Monday, April 12, 2010

An Unthinkably bad trailer...

I watch A LOT of trailers. After all i love films, and i love keeping up to date with news about film etc.

So when i came across this trailer for a movie i had yet to hear about, i was kind of surprised.

I read the Actors first, Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction), Michael Sheen (Frost/Nixon, The Damned United), Carrie Anne Moss (Momento, The Matrix). Right thats some acting chops right there. We're talking reliable people for Popcorn Munching and bankable reliability.

Right so the trailer starts. 

Micheal Sheen's a baddie. Okay, i'll go with that, he was possibly the best thing in Twilight Saga: New Moon

He Has put bombs in 3 cities. Okay that's sinister. They're all nuclear, that's very sinister. This looks good!

  IT WAS A PLAN (Well yeah, it wouldn't be done willy nilly, its 3 thermo-nuclear devices after all, you don't waste something like that?)
OF MASS DESTRUCTION ( Well the next line say's they're nuclear bombs, no fucking kidding!)

Que Rousing Score....Maybe some tention, a few city shots, imply some action and reaction to the "PLAN".

Brandon Ralph! That poor dude who tried to be Superman, he's arressting someone, he's FBI, he appears to be on Point.

UNTIL THE FBI CALLED IN... (We Can read FBI on a shirt, we're not slow!)

They appear to have called in the Shadow of Samuel "Big Mother Fucker" L. Jackson. Yeah i'd be scared to.

And Michael Sheen's all strapped up, shirtless and out of breath. Ooo Torture! This movie's hitting above it's wait, it's going to justify torture! Ooo, now i hope it's going to be good!

IT'S SECRET Weapon. ( We just saw him, we know it's Jackson?)

Sam: "You're Only Mis-calculation in your plan... (music stops) was me!"  (Ie Don't fuck with me. You i'll unleash furious anger etc etc)

Bearded guy: "What is this place?"

Sam: "Nowhere. Doesn't Exist. Neither do we." (Oh how cryptic and Philosophical.)

SAMUEL L. JACKSON (Why the red? We recognise this bad ass mo' fo' already.)

Sam: "He has to believe, i have no Limits." ( Right okay, so your testing Sheen. You also have implied limit's? Okay still a bit cerebral, bordering on cheesy.)

CARRIE ANNE MOSS ( She must be in charge. She doesn't look to happy, to be hear or to be doing this.)

Carrie. "The suspect is being Tortured" (cut in sound and picture. Higher Pitch. Different lines?) "THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!"

Her Boss?: "If those bombs go off (picture of a bomb and ticking clock. Implying the impeding doom. 6 Days 13 hours 27 minutes, to be exact.) there won't be a CONSTITUTION!" 

Wait what? Was this movie written by the Tea-Party? 3 cities and, 3 bombs and apparently a piece of paper governing 50 states and 310 million people cease's to exist? That's one bad-ass plan!


Sheen: "I don't need your help. (moss is offering help? Concerned for his well being, the terrorist evil mastermind needs protecting? Sam is a bad mo' fo after all??) "I can take it. I 'DESERVE' It". (Okay, we get that you've done a big wrong, we'd beat the snot out of you to, but you actually want to be tortured? What kind of sick twist is this setting us up for, and revealing in the trailer?)

BOOM! A small-ish bomb. That mean's more action!

WHEN TERRORIST (thats Sheen)

Sheen: "I'm Here because I wanna be here!" (So not only is it apparently a big "PLAN". But he want's to be there. Further reinforcing the cool twist, the tangent plot point etc. The part where they make it slightly different to other action flic's

MEETS INTERROGATOR ( That's Samuel L. Jackson, do keep up..)

Sam: "I will find you're line and i will break you." (Oh, no he didn't!)

Sheen: NOOOOOOOOOO-agggghhhh. (Either he's pissed, being tortured, denying something, or passing kidney stones.)

Carrey Anne Moss Gesticulate's, she mean's business!

Carrey: "I will not allow this to happen!"

Sam: "This is not about you!" (cut in image and sound) "This is war." "This is Sacrifice!"

Troops running about. Oh so now it's "ABOVE" the FBI. Martial law? Yeah that's unconstitutional.

General: "This operation is Terminated!"

More action, smoke, gun pointing.

How far would you go ( To what? See a good movie trailer? Buy a carton of milk?)

Samuel beats someone amongst the commotion. Music soars with Choral sounds.

To Protect your Country (Oh okay, so it's a morale question. Okay i can go with that. Eh, i'm guessing this movie shows us how it's well thought out characters and they're role's lead them to go to a certain point, in the pursuit of "Protecting" their country. We can all associate with that...)

Sam: "There's NO TIME!" ( While he's being choked? That's a strong wind pipe!)


Yep it truly is "Unthinkable" how bad this trailer gets towards the end! What a shame.

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