Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Challenging Stereotypes, a few embed clips at a time.
Puma quite possibly made on of the best Valentine's ad's ever!
It's so chilling, it's so brilliant.
It's football fan's, a stereotypically macho and angry bunch singing a love song normally sung by an effemenate Australian. Just wow.
A Bunch of white girls and their winning performance and a predominantly african american Step ( a form of dance envolving rhythem, tapping, stopming, clapping and a lot of showing off) competetion in the states.
The crowd a raucious, loud, rude, in shock, hooping and hollering, and they love it. Oh and they're almost entirely african american.
A sign that a competiton that is supposidly full of boasts that white people don't have rhythem, or that only african americans can win, by the shear fact they're the only one's who compete, has been over turned by 9 minutes of amazing tap dancing. From Girls from Arkansas at that!
Affirmative action in reverse, or real talent?
Monday, February 15, 2010
2 weeks alone, 1 day out, 1 week left..
till the Parents get home and i have to find work and study for the driver theory test.
So 2 weeks of squalor and laziness down. Yeah i seemed to spend most of my time doing absoloutly nothing, but i'm home a lone. The food is slowly running out and all creativity is gone from my veins. Well i say that, i have idea's but with my desk and personal computer gone, i have no place to work or be myself, the house and even my room has almost no sense of being "mine" anymore.
So even though i'm me, my creative side has been absent. So i've basically just lounged around the place and done very little.
Last weekend, not yesterday, the weekend before that, i did attempt to Cycle to the shops but i ended up a bit exhausted and with a sore arse so i didn't quite make it.
On Monday i walked to the shops and got some additional supplies and on the way home bumped into my neighbour who gave me a lift.
On Wednesday i finally headed into town to run some errands and see old friends.
I got into town around 1 but no one was about in the Gimby because of some debate, the Office i needed in Trinity for a form to be filled out was closed, so i went window shopping.
I walked into bookstores, pre-ambled through Temple bar and went through back streets to Temple Bar South. I looked around in Lazer and then the Secret bookstore and tower records. I then went into mobile shops for a little more shopping around, looking at potential new phones.
I eventually reached the 3 stores and discussed getting the new INQ 3G Chat to replace my INQ1, but i wasn't to sure whether to get it on bill pay or best of both. For bill pay the guy tried to sell me some Nokia Blackberry rip off, that was actually a better phone than the INQ, but in the end i thought the Chat was what i truly wanted, and if i could afford it and prove i had enough in my bank account i would get it. Neither of which were true... So i told the Salesperson i would think about it and left sad knowing i couldnt have the cool gadget.
By that stage the office i wanted had to be open so i started heading back to Trinity.
PG then started texting me to meet up like we had planed, but i was running very far behind and almost out of credit.
I entered the office and asked for them to help with what i needed, wrong office...
The correct office. Apparently the version of the form i had was far longer, and also, i'm apparently on "Off Books". Something i didn't apply for since i thought once i failed my appeal, i was out.
I was sent to the origional office to check my official status. Yes, apparently through massive clerical fuck up i'm still IN Trinity, albeit off Books. Now i have to sort that out with my Tutor and the Senior Tutor.
Here's me thinking i'm a free agent, i've been and come back from Australia looking for work, and i'm apparently still in college??? I've even applied for the CAO to enter college next year. I'm also applying for the dole and need this letter saying i'm no longer IN Trinity, and some how i am. WTF?
All while sorting out this mess i was getting texts from PG to meet her in Some pancake cafe in Temple Bar.
I bought some credit and also heard for DS who had agreed to meet me to hang out.
I met with PG and another old gang member and PG gave me very belated Xmas and birthday gifts. The only present i had received for my Birthday as my parents had left a day or two before. We then went for some White hot chocolate from Butlers Chocolate Cafe. My treat for some reason. Which PG apparently loved.
We then Parted way's at the Whore (Molly Malone) and PG went off to meet up with Avril.
I met DS at the bottom of Grafton street and he told me he had some cloths shopping to do, so we did that.
Truly out of our comfort zone's we went into BT2, the mens department was in the basement, how demeaning.
It was all over priced and slightly rediculous, half this stuff wouldn't be worn by straight men. It was all, so, fashionable, it's like they don't know men at all!
DS couldn't find what he was looking for, a pair of black Size 29 Jeans. Skinny feckar.
So we then tried Brown Thomas.
Even the Door greeters are gone now, sign's of the recession!
I told my anecdote that as a child i always thought the Make-up stands looked like the control's of the Enterprise, or would make good cheap props for sci-fi.
