I for one welcome our new fiscaly talented overlords.......
Yeah, that's not going to happen. The world's financial situation is partially if not totally beyond the grasp of my fragile little mind but it really is up this particular place:
Both the Uk and Ireland, what i prefare to call the British isle's, as in the island's surrounding it not any form of ownership, our led by former financial minister's that weren't elected. To me that just seem's very very wrong. Infact both leaders in Ireland at the moment are technically not elected but the Irish love for complaining has suffered so much since victory over the brit's that we never actually act over anything. We bitched and moaned for 300 years of moderate subjugation and won. And now that we won we bitch and moan about our elected leaders and our fellow irish citizen's and new citizen's and european cousin's on work visa's, but we don't do anything. Our president, a non-position anyway, got a free house and sallary for another 7 years because no one became eligible to campaign against her in time. Our PM stepped in because our last one, also a former finance minister couldn't explain a gift loan for a house when he had no bank account... Our Current PM, a really unatractive bloated trout faced man with a thick country accent and no popularity seem's to think the country can go head first into Silage and we won't call for change.
I really dispise our governement. They can do very little right. I don't want to go into detail, and frankly i'm not qualified or dickheaded enough to think i could, but this country has a nack for doing the wrong thing in the most expensive way's possible. And i could have a basis for a history thesis by saying it started with that bloke who invited the Norman's over for a session and a good laugh and thought they'd leave his gaf in the mornign but instead stayed in one way or another for another 800 years. He thought he could solve his problem's by hiring some big lad's from france to keep out the culchies, but instead he got a false-marraige, some big castle's and eventually the brits. Great deal don't your think?
Then as we whined and tried to get help from several enemy's of our enemy's we were never very greatful. After all, if we didn't hate the brit's so much we wouldn't have looted the Spanish Armada and found those Potatoes on beach's in Sligo, Mayo and Galway. Thanks to the brit's Ireland is split into industrial gem's, Cities, developed towns, forgotten place's underdeveloped bog's and Drogheda-type towns. Ie Belfast Successful but small industrial gem, Dublin an uber succesful swamp and Cork the Capital of the Republic, then you have town's like Galway, Where? place's like Letterkenny or Virginia and then Limerick and of course Drogheda a patch work quilt of history, irishness and an irish attempt and the north's love of shopping centre's...
Oh and don't forget the trains. After all we never added to their wonderful network, no we ripped it up....
I may be different to most but i think a lot of irish mentalities have hurt our own people. If we weren't so Irish occupation would have been grand! Sure we may have been tared and feathered and Boycott wouldn't be a word and potato the most versitile Tuber in existance but we would have been..... A backward stonewalled tangent of the british isle's.... Yeah now that i think of it, fuck the brit's! We want no financial regulation, billion's in european tax payer's money and fuck-wit's runing everything, THATS THE IRISH WAY!
Now also glove's off and topical:
The plight of Jade Goody:
Now of course she is a dying mother doing the best for her kids, after all she's raised millions from publicity. But she is also dying. Is making profit from your own death and giving it to your kids really a good way to go?
It's disturbing to say the least. Death usually is an Obituary in the media. Not a prolonged shot by shot, stage by stage, hair by hair harrowing sob story exploited by publicity guru's. But she has also raised a lot of awareness of her illness. But i have to ask, why the big fuss? We're all going to die. I'm sorry but it's a fact of existance. We pop out, we walk, we talk, we learn, we touch ourselves, we touch others, we make babies, we pass on wisdom and we die. It's a simple process that every animal has done since the begining of animal life and even life by extention.
Cancer is a tricky and hard to explain illness. It's all different and it's all caused and exacerbated by different things. Smoking as we all know increase's risk of lung cancer. Oddly Western lifestyle and heavy meat diet's lead's to increased Prostate cancer in aging. But as for Cervical cancer, it's risk's are increased by Early sexual activity, contracting certain form's of the HPV virus and predisposed genetic condition's that may cause more cist and other growth's in the Cervix and vagina. Several factor's when added together increase a woman's risk of contracting this awful disease.
Jade Goody is no saint. She was unfortunate enough to be pre-disposed. Given her socio-economic background and troubled up brining it is plausible she had sex before or around 14 years old. It is also very likely that she had unprotected sex on a multitude of occasion's with men who may have carried strain's and type's of the HPV virus. She also has smoked and drunk copious amount's of alcohol within her life. Just because she is a celebrity of sort's doesnt mean she's special, she's just lucky and unlucky all at the same time. Many factor's and one's i may not know and could also be wrong about led to her being one of the unlucky few who have all these factor's and then develop a cancer as a result. All these factor's increased the risk of something slipping up in some odd cell's in her cervix when they multiplied and there coding went haywire and cancer formed. The DNA lost any sign of function or identity as a normal cell and it started to do it's cancer thang. She knew she was at risk, she was regularly screened and she recieved the horrible news while on Yet another big brother, this time related to an apoligy for a class clash with a washed up bollywood star.
Cancer can happen to all of us. It's unpredictable. Factor's increase the risk, some factor's cause it directly such as toxin's and radiation and some cancer's we know very little about. But Cancer is inevitable, it is only previlant because we don't die of everything else. Smallpox is gone, Measle's, Mumb's, Rubella are almost gone. Polio is being eradicated. Influenza's are frequently vaccinated against as they change. But Cancer, cancer isn't a virus, isn't a bacteria, isn't a fungus, it's Human Cell's. It's our own DNA fucking up and being something different. And we are all at risk.
Life itself mean's that one day you will die. "Death is Certain, the Hour is not."
This also raise's an interesting question:
What if Jade Goody went to Switzerland for Assisted Suicide?
Would her influence on cervical cancer awareness being over shadowed by the illegality of her action's?
Would people understand her heroic devotion to her children through publicity and forgive her for taking control of her debilitating illness and getting rid of the pain.
It's an interesting question, and i don't seem to have an answer, but i like the question none the less.
A Moi-centric post in some time in the near future, ie today or tomorrow. One step at a time, for the greater good, cross that bridge before i burn; it all that jazz.
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