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Wohoa, long title. But then again i probably have a lot more me centric things to say this week than normal. No two cent's for now, but also some actual gossip as i made brief sortie's into social scene's to be seen, heard and have a good larf.
Coursework and The state of healthcare, a mistaken and informed rant:
In dealing with my problems and soldiering on with my sense of duty to a course that furthers my low mood i have done a few things this week. Firstly i'm on a new ward, a rather sketchy ward since it's oncology and haematology, but with the way the HSE and The Workhouse are run it's nothing but Oncology patients. Some doing well, some for further treatment, some on yet another cancer and some closer to the end. It is supposedly a heavy place, sure is considering how hard it is with just 12 patient's on the ward and only covering 4 myself. On normal ward's its easy enough to juggle 6 patients and 2 side room's with 1 staff nurse with you and maybe a second from a neighbouring ward bay that you are semi-also on. But with just 4 cancer patient's it's difficult enough. I still haven't gotten my head around it but you have to watch ever system, check everything. Normal Vitals’, Intake and Output, Bowel's, Weight, diet, oral care, psychological care and a few other's especially blood results. It's stressful to say the least and when i'm my dazed and confused low mood self it's difficult to do it all when i've only had 5 hour's sleep and my heart and definitely not my head aren't in it.
Following heated discussion with Parental's, it's still very unlikely that i'm switching course. Recessionary time's and all the money spent on me and all that. I don't have major qualm’s with nursing. It's a very good job. Hell i love it when it's interesting. I love Theatre, Pead's, Psych and Plastic's/burn's but the general, and especially MedEl, i just loath. It's nearly impossible to help some of the medEl patient's, they will always be that way and get worse. All the olde hospital's nearly on the very edge of the Workhouse are devoted as dumping ground's for the bed blockers and it's just depressing and tiring. It's a sign and symptom of the very nature of what's wrong with Health Care in this country and a lot of the west. This isn’t
No here in the free capitalist market, and the free-for-all
There's no fun to life with no ice cream, no over-consumption of factory meats, to moderate exercise and decreased Automation of everyday task's, to no freedom of lifestyle or freedom of consumerist consumption. And yet certain alternative's are better for us? Certain way's of thinking would insure we were all "healthy", "happy", "compliant" and less fearful of death, which in essence was a simple thing until we unravelled the mind and became so sedidentary. Roman's died all the time no one gave a shit, Jade Goody's and Princess Diana's die every day but are not famous and no matter what their stature people morn and mope far more greatly than history and fiction would have us believe our ancestor’s did as it was so common to them.
Wow, 2 cent's indeed, i guessed i lied.
Onward ho!
Society dealing's:
Ah the Society, how i missed thee! It's great to debate. It's great to see people logically and illogically argue the shit out of the craziest and most highbrow of things even if they are not qualified to do so. It's great to see people make pretension into an art form. And it's great, even through failure or unpreparedness to be a part of such a cacophony of oral prowess and gymnastic leaps of thought, reasoning and verbal diarrhoea. I am of course speaking of me Speaking at a debate in the Glorious Chamber of the Society.
Setting: The Society
Motion: Something to do with the GAIDs
My position: Originally Opposition, then prepared for proposition that was against my views, then told i had to do opposition......
Frankly it was a bit of a mess. Given my unique viewpoint of being adopted, a hetroflexable male nurse(forgot to mention hetroflexable, although probably to ward off the camp gay's) and of course being generally left wing and open to all people's except for the Chinks and the Irish.
So i was last op, good buzz. I had fuck all prepared and had prepped my prop while on placement and i believed some of it. I could have given a funny and not so convincing speech full of the usual idiotic anti-gay adoption arguments. Stuff like poor role model's and denying male adoptee children the right to fantasize about lesbian's without thinking of their parents accidentally and in freud-ingly destructive way's. No instead i went in with fuck all prepared and verbally spat out shite about Family and the Right's of children. And basically an incontestable argument that all these children in need, NEED a family of any kind to support and love them. And if the gay's wanted to do that the fair fuck's to them because few Irish parent's want to foster local kid's anyway, it's all designer babies and all that deplorable and also charitable stuff.