Again, the men's department was in the basement. Further insult.
But this one was almost identical, but with mirrors on every wall to make the place look bigger and disorientate the customer. DS couldn't find what he was looking for and we both Moaned about how shit the selection was, DS even saying he'd prefare to just go to London or Milan again on cheap Ryanair flight to find cloths he wanted. Not a bad idea, this place was just disturbing, and overwhelming not suited for "normal" men.
Lost, we ascended an exit and it took me a few seconds to get my barrings. The Make-up area of Brown Thomas has displays too tall to see the exits, and they are all in line of sight to prevent you from moving smoothly through the store, it's a shopping TRAP!
We exited on a side street and we were safe!
I then went book shopping, first to re-view books i'd seen on film in The Secret Bookstore and another one on College Green.
The books in the secret bookstore weren't that good, but i did find a book on Watergate for 1 Euro, how could i say no to that!
We went to college green where there were 3 books i had my eye on.
1 on Road movies, another sort of essay/academic book explaining On the Road by Jack Kerouac and one on Music festivals in america. All "research" for a road movie student film that i hope to make myself, somehow in the near-by future.
In the end i bought the Road movie book and a Film Studies text book that i found. All about 30 euro altogether.
After that i couldn't think of much else to do other than spend time with college friends, and i didn't have the money to see a movie, so DS and myself parted ways.
I popped into Trinity via Nassau street and was met with the Rotting smell of the Tree that once stood there. I had witnessed it's removal while studying during the summer and now it was a foul smell. How nice...
I arrived in the Gimby and ascended to the Societies room's. Not that many people were around.
DJ was in the corner Hurridly writting an essay and talking to someone about his work for the Trinity Arts festival, his comunity centre and how he knew certain people.
And Nordie 2 was sitting reading Philosophy, in German, a language he only picked up of his Dutch roommate last year.
I told him about my time in Oz and my college status etc etc He then returned to reading and passed a few Joke's and discussions on German grammar with Letch.
Then Nordie 2 recieved a phone call in which he said "...all you need is a thick Belfast accent and a threatening tone and you're set..." I have no idea what he was talking about but i couldn't help but smile.
A few panicked Society dealing went on while i sat there, as the Ballot box had dissapeared, found again, in the Other's hands for some reason. And a person who lost a phone popped up looking for it, but a big clean had been done and such item's put in a box, who's whereabouts was unknown and only one person who was unreachable knew where it might be. So basically a normal day for the Society, just that it was my old friends now in these positions of power, and i could have been one of them.
Few people were around and a Workshop for debatting was starting so i left.
I then left town as there was nothing left to do and PG and met up with her other half so i knew of no-one still hanging around.
That was Wednesday. I didnt do much for the rest of the week and my sleep pattern hasn't been the May West.
Yesterday 2 family friends popped by at different times, witnessing my disheveled unshave tracksuit waring self. But luckily my parents had rung in advance to warn that one of them might be comming over so i was able to scrub the kitchen in time to make it look like i was on top of things. I was just about to have the last of the Porridge when the first popped by.
Then latter in the day i heard the sound of a car arriving. I looked out, it was a Garda car. Confused i answered the door.
It was a friends of the Families wife, she was handing in books for the Driver's theory test that had been borrowed by the same guy who helped me with my CAO application. Very handy, i might pick them up over the next week or so and be ready to have the test ASAP when my parents get home.
5 days left and i've little to do, as usual. Just started reading the Road Movie book out of boredom, even woke at a reasonable time.
Sorry for the lack of blogs, i've had little to say and i left talking about wednesday off for age's.
Task's to do:
Clean house fully
Buy Staples and food for parents return.
Sort out "off books" status with college/tutor/senior tutor.
Bring forms to Social welfare office.
Study for Driver Theory Test
So 2 weeks of squalor and laziness down. Yeah i seemed to spend most of my time doing absoloutly nothing, but i'm home a lone. The food is slowly running out and all creativity is gone from my veins. Well i say that, i have idea's but with my desk and personal computer gone, i have no place to work or be myself, the house and even my room has almost no sense of being "mine" anymore.
So even though i'm me, my creative side has been absent. So i've basically just lounged around the place and done very little.
Last weekend, not yesterday, the weekend before that, i did attempt to Cycle to the shops but i ended up a bit exhausted and with a sore arse so i didn't quite make it.
On Monday i walked to the shops and got some additional supplies and on the way home bumped into my neighbour who gave me a lift.
On Wednesday i finally headed into town to run some errands and see old friends.
