on "You fold like a twenty", has to be in the runing for best wierd insult in a song ever!


I have to say it, they are FAR from perfect. But they are talented, a bit off the wall, not exactly the best singers. But damn are they catchy and sometime's funny. Their best song by far has to be Fuck Music. The very idea of loving music so much you want to fuck it is brilliant in itself but the song is just amazing. Hey Kids, structures and Don't Get Excited are also radio friendly tracks from what is basically a patchy album with a few gem's here and there. Fat boy and rock whore are weak and annoying but as a whole i love this band and it's kind of a specialist taste as i know not everyone would or could love them.

Miss Conduct/S!rens:

If you don't know them yet, you should start listening. Now called S!rens and with a new singer, but just as talented this band is just awe inspiring. Really really heavy riffs that are catchy on their own but add the amazing vocal's of Emma-Jane and you have a bad that can easily surpass paramore in brilliance. Their album should be out soon, but i heavily recommend their Ep Sinner vs Sinned which was recored with their old singer. Just an amazing bad, they will go far.

Hey Monday:

Now as a new signing to Fueled by Ramen they are obviously going to be compared by label-mate's paramore, but they are different. For one their're nowhere near as strong vocally and their riff's aren't as strongly layered or as talented. But among a few week song's like their first release Homecoming there is some amazing catchy jem's.  Set off, How you love me now, Obvious, Should've tried harder and the morale story of Josey. This band doesnt hit the mark but there is amazing potnetial. Obvious's basic chorus of "ah-ah-obvious" is surprisingly catchy and the story telling in Josey is brilliant if not a little disjointed. Arizona is also to be praised, but including a geographical inacuracy in a chorus should be fround apon. 6 Months is also a great slow song, but i can't help but feel the lead singer Cassadee Pope isn't up to the task. For such a moving song she fall's short of hitting the higher notes.
The Dollyrots:

Now they may be a bit gimmicky and Brand new key may be a reworking of "i've got a new combine harvester" but this band are amazing. Catchy beyond belief and just a big ball of fun. Only this band could cover "be my baby" from dirty dancing and get away with it. Why do you ask, "Because i'm awesome!" Enough said.

Mod Rocket:

A 4 some of young girls from New York. Rising star's that should be watched. Their really really talented for such basic songs and you have to enjoy them for that alone. Their simple, they're brilliant and they talk about the oddest things, sometimes nothing. I still struggle to know what Sonic is talking about other than some loose connection to talking to a boyfriend. 

Katy Perry:

Now now, forget I kissed a girl. It may be a mega-huge hit, but she's also pretty good. Sure she might actually be a marketing ploy but her songs are pretty good. One of the boys, Hot N Cold, Waking up in vagas and Mannequin are all really good. For a brief time i listened to her album more than Fall Out Boy's latest, with good reason, her catchyness and wit was easy to notice for a first album. For such a late album fall out boy's follie a deux require's a fan's ear to slowly get used to it's brilliance, katy perry is simple easy pop and it work's so well.

The Veronicas:

This Australian Electro-pop group are amazingly catchy and some how havent reached europe yet. They are really really good. I can't help but love them. Now some songs may seem simple and basically pop fodder, but they do it so well. Untouched, Hook me up, Take me on the floor and the simplistic Popular are just kareoke and sing along classic's that can easily get even the most hardened soul's bouncing about to pretty simple lyrics and amazing hooks. Their earlier work is good too but i havent given it as many listen's because their 2nd Album Hook Me Up is just so good!  Also, did i mention they're Non-identical twins, added bonus i think...


An irish indie group that i just love. They're coincidentatly also non-identical twin's and seem to have gotten their name from the same movie, or at least i think so. That movie being Heathers with Winona Ryder, in it she play's Veronica a member of a group of friends containing 3 girls called Heather. The Veronicas named themselve's after veronica where as the source of Heather's for Ellie and Louise is beyond me. But onto their music. Fire Ant's alone is amazing, and it's not even on their album, which i stil don't have. Margin in Irish is beyond catchy, you'll catch yourself mumbling the words just because they sound so good. Rember when is also amazing. I heavily Recomend them!

Women of music, and why they rock!

