What can i say, it's just an amazing song. I first heard it on the trailer for (500) Days of Summer, and have loved it ever since.

It also helped make my brief time in Australia just that bit more happy/tolerable/familiar.
It's just such a damn good song.
I know i preach that music is Subjective, but to me this song is just Sublime. Not the best song ever, that's not possible, but ultimately a song that will be in my favorites list for decades to come.
And of course, i still love the aforementioned movie.
I was watching Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy last night and Zoe Deschenel was actually likable in it.
In Elf and as Summer, she kind of seem's like a really attractive cold person. But her quirkiness worked in Hitchhikers, even if it was a short movie.
Joesph Gordon-Levitt on the other hand could never anger me. He's just to god damn good of an actor.
From Tommy in 3rd Rock from the Sun, to 10 Things i hate about you, to a gay prostitute abused as a child, to a jilted boyfriend solving his ex's murder in the Gumshoe-fantastic Brick, to a disgruntled "Stop-lost" Soldier, hell even the psycho Dr in GI Joe, the boy can do no wrong!

That's why his hitRecord project sounds so damn promising. I can't explain it all myself, but it's basically a music, art, writing and film collective whose sole aim is to share it's content and intellectual property amongst it's users so that they can use it and mash it all up and make something special all in the spirit of free speech and intellectual freedom. Count me in!
And yes i first heard about it from a fellow Blogger, White Rabbit to be precise. But i didn't get around to signing up or fully hoping to embrace the idea until now.
I pine i weep, i perish for a chance to some day make my own movie, or failing that a student film (more on that later).
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