I got into town around 1 but no one was about in the Gimby because of some debate, the Office i needed in Trinity for a form to be filled out was closed, so i went window shopping.
I walked into bookstores, pre-ambled through Temple bar and went through back streets to Temple Bar South. I looked around in Lazer and then the Secret bookstore and tower records. I then went into mobile shops for a little more shopping around, looking at potential new phones.
I eventually reached the 3 stores and discussed getting the new INQ 3G Chat to replace my INQ1, but i wasn't to sure whether to get it on bill pay or best of both. For bill pay the guy tried to sell me some Nokia Blackberry rip off, that was actually a better phone than the INQ, but in the end i thought the Chat was what i truly wanted, and if i could afford it and prove i had enough in my bank account i would get it. Neither of which were true... So i told the Salesperson i would think about it and left sad knowing i couldnt have the cool gadget.
By that stage the office i wanted had to be open so i started heading back to Trinity.
PG then started texting me to meet up like we had planed, but i was running very far behind and almost out of credit.
I entered the office and asked for them to help with what i needed, wrong office...
The correct office. Apparently the version of the form i had was far longer, and also, i'm apparently on "Off Books". Something i didn't apply for since i thought once i failed my appeal, i was out.
I was sent to the origional office to check my official status. Yes, apparently through massive clerical fuck up i'm still IN Trinity, albeit off Books. Now i have to sort that out with my Tutor and the Senior Tutor.
Here's me thinking i'm a free agent, i've been and come back from Australia looking for work, and i'm apparently still in college??? I've even applied for the CAO to enter college next year. I'm also applying for the dole and need this letter saying i'm no longer IN Trinity, and some how i am. WTF?
All while sorting out this mess i was getting texts from PG to meet her in Some pancake cafe in Temple Bar.
I bought some credit and also heard for DS who had agreed to meet me to hang out.
I met with PG and another old gang member and PG gave me very belated Xmas and birthday gifts. The only present i had received for my Birthday as my parents had left a day or two before. We then went for some White hot chocolate from Butlers Chocolate Cafe. My treat for some reason. Which PG apparently loved.
We then Parted way's at the Whore (Molly Malone) and PG went off to meet up with Avril.
I met DS at the bottom of Grafton street and he told me he had some cloths shopping to do, so we did that.
Truly out of our comfort zone's we went into BT2, the mens department was in the basement, how demeaning.
It was all over priced and slightly rediculous, half this stuff wouldn't be worn by straight men. It was all, so, fashionable, it's like they don't know men at all!
DS couldn't find what he was looking for, a pair of black Size 29 Jeans. Skinny feckar.
So we then tried Brown Thomas.
Even the Door greeters are gone now, sign's of the recession!
I told my anecdote that as a child i always thought the Make-up stands looked like the control's of the Enterprise, or would make good cheap props for sci-fi.
Again, the men's department was in the basement. Further insult.
But this one was almost identical, but with mirrors on every wall to make the place look bigger and disorientate the customer. DS couldn't find what he was looking for and we both Moaned about how shit the selection was, DS even saying he'd prefare to just go to London or Milan again on cheap Ryanair flight to find cloths he wanted. Not a bad idea, this place was just disturbing, and overwhelming not suited for "normal" men.
Lost, we ascended an exit and it took me a few seconds to get my barrings. The Make-up area of Brown Thomas has displays too tall to see the exits, and they are all in line of sight to prevent you from moving smoothly through the store, it's a shopping TRAP!
We exited on a side street and we were safe!
I then went book shopping, first to re-view books i'd seen on film in The Secret Bookstore and another one on College Green.
The books in the secret bookstore weren't that good, but i did find a book on Watergate for 1 Euro, how could i say no to that!
We went to college green where there were 3 books i had my eye on.
1 on Road movies, another sort of essay/academic book explaining On the Road by Jack Kerouac and one on Music festivals in america. All "research" for a road movie student film that i hope to make myself, somehow in the near-by future.
In the end i bought the Road movie book and a Film Studies text book that i found. All about 30 euro altogether.
After that i couldn't think of much else to do other than spend time with college friends, and i didn't have the money to see a movie, so DS and myself parted ways.
I popped into Trinity via Nassau street and was met with the Rotting smell of the Tree that once stood there. I had witnessed it's removal while studying during the summer and now it was a foul smell. How nice...
I arrived in the Gimby and ascended to the Societies room's. Not that many people were around.
DJ was in the corner Hurridly writting an essay and talking to someone about his work for the Trinity Arts festival, his comunity centre and how he knew certain people.
