Indeed i ended up getting a tad lazy. On the blog writting side that was. I had 3 planed and following Saturday's night out i felt i had the makings of yet another blog.
So to fully use my Super TITLE's system, which i now feel should be Super Tags...
I will rattle on about the topics i wanted to discuss in my own way all within the same blog post.
It's Life Jim..... Really i thought it was a green alien i could fuck?
-Several day's in one self-critique.
So this part of the post would normally and nominally be much larger. But since i have the super title's i can spread out what i want to talk about and keep them in context.
So talking about my life i will just say what i did do over the past few days, then discuss them in depth else where. Although i'm sure there's more i'm supposed to say but for the life of my little fingers i don't know what it is just yet.
On Thursday i went to the cinema with DS. Following that we did our usual Bromance thing and discussed our love of film while browsing through the various collection's of HMV, Lazer and Tower Records. It wasn't always this way. It used to just be the cinema, but the longer he was in scotland and the less we were in school together and so on, like when we were actually in school together, the more it seemed this was a neccissary addition to our outings. Now we have many a story of our walk and talk moments, but this one was like any other day, just movies galore and plans and so on. My examblor problem came up but i openly said that i didnt want to talk about it. The same could be said for that night.
It was a High Society event, and i will discuss more later. Basically we said good-bye to I-T as he jetted off to the Lone Star State and the bizzare presance of "Air-Con". Considering our mini-heat wave that was very present on Thursday this seemed like a wonderously bizzare idea. Moving air about to both keep cool and warm? INSANE! Sure we boil water and run it through pipes! Some of us just burn smokeless-coal! But Air "Conditioning" how god like! We Catholic's couldn't do that, we're meant to be wet, miserable and greatful for our Temperate potato friendly climate....
Speaking of friendly climate. It was. But i couldn't exactly relax. I didn't know all there to well. And with my Examblor result's a longer story of my own hap-hazard making and my reluctance earlier to mention it i had shot myself in the foot, social-discussion wise. I was left with little to add to conversation after that point. I'll mention more later.
In the gap between seeing DS off and meeting Society folk i went to the computer's in College. I retrived my current story i was typing. For the entire academic year, from my failed repeat's to this summer's exams i had slowly been working on this and i had forgotten to email it's latest update to myself. So i sent it on home so to speak and did my facebook thing. I saw that Boop was talking about American Psycho and how it's graffic nature as a book might not be something she was preparred for. I then realised what else was written and adapted from books by that author. Curiosity drove me to Wikipedia to realise the name. Knowing the balance of my walet i though, why don't i buy some books. So off to the 2nd Science building i made use of it's wash closet facilities and then went back through Campus to Dame Street. Hodgis Figus. Note pad out i started to write down what i wanted. I looked straight away for "The Rule's of attraction" by said writer of American Pyscho, it wasn't in stock. I saw Twilight on the shelf and grabbed it, loving the movie and discussing it's apparent disapointment in book form with several people i though i had to. I then saw "On the Road" close to where i was looking for my first book, it was a must so it was added to my pile. Aware of the sexual leaning's 2 of the books i wanted or had in my hand had i took out my phone. Remembering True Blood and it's sexy vampire way's i searched for the name of the first book at it's Author. This book also was not on the shelf. I then looked for a Chuck Palahniuk book. I either wanted fight club or one of his others, and then i saw Choke. I loved the film, hilarious and about a sex addict, i must have it! Then for reading i knew i should do i sought out 1984. In tring in vain to search for True Bloods origin's i asked a Clerk for assistance, both books i was looking for were out of stock. So i bought my books. I crossed DIRECTLY across the road into Waterstones. They were far more empty due to it being 7-52 and i asked the desk clerk about the same 2 books. He instantly knew that due to request they were out of True blood but he walked me over to Bret Easton Ellis's section and unfortunatly The Rule's of attraction were not there. SO i decided on to eason's. I had time, although it may have been closing time. So across the liffey and up the "TRUE" main street of Dublin. Into Eason's i found the section i was looking for. I then found The Rule's of Attraction. But i couldn't find my sexy vampires. Peeved i kept looking. No avail. I then saw High Fidelity. I love that movie, i've seen it several time's, it was on my mental must list of reads, oh well i said, and i picked it up. Now with no money left with any more than 1 drink and maybe some chewing gum i resigned to the fact i didn't get the book i wanted.
