I got my INQ 1 back in March or there abouts, as a belated birthday gift. And i love it. I really do. But i kind of want more from my phone. That's why i was eager to upgrade to the INQ Chat 3G when it comes out, which is expected around next month or so.
Now i have no garuntee that it will work when i go to Oz, or if i can even get it down under, but i would love it. But considering the whole "new" network thing and new country aspect i am considering other options. And truthfully i would like to upgrade to a Smartphone.
Now i am an avid, anything else user. I like to use underdogs and unpopular tools in most aspects of my gadgetry and computing. Okay, so i use windows, but thats about it. I use everything else that isn't windows after that.
My toys are visable here:
And this is my current Mobile:

But since i'm upping sticks i'm considering what i would like to buy at the other end.
Firstly i DO NOT want an iPhone. I may have an iPod and may have had a first generation one all those years ago but i'm not a Mac person. Never was, never will be. I like the clunky messyness of Windows and the free market that sprung up around it.
I don't want my computing or gadgets all uniformed to one sleek white style or using all the same software. No, i like variety, and I LIKE FLAWS. It let's you know what you're lacking, and what can be improved. Thats the essance of a good free consummer market. Feck brands and monopolies, give me choice and different standards of quality any day! As long as it all works of course...
Altough, i must conceed that i am a fan of Google. So on the smart phone front i am tempted by anything that runs their "Android" software.
The HTC Hero is the current top dog in that department:

It's sleek, and it's nice. And has all the usual google toys and an app store, small yes, but it exists. And as far as i know it's the second largest.
The next big thing in Android phone's is the Motorolla Droid.
The droid is at war with the iPhone claiming it does things the iPhone doesn't.
I don't get all the hype, but i like the phone.

It looks very nice, but for the near-by future it looks like it will be an America only thing. Not exactly buyable down under then.
Now the iPhone may be a piece of cake and popular, but i don't want it. But i would like a slice of this iPhone Cake:

Fecking nerdy wedding cake, still looks nice though.
Now the Nokia N97 is the Scandanavian offering to the world of Smartphones. It's nice, i do like it, i've held one in stores and i do like the feel, and the qwerty keybored is a plus.
It also has an app store. Via Ovi. A company Nokia swallowed to make it's new toys for their toys. It also aims to be a very social collection of aps, with geo-location, events, calanders, facebook, twitter and other things.
It's nice, but it's main failing, it's a Nokia.
I've always disliked Nokia. I don't sware by any brand, and in mobile terms Nokia always seemed like Apple to me, before Apple came along.
The nice, but to nokia, Nokia N97

For a non-smartphone option there is the slightly odd Samsung Ping.
Now the mobile phone critics, yes they exist, don't like it. But i think it has a charm. And a slight brilliance.
It has some in-built Facebook and twitter aps, but not of the same standard as other phones, and not as nice as INQ. But look at it!

Not the best colour, or angle. But it's Qwerty, with a sideways numerical keyboard, along the side of the screen, or the top of the keyboard, depending on your angle.
The Number keys work as a normal phone when in phone mode.
But then you can pop out your QWERTY keyboard and chat away like mad.
I like it. It's not pretty, but it has a charm, and it has the right idea.
The Nokia N97 and the Droid have this, but they're very powerful, very specialist and very expensive, and not garunteed to be available down under.
The Ping however, is odd, a normal phone, and has a nice keyboard. I really think it's quaint and i wouldn't rule it out just yet.
But the Piece de le resistance, the one i have wanted ever since i heard of it, is..... The INQ CHAT 3G!!!
It's an INQ. I love my INQ. It's mobile web and social networking and handy, but it's cheap and friendly. It's a starter phone for those looking to use all mobile internet has to offer.
And now it's new generation has in-built twitter. The chat is even better, with a Qwerty keyboard.

But the problem with INQ, that i can anticipate is that it doesn't have a long lasting sustainability. I already want to replace my INQ 1 for this better one. I know i can add Java based applications as i wish, such as Snaptu(a handy multible tool) and Google Maps and Opera MINI ( a web browser), but what about a year or two down the line?
My old phones, were that, just phones. I didn't expect them to update. But with the demands of the mobile web and social networking trends are driving change in mobiles.
To ride the wave of this change it would be almost better to get a phone that can change with the times. That does update.
Android phone's will do that. Future Nokia smartphones will probably do that. The Palm Pre and blackberry's will certainly do that, but they're also expensive.
The iPhone. The iPhone was always a scam. The first model a tease. The second a further tease. The 3rd almost what you'd expect. But it doesn't have MMS, or didn't at first. Instead people fork out money for several dozen apps to get the cool toys and useablity they should have had as standard but have to pay for themselves.
With Android phones, there will also be expense, with Nokia, expense, with Blackberry, expense. With INQ Chat, there isn't.
It does, almost all of what i want from the get go. And any freely available programe i want i can add as needed.
The only thing it doesn't do, that i would love, is have better picture useablity. Maybe a inner-camera for video phone, which i'd never use.
A Light/flash.
A stronger camera.
And Twitpic. I love blogging, i would use the QWERTY keyboard and the web, or inbuilt GMAIL to blog. But if i take picture's, i would like to blog them!
iPhone and other people are blogging with picture's on Twitpic and yFrog right now. Why can't cheaper mobile users do the same?
Maybe i'll just wait.
I hope to get my INQ chat 3G before i go, hopefully. And take it with me. But who knows.....
I still can't decide, but i do want to deeply consider this before i get there, and when i get there.
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