Things are all quiet here at home. Well i say quiet, i really mean chaotic but homely. The past few days feel more like a week or longer.
It's not a bad thing, but it's confusing.
My sister is home and she's already settled in.
There's Diet coke can's everywhere. Wine bottle's empty quickly. A supply of beer only lasted a day. And the dishwasher fill's far faster. But that could be to do with the group of friends she had up, but still, that's a fuck load of washing!
What to write, oh what to write:
I tried to start writing yet another one of my story idea's. After a few minute's screaming at the Font feature's on Google Doc's i finally started tapping some words out. But they just pissed me off.
All show, and no tell. If anything it was Masterbatory. All look at me i have this universe and idea's and i can shove these layered characters in off the top of my head as i write, aren't i great, isn't this all sounding so cool, aren't i just the best. Eh no, not really.
I should be telling a story. I have yet to find that story. I do have a universe, a premise, characters i centre it all on and problems and dilema's and settings and so on. But a narritive.... Not yet.
I have no start, no catalysts, nothing at all yet. I really just hated what i started.
It was a list of the family involved and the setting. Not a story in sight. Great writing that.
Oh by the way, the quote "All art is Mastabatory" is possibly the best line i've read all year. It's from "How i payed for College by Marc Acito and i have to say i love that book.
And the fact i read it just before Glee started make's it even better in my eyes.
They say Write what you know, and about what you love. Most of my idea's so far are sci-fi or there abouts.
Well what i know is my life. Hence the blogging, obviously. But what i love to read is Diary type comedy-drama books!
Or at least it's all i have read in any great depth.
Andrian Mole
Ross O'Carol Kelly
and to some extent How i Payed for College.
All comdey-drama's and so on. And i love them. They're a type of book i love. And why i have yet to come up with a story, other than my own life, for such a book myself escapes me.
I've imagined tv-shows based on my high school life or college life all as sample's of Irish culture or of the Male psyche/ mental health. But i have yet to do anything about that. Maybe i should.
Why write about Pirates and keeping a secret for the greater good, or a kid whose imagination creates real worlds to help deal with his own, when i can Write about MEEEEEEE!!!
Hmm, i'll try that some time maybe?
Friendships and the long goodbye.
So i'm going to Australia.
I leave on the 20th.
My going away party is this friday, yes the 13th, but i don't think that's a bad thing.
I considered weighing it up and organising and other things.
But instead i said fuck it and sent out a Facebook evite to all my friends and other such people and did it anyway.
So i'll see them all on Friday and say good bye.
I may also hold a smaller doo here at home on Saturday. My mother kept mentioning it, but the logistics are confusing! And i seem to avoid it like most things at the moment.
I have several emails i should be writing to my friends. I should be sending more texts and so on.
In the case of PG texts don't seem to reach her. A technical glitch i can't figure out and she rarely has the time to discuss. I am glad we're not talking as much as we used to. But when i want to reach her and all i have is Facebook, which she only pops into now and then and never chat's extensively, it just gets annoying and off putting that i don't even bother remembering what i want to say and give up.
I have to say that i really do think i am a right shiteous friend some times. And being stuck at home isn't exactly helping either.
I should go to sleep now. I have shit i should be doing. And now i've added the fact that i want to do one or two more debates to my growing list of tasks. Go me...
You should read baby Barista and the art of war -it's drama comedy but done through the style of blog posts. Real Machiavellian stuff. That's the sort of narrative you should do -of your own life at least. Get the most exciting or dramatic or anything bits and make them one long narrative.
Why thank you, i'll look into it. And stay tuned for any such developments and so on.
And in the spirit of such an idea, i may just, "just" reveal more in my posts than i have in the past.
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