Now i know this is going to be a very odd post. But hear me out. I recent years more and more i have added a lot of female artists, bands containing female lead singers and all girl band's. And this is for a very good reason. No im not some kind of lesbian trapped in a man's body. No it's because female artist's thankfully sing about topics from a different viewpoint then the overkill of male singer's out there. 

Pop-Punk, punk, rock, emo so on and so forther is full of male singers. There's far to many of them. And when most of them are singing about girls that have jilted them it becomes pretty stagnant and annoying. Now the real talent amoung them is those who can write new songs that tell the same old stories and still sound good. The difference with female artist's is that they tell completly different stories from a new point of view. They are also inclined to sing about nothing the odd time too, and compared to a lot of what i listen too this is a very good thing.

I will start talking about each artist as briefly as i can and explain why i like them.

Avril Lavigne:

Now before i get started, i hate her new stuff, it's awful. But the moody earlier stuff and her hits, that's what i love. And it's not because they are catchy or in some case's really emotional or whiney, no it's because they are really good songs. Complicated or My happy ending, brilliant songs. And she should never be put down based on being comercial or that new pop crap. She was once really really good and coloberated on writting some very good songs. I dare you to listen to her first 2 albums and not like them. There are of course a few duds here and there, and Sk8r boi is just formulaic and annoying but most of her early songs were brilliant and she is a good artist.

The Like:

Oh how i love the like. 3 Gorgeous girls with slightly unique fashion sense and well they're just really good at what they do. What they do is write catchy and melodic indie tunes that are sometimes hard to understand due to Z Berg's deep and smooth voice but brilliant none-the-less. What i say and what i mean, June Gloom and (so i sit here) Waiting are all amazing songs. And it has been a very long time coming but i can not wait for their next album. Also, i have a thing for Z berg ever since her eye's locked onto mine at a gig. Oh and Charlotte Froom is very hot in hot pants and who could forget the mad thing that is the cute british drummer Tennessee Thomas.


Ah paramore. I forgive them for their christian beginings. I forgive them for their fanbase. I forgive them for not being as amazing as they could be. And i love them for having b-side's that rock more than their album tracks. Hayley Williams has one hell of a voice and she use's it well. The latter half of their first album was forgetable, mainly due to My heart and Franklin but the rest, omfg the rest! Pressure alone is brilliant, but all we know, Brighter, whoa and Here we go again seal the deal and remind you that these kids are talented. Emergency is also a keeper but slightly too melodramatic compared to the rest and thankfully they dropped most of that emo edge. Now Their second album, although amazing didnt seem to deliver enough. Misery Business alone is a huge achievement, but That's what you get and Crush,crush, crush never seem to hit the right spot when it come's to catchy brilliance. I sing along anyway but there's better in this band. That better is song's like Rewind, Stop this song(love sick melody) and Decode. All b-side's. Every line in all 3 of these song's is catchy. The songs themselves are chock full of catchy little hooks and riffs and just show off how good this band is even when they dont try too hard or overproduce a song just for album space. Also look out for their acoustic performance's and their cover of Foo Fighters My Hero.

Leanne Harte:

Keeping the Irish end up so to speak. This talented solo artist can do things with a guitar you could only imagine a guitar soloist from a huge group could do. For simple indie songs and moderate writing tallent the really interest here is her skills with a guitar. She's just a genious and talented at that. What's even better is a friend of mine used to have guitar lesson's from her, and apparently she doesn't even know scale's or the major chords, or at least cant teach them. Impressive stuff for such a talented artist. She apparently works in Tower Records off graffton street. If you're like me you'd wish she would make some more music soon because she is brilliant.

Emily (r.i.p):

Another example of Irish music, and it is a terrible terrible thing that these guys are gone. No one in the band was called emily, and the lead singer Christine wasn't a Hayley Williams but she was good at what she did. What she did was belt out some seriously catchy tunes to some heavy and fast pop-punk riffs with an air of metal behind them that were just catchy as hell and really really melodic. Just because you say it, Fold like a twenty, Dear Temptation, Disco aint dead it's just resting, Trainwreck on great denmark street and the b-side's Fool me twice and i'll put you to the ground, down but never out and the song I helped name "We're gonna need a bigger boat". Yes folks i helped name that song, and it is one of my favourite song's ever. It was so emotional when christine cried at the end of it when i saw them at their second last gig and it's a shame they're gone. I love them to bits and they are just brilliant. Powerful and catchy a shame they're gone. Come on "You fold like a twenty", has to be in the runing for best wierd insult in a song ever!