I was already reading Ross O'Carrol Kelly's latest and had it with me. I'm not a book reader as it is but i have been following him as a cultural means of necesity akin to Adrian Mole as an introduction to Adult humour and puberty that all teenager's should read. As a dubliner and a southsider who attended a very upper-middle class school of lower sporting class this was also a must read that i got into very late. Only reading the last 3 books and not the first one's.
I sat on the boardwalk to the left of o'connell bridge facing south. It was covered in rubbish, and assorted immigrant groups and inner city residents. I sat and updated my facebook status on my phone, tweeted on twitter and sat back to look at my books. As i sat a drunk easern european sat beside me. He had 3 can's of beet and one in hand. He then asked me if he could "connect" his brand new iPod suffle with my iPod. I informed him of the technical implausability and i was then informed how he got it. He was in a casino, i didn't know we had any, and had put 2 euro in a vending machine. It had various random prize's and he won. He recieved a 1GB iPod Shuffle, making his evening apparently. He then chatted to me briefly and friendly about my books and i discriped 1984 to him. Albeit ignorantly claiming it was a Fascist regeime. Easy mistake but the introduction didn't make it any clearer. It is a Totalitarian state and a horror story of the kind of things that happened in Soviet Russia at the time but it's not quiet a Socialist state or communism. I was right in comparing it, sort of, to the totalitarian and Demi-god nature of Nazi Germany and not of Soviet Stalinist Russia. More because of the constant state of war and so on. But in truth it's the motherland all over, not the fatherland. But i felt this was a pointless distinction to explaint to an inebriated eastern-european migrant worker who was at that time chatting up an Asian girl with a thick inner-city dublin accent. So i read on. I then briefly was a baby sitter for his 3 un-oppened beers while he went to the toilet accross the street. A roving pack of Sub-asian's of Malasian or Filopino relation dressed like African-American rappers had breifly eye'd up the beer and this was why i was "minding" it. The Happy Gambler returned and soon after was joined by other people of similar european extraction and spoke in their unidentified eastern language. I know small amounts of german, east of that it was all far to similar for me to distinguish. I finished the introduction to 1984, inspired, confused and in awe and moved off to the pub.
Friday was quiet enough. Sort of fell short on my house cleaning duties but i think EYES WELLING at the constant news and music of Michael Jackson was possibly a weak excuse... But my dad did have chore's for me. We cleaned the back yard. i then spent the rest of the day trying to get my Mp3 player to work. Yes it arrived. And it was a bloody nightmare. One i will discuss later. And of COURSE there was the Tennis! You can't clean the kitchen when you have Tennis to watch! O' YOU SO CAN'T! What if you missed a single point, what if it rained? What if McEnroe was more hilarious than normal. IT JUST CAN'T BE MISSED. That and the highlight of that day, for me any way was a sign in the crowd. It read:
Amazing to say the least possible thing i could say when trying to comment on how brilliant, witty and well referanced i thought that particular piece of cardboard was.
Saturday and Sunday, a mini-adventure:
Saturday, out i went again. This time for Lenn's 22nd. Now arriving in town i was early. So i walked around a bit. I was looking for Exchange Street because a Society Friend now had a place there that was basically his for a youth art's centre. Amazing unto itself but i had no idea where it was and it's not exactly furnished or open yet. Even looking for a free Fire Insepection according to facebook.
Now i didn't fid it. I looked at every road i knew in what i thought was the "limit's" of temple bar. Now i don't think there is limit's to temple bar. I count across the river along the boardwalk and that street off of the Ha' Penny Bridge as "Temple Bar". I also count the area South of Temple bar stretching down George's street and in alley's and so on Toward St Stephen's Green as a Mini-Temple bar. It has tourist stuff, cafe's, art-house video stores, the x-box centre, a market, well known and infamous pubs, even a cobbled pub filled alley. It so is Temple-Bar South. But to my shock the next morning, across the street from the road facing Town hall, is a mini-enclave that is OFFICIALLY also part of Temple Bar. I didn't even know it existed, i thought it was a tini strip of buildings before Christ Church and Wood Key. Apparently it was bigger than i thought. Okay so it's full of flats, but still, is it really any more "Temple Bar" then the area's south of it or it's appendage's across the liffey? Acording to the map of Temple Bar yes...