It went well, i guess. No POI's, none what-so-ever. A few pat's on the back. A wierd brief convo with a dental nursing student who said i was the only other male nurse he'd ever met, weird to say the least. And oddly Hattrick was there with an obviously otherwise orientated other. I would never put that past her, she is after all an enigma and frankly it doesn’t surprise me even if it's a bitter why didnt she like me cop-out, it does make sense in connection to her excuse. Didn't actually talk to her, didn't really have to or particularly want to after i spilt my self-reflective proud to be adopted gut's out onto the chamber floor and won the room over. Well i doubt it was me, we probably won before anyone spoke, but damn i was at least 2nd or 3rd best at selling it!
I have to give a bula bus to Gammaman and his effort's with "his" freshers. We're a devoted bunch to say the least. And 5 of us spoke that night, 3 of us for our maiden speech's. Unfortunately i don't have nickname's for any of them. There's so many character’s that it's hard to keep track. But Dona, part of a twosome of non-speakers was probably the best. She had NEVER debated before and she was amazing, she had bubble's and everything! An art's student who i've seen speak multiple time's and will name Vickie was also good but she was very nervous and possibly let herself down just a tad but the raw potential and right frame of mind were there, she did probably give the 2nd best prop speech, difficult considering the shit motion.
I-T got a swearing fine which led to Sherminator collecting 2 fines, 1 for slagging I-T as he left and another for Not addressing the judge's and Percy by title, amounting to some 30 quid or so. A good larf.
Then on the friday i decided to join a charismatic and drunk Gamaman as he dragged society folks and freshers out for a meal and a session. I took his charity of one drink and pre-meal we shared the 2nd last of my jack-d and coke's that i brought from Aus. TGI friday's on friday, it's a must! The group consisted of a good few familiar face's and a few i still have no name's for including one cutee i have rarely seen but have an interest in. But circumstance seemed to indicate that she hit it off with one of the other freshers who was closer to her age, so that option is seemingly unlikely. I also witnessed Gammaman planning drunken debating world domination with an older society member and a fresher merely based on name association to a previous team-mate. Also in keeping with the partial legend-wait-for-it-dary nature of the evening an old friend of Gammaman's popped up. Being a sailor of all things he was resourceful enough to crack open an apparently unopened flask of whisky that had been lying in the committee room for apparently 12 years. Powerful stuff, like fire to the mouth, lips, lungs and stomach. Basically acid. If it was a patient's urine id say it was full of blood, protein, high urea and probably creatine and bilirubin. Basically someone who's kidney's are fucked! And by the taste and near instant affect of it I’d say that's what it was designed to do. Whiskey left in metal for 12 year's is evil stuff!
Also on the card's of discussion was the possibility of a fresher's camping trip. And in the course of that i offered up a party at my gaff at some advanced point within the next few months. We have the space, and the house to do it. It would have to be controlled and moderate and camping in the garden a better idea than letting people in the house after-dark...
The Pulse of the universe:
Twitter. Wow twitter. Micro-blogging. I love to do it anyway to my friends. But the very idea that i am reading Will Wheton, Aston Kutcher, Brent Spiner, JJ Abrams, P Diddy, Barack Obama, Perez Hilton and Stephen Fry is just mind blowingly cool. I am actually witnessing P Diddy spill his gut's about Religion, im wathcing Stephen Fry miss the internet and tweet's as he disembarks a ship in
Twitter is a force to be pay attention to. And i love the concept that BEBO now feed's my myspace, facebook, youtube and twitter. It's genius and yet my bebo is dying a death as all my new friend's are on facebook and it's inferior profile's. I WANT BEBO BACK! I haven't lost it, but it's lost it's attraction and use ability and frankly all my friends on it are not the same, they wont comment on things and i have less cause to talk to them if any at all. Such a shame.....
Eh im sure there was something else, but i've ranted and raved enough for now. Toodle-pips.