I have to say it, they are FAR from perfect. But they are talented, a bit off the wall, not exactly the best singers. But damn are they catchy and sometime's funny. Their best song by far has to be Fuck Music. The very idea of loving music so much you want to fuck it is brilliant in itself but the song is just amazing. Hey Kids, structures and Don't Get Excited are also radio friendly tracks from what is basically a patchy album with a few gem's here and there. Fat boy and rock whore are weak and annoying but as a whole i love this band and it's kind of a specialist taste as i know not everyone would or could love them.

Miss Conduct/S!rens:

If you don't know them yet, you should start listening. Now called S!rens and with a new singer, but just as talented this band is just awe inspiring. Really really heavy riffs that are catchy on their own but add the amazing vocal's of Emma-Jane and you have a bad that can easily surpass paramore in brilliance. Their album should be out soon, but i heavily recommend their Ep Sinner vs Sinned which was recored with their old singer. Just an amazing bad, they will go far.

Hey Monday:

Now as a new signing to Fueled by Ramen they are obviously going to be compared by label-mate's paramore, but they are different. For one their're nowhere near as strong vocally and their riff's aren't as strongly layered or as talented. But among a few week song's like their first release Homecoming there is some amazing catchy jem's.  Set off, How you love me now, Obvious, Should've tried harder and the morale story of Josey. This band doesnt hit the mark but there is amazing potnetial. Obvious's basic chorus of "ah-ah-obvious" is surprisingly catchy and the story telling in Josey is brilliant if not a little disjointed. Arizona is also to be praised, but including a geographical inacuracy in a chorus should be fround apon. 6 Months is also a great slow song, but i can't help but feel the lead singer Cassadee Pope isn't up to the task. For such a moving song she fall's short of hitting the higher notes.
The Dollyrots:

Now they may be a bit gimmicky and Brand new key may be a reworking of "i've got a new combine harvester" but this band are amazing. Catchy beyond belief and just a big ball of fun. Only this band could cover "be my baby" from dirty dancing and get away with it. Why do you ask, "Because i'm awesome!" Enough said.

Mod Rocket:

A 4 some of young girls from New York. Rising star's that should be watched. Their really really talented for such basic songs and you have to enjoy them for that alone. Their simple, they're brilliant and they talk about the oddest things, sometimes nothing. I still struggle to know what Sonic is talking about other than some loose connection to talking to a boyfriend. 

Katy Perry:

Now now, forget I kissed a girl. It may be a mega-huge hit, but she's also pretty good. Sure she might actually be a marketing ploy but her songs are pretty good. One of the boys, Hot N Cold, Waking up in vagas and Mannequin are all really good. For a brief time i listened to her album more than Fall Out Boy's latest, with good reason, her catchyness and wit was easy to notice for a first album. For such a late album fall out boy's follie a deux require's a fan's ear to slowly get used to it's brilliance, katy perry is simple easy pop and it work's so well.

The Veronicas:

This Australian Electro-pop group are amazingly catchy and some how havent reached europe yet. They are really really good. I can't help but love them. Now some songs may seem simple and basically pop fodder, but they do it so well. Untouched, Hook me up, Take me on the floor and the simplistic Popular are just kareoke and sing along classic's that can easily get even the most hardened soul's bouncing about to pretty simple lyrics and amazing hooks. Their earlier work is good too but i havent given it as many listen's because their 2nd Album Hook Me Up is just so good!  Also, did i mention they're Non-identical twins, added bonus i think...


An irish indie group that i just love. They're coincidentatly also non-identical twin's and seem to have gotten their name from the same movie, or at least i think so. That movie being Heathers with Winona Ryder, in it she play's Veronica a member of a group of friends containing 3 girls called Heather. The Veronicas named themselve's after veronica where as the source of Heather's for Ellie and Louise is beyond me. But onto their music. Fire Ant's alone is amazing, and it's not even on their album, which i stil don't have. Margin in Irish is beyond catchy, you'll catch yourself mumbling the words just because they sound so good. Rember when is also amazing. I heavily Recomend them!

Women of music, and why they rock!