Now when i arrived in town it was 8 o'clock. I bought some Super-Caffine drink in Centra on Westland Row. I then gave 2 euro and a Murray Mint to a homeless guy. Now he appeared to be falling asleep, had an actively burning cigerette in hand and was easily identifiable by all western citizen's as a homeless or hard under person. As he rose his head and smiled a thanks and was surprised by the mint i could see i did a good deed. Now it wasn't poisoned. I am a student nurse after all. But as i saw his smile and lathargic nature i knew straight away that he was something more than the usual street obsticle that people treated him as. No, in a rather disgusting and almost biggotted idiation in my head i gave a name to my realisation that i was going to include in my blog. I gave him the moniker of a Class M homeless person. The Mercedes Benz of lower socio-economic person. He's a methodone dependant person. But by his nature and wry smile not just of thinks but sluggish nature he must also still be a current "intravenous drug user"/IVDU/Heroin Addict. Now people are people, i am after all a hypocritical Socialist. And i felt for the guy. Regardless of his reason for being on the street i was going to give him a mint. The 2 euro on the other hand could have been used in a consumerist way, but would have been far more wasteful in my hands. Or at least i wish to believe that. I didn't need it, and i can't say who would have spent it best. But then again alcohol and cigerette's are heavily taxed so i was indeed doing a better and biggoted thing by believing i was in-directly paying for his treatment and welfare by allowing to continue pursuing his vice's....
Now why i had mint's was simply because they were in my dad's car as a drive-time amusement. But they eventually bite me back in the perverbial.
Now while waling around Temple bar. In my rather odd attirement of a Black Blazer, White Shirt, Purple patterned Tie, Blue Jeans, Black scuffed fromal shoe's that i ware on placement, and a shoulder bag baring the my very own name but in Corporate Logo form, because i get that particular company as a slag name a lot. I walked among weekend revelars, sports fans, hen nights with tiger suit bikini's and pink wings and wonds, tourist's with children rather shocked at the crowds and the shiteness of templre bar all at the same time, and of course PRIDE Week. Now you couldn't mistake them, they are a usual site for night's out as it is, but this time out in politicial and GAY as in happy and load ways. Rainbow flags were everywhere and every hair colour imaginable was also present on some of the more stereotypical Lesbian women. But one interesting note was that i was breifly stook walking slowly behind a group of three DEF Lesbian's who were not quite stereotypical but with the added weight of being hard of hearing it was interesting to say the least. I know they were Lesbian by the lack of virtue of knowing my stereotypes. This being the Rainbow flag wrapped around one of the woman's shoulders, their rather manly attire, their closeness as a group, their hair style's and colour and the rather excited party like face of the def girl in the middle who hand to keep turning to read the words of her two friends.
As i conceded i couldn't find what i was looking for i noticed the mint's were having an effect on me. I hadn't eaten much all day. And mint's are in larger quantities a laxative. I had had about 8 at this stage. So i held the rumbling and descending feelings of the paristaltic motions in my small intestine and colon for as long as i could. Not seeing any public toilets on the map of temple bar and knowing, most of it, in my mind i went to the next best choice. Mc Donalds of Grafton Street. Despite it's heavy foot traffic of "riff-raff", goth's, tourists, students and lower socio-economic types it is a very clean and well run location. Due to the size of the number's it recieve's for healt and saftey it would have to be. And for someone desperate with a need to sit on a clean bodily motions recepticle it was a very nice sight! Wow, that was not a nice experience. Starting a night out sick on a Mc Donalds toilet, usually it's the other way around. I guess that as i don't drink i had to experience it some way or another. Now of course for the drinking population it's usually out of the mouth they get sick, the odd aditional embarrising addition of the other end but not as stereotypical or frequent. Once all terror had passed out of my lower body. I washed my hands heavily and left. But i then knew i should eat.
This was a tough choice. I was in Mc D's. But i went for Burger king instead. I ordered the Recession Buster with sprite. I sat down, alone upstairs amongst happy couple and troupes of people having a good time. As i ate i resigned to not using my mp3 player. My phone was also out of credit. So i read the posters and ate in silence. Cocking an ear to listen to the music comming from the ceiling. I then glanced at my drink. Seeing it was dark in nature i sipped it, curious as to why it looked like a form of Cola. Upon sipping i knew it was a type of Cola. I then lifted the lid, it was a type of cola. I then looked at my receipt, it said Sprite. I then thought about consumer laws, what i had ordered, The item's i had with me and the effort of going down stairs. I thought of eating without drinking and producing the drink as evidance to get sprite instead. But i was eating, i needed to drink the fluid aswell. So i continued, partially wary of the bad luck surrounding a run to the bathroom and an incorrect order.
I arrived at the planned pub and saw that i was early. I will cover this all later.