And Nordie 2 was sitting reading Philosophy, in German, a language he only picked up of his Dutch roommate last year.
I told him about my time in Oz and my college status etc etc He then returned to reading and passed a few Joke's and discussions on German grammar with Letch.
Then Nordie 2 recieved a phone call in which he said "...all you need is a thick Belfast accent and a threatening tone and you're set..." I have no idea what he was talking about but i couldn't help but smile.
A few panicked Society dealing went on while i sat there, as the Ballot box had dissapeared, found again, in the Other's hands for some reason. And a person who lost a phone popped up looking for it, but a big clean had been done and such item's put in a box, who's whereabouts was unknown and only one person who was unreachable knew where it might be. So basically a normal day for the Society, just that it was my old friends now in these positions of power, and i could have been one of them.
Few people were around and a Workshop for debatting was starting so i left.
I then left town as there was nothing left to do and PG and met up with her other half so i knew of no-one still hanging around.
That was Wednesday. I didnt do much for the rest of the week and my sleep pattern hasn't been the May West.
Yesterday 2 family friends popped by at different times, witnessing my disheveled unshave tracksuit waring self. But luckily my parents had rung in advance to warn that one of them might be comming over so i was able to scrub the kitchen in time to make it look like i was on top of things. I was just about to have the last of the Porridge when the first popped by.
Then latter in the day i heard the sound of a car arriving. I looked out, it was a Garda car. Confused i answered the door.
It was a friends of the Families wife, she was handing in books for the Driver's theory test that had been borrowed by the same guy who helped me with my CAO application. Very handy, i might pick them up over the next week or so and be ready to have the test ASAP when my parents get home.
5 days left and i've little to do, as usual. Just started reading the Road Movie book out of boredom, even woke at a reasonable time.
Sorry for the lack of blogs, i've had little to say and i left talking about wednesday off for age's.
Task's to do:
Clean house fully
Buy Staples and food for parents return.
Sort out "off books" status with college/tutor/senior tutor.
Bring forms to Social welfare office.
Study for Driver Theory Test
Monday, February 8, 2010
Everyone knows cover songs rule...
Eh, well not all of them. But sometimes they do in fact rule.
Even if musical taste is subjective, as i often try and attest, sometimes you cant ignore a good cover version of a song, sometimes improving it, sometimes sounding just as good if not better with someone else's sound.
For instance there is this song:
It's a bit out there, but then someone covered it. It was put on a ad for Sony, and the rest is chart history.
But then there are non-comercial covers, ie the wonderous sanctioned performance's of Radio 1's Live Lounge.
Stronger by Kanye West (with a massive Daft Punk Sample)
Become's Stronger by 30 Seconds to Mars
That is all.
Even if musical taste is subjective, as i often try and attest, sometimes you cant ignore a good cover version of a song, sometimes improving it, sometimes sounding just as good if not better with someone else's sound.
For instance there is this song:
It's a bit out there, but then someone covered it. It was put on a ad for Sony, and the rest is chart history.
But then there are non-comercial covers, ie the wonderous sanctioned performance's of Radio 1's Live Lounge.
Stronger by Kanye West (with a massive Daft Punk Sample)
Become's Stronger by 30 Seconds to Mars
That is all.
The Many B-Sides and rarity's of Paramore.
I really love this band, but they have a hell of a lot of b-side's and rare song's that are not on their albums.
What's even more amazing about this is that almost all the songs are of the same strength as those that did make the cut.
Some of the song's i've only recently found, but they are all just as good as the rest. I used this wikipedia page to figure them all out etc
So here they are in no particular order:
(Not really a b-side as it appears as an extra song on several versions of the album Riot! and also was performed frequently as part of the Riot! based tour's and featured on the live album The Final Riot)
Thus conclude's a massive dumping of embedded html links to youtube songs i couldn't be arsed ripping into mp3's and perpetuating piracy. Instead i will use these links for personal use until i obtain the songs in some hypothetical future...
What's even more amazing about this is that almost all the songs are of the same strength as those that did make the cut.
Some of the song's i've only recently found, but they are all just as good as the rest. I used this wikipedia page to figure them all out etc
So here they are in no particular order:
(Not really a b-side as it appears as an extra song on several versions of the album Riot! and also was performed frequently as part of the Riot! based tour's and featured on the live album The Final Riot)
Thus conclude's a massive dumping of embedded html links to youtube songs i couldn't be arsed ripping into mp3's and perpetuating piracy. Instead i will use these links for personal use until i obtain the songs in some hypothetical future...