Now i know this is going to be a very odd post. But hear me out. I recent years more and more i have added a lot of female artists, bands containing female lead singers and all girl band's. And this is for a very good reason. No im not some kind of lesbian trapped in a man's body. No it's because female artist's thankfully sing about topics from a different viewpoint then the overkill of male singer's out there. 

Pop-Punk, punk, rock, emo so on and so forther is full of male singers. There's far to many of them. And when most of them are singing about girls that have jilted them it becomes pretty stagnant and annoying. Now the real talent amoung them is those who can write new songs that tell the same old stories and still sound good. The difference with female artist's is that they tell completly different stories from a new point of view. They are also inclined to sing about nothing the odd time too, and compared to a lot of what i listen too this is a very good thing.

I will start talking about each artist as briefly as i can and explain why i like them.

Avril Lavigne:

Now before i get started, i hate her new stuff, it's awful. But the moody earlier stuff and her hits, that's what i love. And it's not because they are catchy or in some case's really emotional or whiney, no it's because they are really good songs. Complicated or My happy ending, brilliant songs. And she should never be put down based on being comercial or that new pop crap. She was once really really good and coloberated on writting some very good songs. I dare you to listen to her first 2 albums and not like them. There are of course a few duds here and there, and Sk8r boi is just formulaic and annoying but most of her early songs were brilliant and she is a good artist.

The Like:

Oh how i love the like. 3 Gorgeous girls with slightly unique fashion sense and well they're just really good at what they do. What they do is write catchy and melodic indie tunes that are sometimes hard to understand due to Z Berg's deep and smooth voice but brilliant none-the-less. What i say and what i mean, June Gloom and (so i sit here) Waiting are all amazing songs. And it has been a very long time coming but i can not wait for their next album. Also, i have a thing for Z berg ever since her eye's locked onto mine at a gig. Oh and Charlotte Froom is very hot in hot pants and who could forget the mad thing that is the cute british drummer Tennessee Thomas.


Ah paramore. I forgive them for their christian beginings. I forgive them for their fanbase. I forgive them for not being as amazing as they could be. And i love them for having b-side's that rock more than their album tracks. Hayley Williams has one hell of a voice and she use's it well. The latter half of their first album was forgetable, mainly due to My heart and Franklin but the rest, omfg the rest! Pressure alone is brilliant, but all we know, Brighter, whoa and Here we go again seal the deal and remind you that these kids are talented. Emergency is also a keeper but slightly too melodramatic compared to the rest and thankfully they dropped most of that emo edge. Now Their second album, although amazing didnt seem to deliver enough. Misery Business alone is a huge achievement, but That's what you get and Crush,crush, crush never seem to hit the right spot when it come's to catchy brilliance. I sing along anyway but there's better in this band. That better is song's like Rewind, Stop this song(love sick melody) and Decode. All b-side's. Every line in all 3 of these song's is catchy. The songs themselves are chock full of catchy little hooks and riffs and just show off how good this band is even when they dont try too hard or overproduce a song just for album space. Also look out for their acoustic performance's and their cover of Foo Fighters My Hero.

Leanne Harte:

Keeping the Irish end up so to speak. This talented solo artist can do things with a guitar you could only imagine a guitar soloist from a huge group could do. For simple indie songs and moderate writing tallent the really interest here is her skills with a guitar. She's just a genious and talented at that. What's even better is a friend of mine used to have guitar lesson's from her, and apparently she doesn't even know scale's or the major chords, or at least cant teach them. Impressive stuff for such a talented artist. She apparently works in Tower Records off graffton street. If you're like me you'd wish she would make some more music soon because she is brilliant.

Emily (r.i.p):

Another example of Irish music, and it is a terrible terrible thing that these guys are gone. No one in the band was called emily, and the lead singer Christine wasn't a Hayley Williams but she was good at what she did. What she did was belt out some seriously catchy tunes to some heavy and fast pop-punk riffs with an air of metal behind them that were just catchy as hell and really really melodic. Just because you say it, Fold like a twenty, Dear Temptation, Disco aint dead it's just resting, Trainwreck on great denmark street and the b-side's Fool me twice and i'll put you to the ground, down but never out and the song I helped name "We're gonna need a bigger boat". Yes folks i helped name that song, and it is one of my favourite song's ever. It was so emotional when christine cried at the end of it when i saw them at their second last gig and it's a shame they're gone. I love them to bits and they are just brilliant. Powerful and catchy a shame they're gone. Come on "You fold like a twenty", has to be in the runing for best wierd insult in a song ever!