Now i wasn't as i said staying at Lenn's or anywhere else. My intention was to find a public space, warm and well lit for the night and to finish my book and start 1984. I went to Eddie Rockets, or Empty Pockets as some call it. And had a Malt OREO Milkshake and a glass of water. A rather friendly Sub-Asian, most likely Indian waitress felt it was neccissary to advise me on the consumption of the malt. Warning that it could melt. I smiled and thanked her and continued to read. I finished the book and eventually my 3 glass's worth of Malt and 1 glass of water. I did have more change but decided not to buy food even if the nice waitress did keep asking if i wanted anything else. So i went to the bathroom and left. Oddly i though Bus Aras would be open. Unfortunatly that wonderful Transportation Hub was NOT OPEN. It was unlike the airport and only had drunkards and late night travelers waiting for coach's that would arrive outside without a conductor and then move off in the night. The entire ugly poorly designed megalithic monstrosity of a Bus station was closed. So was Connolly station. So I went to an internet café. Opposed to their signage of 1 euro per hour it was 1.50 per hour. They also wanted cash up front, a most insane concept. Now i couldn't see the price's inside, good tactic. I did my email thing, read facebook and blogs and then watched Michael Jackson video's on youtube. I also checked my walet, i could stretch maybe 2 more hours but it wasn't worth it.
Now i checked bus aras again as it was now 4am, like that made a difference. So i thought, the sky's getting blue, maybe if i walk the full length of the docklands i can phtograph the sunrise.
So i walked on. Down Mayor Street, now possibly the new longest prominade of inhabited buildings and shop front's in the city. Apart from a gap in the yet Unfinished Spencer Dock that is. Now i had walke this area few time's in curriosity and boredom to see how the Luas Extension was progressing. Well, i'd have to say. It was Foggy, my camera's flash kept going off in the confusing blue-grey haze of pre-sunrise. It was a light mist, the distance was obscured but this was maybe 50 metre's distance or further depending on where you were. But my camera caught the moisture like it was rain drops. Every photo of what to my eye were AMAZING views of foggy sky lines, abandoned streets, unattended construction material and the newer building's i hadn't seen before. But my camera is not as powerful as a human eye. It see's the moisture, which i can't, and it see's fuck all light, which i can. It was a beautiful understated dark haze. It gave an eery quality to the deserted sprawl of Boom-time money appartments that were still being added to and finished in the previously industrial area. Spencer dock is now far more finished than it was. I corssed a bridge into sections that were previously un-accessable. The New appartments and offic complex's were all already occupied, or partially despite the boom. Mere month's ago this large "quarter" had no road access at all. It was one massive Construction site. It now had a bridge and had reopened a road that ran through it, as well as building a new branch of Mayor stree that has never before existed on maps, despite the straight line it runs in towards the O2 at the far end of the docks. The convention centre is VERY far from the city. This is at most 20 minute's walk from the IFSC. The Luas really is neccissary here. It has a stop at the college, the spencer dock park, an nother one in the origional house's of the area and it's final stop at the "Point Depot"/O2. It's a very long walk. I stopped in the park and felt awe at the site of a building's skeleton just barely visable in the fog, a work in progress. The crane's tops were not visable and i was standing on fresh grass. So fresh that the sculpted green area wasn't actually landscaped. It was lumpy. A fire access hydrant was randomly placed in the lawn. There was park furniture there and a sculpture but this is a fraction of the "square" that is due to exist. A teaser if you will.
Now i moved on again. Wishing i had walked barefoot in the moist fresh grass but i didnt. 2 Security gaurds approached me on Segway's. Luminous jacket's and all. This was hilarious as the people i had seen throught the docklands were all drunk stumbling creature's heading home in the fog. The deserted landscape and ghostly feel making their presance menacing and reminding me of Zombie movies. But there had been no incident with any of the drunks so far. I was the only sobre person walking in the entire north docklands. This circling and rather odd Security men asked me if i was okay, and soberly i said the wrong thing as if it wasn't a problem. I was currently looking at a scale model of Spencer Dock through a window in one of the buildings. I replied "I'm Just looking." Now to a security person at 430am on a sunday this is the worst thing you can say, or imagine it would be. "I'm mentally and literally raping your significant other", would probably be worse. But i was sobre, disheveled and sobre. I walked on. They didn't seem to do anything but hover and make sure i walked on. Those crazy neo-post-modern reccessionary Private security contractors and they're pointless 2 wheeled toys.