Friday, February 5, 2010
Somebody to love....
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
George Michael?
Anne Hathaway?
Or an Xfactor classic?
No? Shucks, it's not easy wanting to be loved.
George Michael?
Anne Hathaway?
Or an Xfactor classic?
No? Shucks, it's not easy wanting to be loved.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A poem i just wrote,
I don't know where it came from but i had a sudden urge to write a few rhymes down and eventually it turned into a sort of loose poem.
It's rough and not perfect but i thought i'd just share it as i have no idea what to do with it.
Image via Wikipedia
By and by,
The end of the world is nigh,
the fisherman still fishes,
and the couple still kisses
Soon will be the meek's week,
and the dancers still dance cheek to cheek,
a wise man strokes his beard,
and tell's the children its not what they feared,
Time ticks on,
and birds sing song,
and some sit wiping their ass,
what a strange way to let the world pass,
for the wind still blows,
and onward life goes,
as it draws to an end,
we'll just pretend,
that the lovers won't be caught,
and places in line not bought,
as they polish the gate,
we whistle and wait,
the twiddling of thumbs,
and the idling of drums,
the rapture upon us,
there shouldn't be a fuss,
for by and by,
the end is nigh,
and we keep on living,
till something says STOP.
I'll pretend it means something, or that i knew what that meaning is. To me it's just words i strung together and couldn't stop doing until i found a poignant end to the flow. I know feck all about poetry and usually only write Lyrics, but i like what i was saying, so i've shared it.
Critique would be welcome.
It's rough and not perfect but i thought i'd just share it as i have no idea what to do with it.

By and by,
The end of the world is nigh,
the fisherman still fishes,
and the couple still kisses
Soon will be the meek's week,
and the dancers still dance cheek to cheek,
a wise man strokes his beard,
and tell's the children its not what they feared,
Time ticks on,
and birds sing song,
and some sit wiping their ass,
what a strange way to let the world pass,
for the wind still blows,
and onward life goes,
as it draws to an end,
we'll just pretend,
that the lovers won't be caught,
and places in line not bought,
as they polish the gate,
we whistle and wait,
the twiddling of thumbs,
and the idling of drums,
the rapture upon us,
there shouldn't be a fuss,
for by and by,
the end is nigh,
and we keep on living,
till something says STOP.
I'll pretend it means something, or that i knew what that meaning is. To me it's just words i strung together and couldn't stop doing until i found a poignant end to the flow. I know feck all about poetry and usually only write Lyrics, but i like what i was saying, so i've shared it.
Critique would be welcome.
Morgan M Morganson, a brilliant short film.
Here's a brilliant short film that i found on HitRecord, staring Joesph Gordon-Levitt.
The tongue twisting and hilarious narration is rather amazing, if only me food brigner penguin would appearise!
The tongue twisting and hilarious narration is rather amazing, if only me food brigner penguin would appearise!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sweet Disposition....
What can i say, it's just an amazing song. I first heard it on the trailer for (500) Days of Summer, and have loved it ever since.

It also helped make my brief time in Australia just that bit more happy/tolerable/familiar.
It's just such a damn good song.
I know i preach that music is Subjective, but to me this song is just Sublime. Not the best song ever, that's not possible, but ultimately a song that will be in my favorites list for decades to come.
And of course, i still love the aforementioned movie.
I was watching Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy last night and Zoe Deschenel was actually likable in it.
In Elf and as Summer, she kind of seem's like a really attractive cold person. But her quirkiness worked in Hitchhikers, even if it was a short movie.
Joesph Gordon-Levitt on the other hand could never anger me. He's just to god damn good of an actor.
From Tommy in 3rd Rock from the Sun, to 10 Things i hate about you, to a gay prostitute abused as a child, to a jilted boyfriend solving his ex's murder in the Gumshoe-fantastic Brick, to a disgruntled "Stop-lost" Soldier, hell even the psycho Dr in GI Joe, the boy can do no wrong!

That's why his hitRecord project sounds so damn promising. I can't explain it all myself, but it's basically a music, art, writing and film collective whose sole aim is to share it's content and intellectual property amongst it's users so that they can use it and mash it all up and make something special all in the spirit of free speech and intellectual freedom. Count me in!
And yes i first heard about it from a fellow Blogger, White Rabbit to be precise. But i didn't get around to signing up or fully hoping to embrace the idea until now.
I pine i weep, i perish for a chance to some day make my own movie, or failing that a student film (more on that later).
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