I have to say it, they are FAR from perfect. But they are talented, a bit off the wall, not exactly the best singers. But damn are they catchy and sometime's funny. Their best song by far has to be Fuck Music. The very idea of loving music so much you want to fuck it is brilliant in itself but the song is just amazing. Hey Kids, structures and Don't Get Excited are also radio friendly tracks from what is basically a patchy album with a few gem's here and there. Fat boy and rock whore are weak and annoying but as a whole i love this band and it's kind of a specialist taste as i know not everyone would or could love them.

Miss Conduct/S!rens:

If you don't know them yet, you should start listening. Now called S!rens and with a new singer, but just as talented this band is just awe inspiring. Really really heavy riffs that are catchy on their own but add the amazing vocal's of Emma-Jane and you have a bad that can easily surpass paramore in brilliance. Their album should be out soon, but i heavily recommend their Ep Sinner vs Sinned which was recored with their old singer. Just an amazing bad, they will go far.

Hey Monday:

Now as a new signing to Fueled by Ramen they are obviously going to be compared by label-mate's paramore, but they are different. For one their're nowhere near as strong vocally and their riff's aren't as strongly layered or as talented. But among a few week song's like their first release Homecoming there is some amazing catchy jem's.  Set off, How you love me now, Obvious, Should've tried harder and the morale story of Josey. This band doesnt hit the mark but there is amazing potnetial. Obvious's basic chorus of "ah-ah-obvious" is surprisingly catchy and the story telling in Josey is brilliant if not a little disjointed. Arizona is also to be praised, but including a geographical inacuracy in a chorus should be fround apon. 6 Months is also a great slow song, but i can't help but feel the lead singer Cassadee Pope isn't up to the task. For such a moving song she fall's short of hitting the higher notes.
The Dollyrots:

Now they may be a bit gimmicky and Brand new key may be a reworking of "i've got a new combine harvester" but this band are amazing. Catchy beyond belief and just a big ball of fun. Only this band could cover "be my baby" from dirty dancing and get away with it. Why do you ask, "Because i'm awesome!" Enough said.

Mod Rocket:

A 4 some of young girls from New York. Rising star's that should be watched. Their really really talented for such basic songs and you have to enjoy them for that alone. Their simple, they're brilliant and they talk about the oddest things, sometimes nothing. I still struggle to know what Sonic is talking about other than some loose connection to talking to a boyfriend. 

Katy Perry:

Now now, forget I kissed a girl. It may be a mega-huge hit, but she's also pretty good. Sure she might actually be a marketing ploy but her songs are pretty good. One of the boys, Hot N Cold, Waking up in vagas and Mannequin are all really good. For a brief time i listened to her album more than Fall Out Boy's latest, with good reason, her catchyness and wit was easy to notice for a first album. For such a late album fall out boy's follie a deux require's a fan's ear to slowly get used to it's brilliance, katy perry is simple easy pop and it work's so well.

The Veronicas:

This Australian Electro-pop group are amazingly catchy and some how havent reached europe yet. They are really really good. I can't help but love them. Now some songs may seem simple and basically pop fodder, but they do it so well. Untouched, Hook me up, Take me on the floor and the simplistic Popular are just kareoke and sing along classic's that can easily get even the most hardened soul's bouncing about to pretty simple lyrics and amazing hooks. Their earlier work is good too but i havent given it as many listen's because their 2nd Album Hook Me Up is just so good!  Also, did i mention they're Non-identical twins, added bonus i think...


An irish indie group that i just love. They're coincidentatly also non-identical twin's and seem to have gotten their name from the same movie, or at least i think so. That movie being Heathers with Winona Ryder, in it she play's Veronica a member of a group of friends containing 3 girls called Heather. The Veronicas named themselve's after veronica where as the source of Heather's for Ellie and Louise is beyond me. But onto their music. Fire Ant's alone is amazing, and it's not even on their album, which i stil don't have. Margin in Irish is beyond catchy, you'll catch yourself mumbling the words just because they sound so good. Rember when is also amazing. I heavily Recomend them!