Now i walked further on. Spencer dock is still incomplete. So i walked along the river and then cut back to the Luas Line. An empty street with small Corpo stlye house's all probably worth hundreds of thousands, but possibly millions 2 years ago if they were for sale. Unfinished bus stops littered the side streets. In the distance and behind me taxi's skirted across the place like wild dogs in a ghost town. Preying on the drunk and whisking them home or to other parties. And there was far more than one still going. What do you expect they're irish, they lived in impossibly over priced apartments in the docklands. Most of the revilers must be Mortgaged up to their eyeballs, and drunk and broke in even worse similies. One party was echoeing from some unseeable point in the disance across a vacant lot that decended at least 20 metre's into the ground with a concrete support wall surrounding it. It had formed a mini-lake due to it's dry wall keeping water out but not taking it out. The Docklands are re-claimed lang as it is. But who ever own's this site must be kicking themselve's. It's full of millions of gallons of water. It has a wall to stop that from happening to the foundations of what ever is built there, but it doesn't have a drain or pump or main's access. This undeveloped site is a massive, at least 4 acre gap in the development of the area. Close by among several large appartment building's, at 5 am there was still a loud party going on.
Further down another party next door to the O2 Arena was still going on. On a balcony recessionary dublin youth drunkingly bellowed out Slurred line's of Micael Jackson's Thriller over and over and over. A Taxi arrived and a Chiverlous young man appeared not to be joining the party but collecting someone. I then reached the Liffey again and took a few photo's of Grand Canal dock, to foggy to see, the O2, a Damaged Lighthouse boat and a row of small pleasure craft stretching out into the fog of that blocked the view of the sea. I crossed the Toll bridge, the last crossing. I was now in "Ringsend." The first street i entered was confusing to say the least. I had now entered a Dock-workers style 19th or early 20th century terrace. These house were all 1 story and TINY. But the first few cars parked either side of the road were.... All Geman, and all less than 7 years old. Merc's and BMW's outside what should be "Corpo" house's. It was odd to say the least. I guess the resident's had all cashed in on the future development's that had yet to reach east of the River Dodder on the south side of the docklands. U2's Tower and other building's have yet to get full permission for this area. The origional house's still stand, most still occupied.
I walked further and reached a main road. It led straight to a bridge over the doder as it entered the Liffey. I then crossed another bridge soon after that was beside seemingly abandonded and MASSIVE industrial building's that resmembled gain silo's or a brewry. Also in-view down one side street was the old Gas-o-Metre. Now with a circular appartment building sitting inside it's footprint. Conservation and modernisation side by side. I then turned left in grand canal dock just to see a very curious site. The Grand Canal Dock Theatre. It's red lighting, park area and open jetties and waterfront were odd to say the least. The Theatre itself is also far from finished. But it's outside is open and used. It's also exposed to the water's edge. In Dublin, and Ireland this is just crazy. Public saftey seem's non-existant in that planning. And very few ring bouy's in view. Now i'm all for bringing the water to the venue. But this is GRAND CANAL DOCK. It's not exactly free flowing or natural. The canal is full of rubbish in it's urban length, and so infrequently used that it doesn't drain well enough. To think that all that water runs through the boarder of Inner-city centre and outer satilite village's all the way to this large area beside it's entrance to the liffey. It also meet's the Dodder at this point. A river that used to flood 1970's development's in a first sign of our Greed. To the relief of southside protestors flood defense was built that increased the speed of the Dodder and now frequently Threaten's the Dropping Well Pub in Milltown. Without natural flood area's that river is not always safe. So it also flows out into the Liffey near where i now stood...
A Female Policewoman cycled past me in the fog, to chatty drunks stumbling behind me, now walking faster than my aching unfit legs and blistered feet. I walked through and around the appartments and office's of the liffey's south bank that i had never seen before that night. Too far down, out of the way, not on any main road or transport route. At this point the liffey road is 2 way as it doesnt have a road bridge connection as you head east. This means it's actually a smaller less imporant road, like most of the area. A small cluster of house's and former industrail site's that was growing slower than the northside area's. The Gas-o-Metre was a nice example but it's vaccant. It couldn't sell all it's over priced appartments. It is now "halls" for D.I.T Students at a discount from the developer. Which is just a story i had to tell. In all the wonderful development of the Docklands Grand Canal Dock, Ringsend and "Irishtown" were not getting the same attention as the IFSC, Mayor Stree, Spencer Dock and the Point Depot. Mainly because MOST of the northside area's used to be Rail yards, Canal basin's for the Royal Canal and other dock structure's like warehouse's. With all that gone CIE, the state and the politician's and their friends made a fortune, so did the Docklands development sceheme. But no one else. The residents, the new residents, the new tennants. They're all paying throught the nose for what is now all over priced locations. It's still not finished but the whole concept of this Ghost town area at 5 am just seem's like a joke.
I eventually made it back to The IFSC and the CHQ mall. I walked to connolly which was closed, then Bus Aras, Still Clossed. Connolly again, it wasn't going to open till 7am. It was just turned six. I was limping, my bladder was full and my blisters changed my gaite into a slow painful shuffle where my knee's barely moved and my toe's supported most of my steps. I looked for a place around the back of the station to go but all the door fronts had camera's. And the sky was now blue so any early bird resident of near by buildings could see me. I ducked into some bushes and did my thang.
I hobbled down Talbot street and reached o'connel street. The battle damage was evident from last night's festivities. Dublin Corportation workers and street sweeping trolley's, skips and trucks were out in full force. I stopped at a Londis/Subway beside the top of Henry street and got a 6 inch halm sandwich for 1.99.
Concious of my injured and tired state i walked to the boardwalk i was the other day. A cleaner with a skip slowly picked his way along while hobo's slept on the bench. Above in the contra-flow bus lane a crowd had formed. A Coach sat facing the wrong direction in the lane shwong off it's European Left-hand drive. The crowd appeared to be Romani Gypsy's. They were not leaving the bus but getting onto it. I thought about it and theorised that they might not actually be The same group "expelled" by racism in the North. But it was possible. I read 1984 for around an hour and put my sandwich wraping's in the skip when it came close. Seagull's and Pidgeon's fought over rubbish and bread strewen across the deck. It was an amusing site to say the least. Eventually the sun started to peirce the clouds and i could feel it's warmth. I was tired but i dedided to move on. I stopped by the Londis on the foot of O'connel brige's southside and bought to can's of Coke Zero for 1 euro. I then cut into Temple Bar on Fleet Street. Surveying the damage so to speak. Also determined to find Exchange street, as seen on the map. I eventually got there. The construction material for new pedestrian crossings around College green were untouched. And so was a small site beside Purty Kitchen. Exchange street is an odd enclave. Appartments, a deralict site. Out of the way to say the least.
I then cut back to Town hall and Dublin Castle. I payed a memory jogging visit to The Sick And Indigon.... a house at the gate's to Dublin Castle that has a interesting history. A personel one too as a childhood friend used to live in it. The Dublin Castle park used to be my playground when i was at his. I then walked up the alley way that used to be a site for revilers, mainly from the George to retire for certain reasons only known to themselves. It was one of the reason's my friends family moved, that and the 60 acre farm they bought in wexford for relatively cheap considering it's size, (about 2 million). I then went through part's of "mini-temple" bar and back onto college green. I looked back and saw a Female Gardá standing infront of blue tape in the square infront of Central Bank. So i hobbled that way to ask what had happend. "A fight" she said. I then scanned the scene with my eyes again. The main area under tape had nothing, but nestled between a circular planter and a bench was a pile of bloody rags and blood stain's on the bench itself. I didn't photograph this but walked on.
I entered trinity and walked across front square. Considering it was summer and 8 am it was weird. A "walk of shame" in disheveled cloth's from a night before. A slight coke stain on my shirt. Hobbling on the cobble's as i walked in the warming sunshine. An attractive jogger passed me. By the time i reached The Player's theatre she was on her way back barely breaking a sweat. I then entered the computer huts that had been my place of study for exams. The door was oddly wedged open. I closed it, anyone could get in, it was dangerous and agaisnt it's security feature's purpose's. Several computers didn't have network acess. Poetically the same computer i used on Thursday worked. I sat there and did my email thing. And Facebook and so on. I was knackered, i dosed a bit. Then someone entered. I closed my eyes again and dosed for maybe half an hour. Then started typing. I typed my story. Adding to what i had emailed home on thursday. But this time i did send it to myself again.
I left town on the 130 enterprise. Recieving money from my mother to do so as she was working on the sunday afternoon due to a busy schedual. I bought an ice cream, Mint Feast and a can of Monster energy drink. Home i went. TIRED.
The life section was a few dozen paragraphs longer than i thought, to save pain for readers. I will post the other trivial analyses in another blog, at another date with the right tags.
Examblor results tomorrow, that could nix blogging for a while. Fingers crossed and all that.