After all, I'm writing this 5 minutes before Thursday...
Well anyway, i'll keep it far briefer than the jotted abstract plan i scribbled into my notepad on the bus home. (More on this later)
I had my counsling appointment around mid-day so arriving in town close to 9am i went straight to an internet café.
Unfortunately i know this café all to well, for somewhere that is 1 euro an hour and popular, they really jip non-members on bandwith. I open firefox every time and it frequently crash's or is too slow to be used properly.
Last week i got to see 20 minutes of the glee finale before my credit ran out with little trouble, but this week i struggled to open article's about the mineral deposit's discovered in Afghanistan. (LINK)
Which was annoying. So i opened the game folder and couldn't have been arsed being PWND online by people with less of a life than myself, but their own computers..., so i opened up HALO: Combat Evolved.
Kickin' it oldschool.
I played for over an hour.
I went all the way from the first level, onto Halo itself, saved all the escape pods, then brought the fight to the Covenant on their Battle-Cruiser. Just when I rescued the captain i thought, hey this has been a long time, i better stop.
So i closed it and realised i had only about 15 minutes left. Good waste of time.
Appointment went well, sort of a depressing session that i doubt anyone wants to hear about. And frankly i don't want to go there.
I texted friends, but no one was about. Yay, another day alone in town.
I hoped to see Tegan and Sara in Tower Records but finished to late to get there on time.
I passed tower records at about 235 or so and there was a super huge crowd of Lesbian's, Hipsters, Gay men, Rocker youth and almost no-one older than 25.
I just walked on. I window-shop'd, looked at mobile's etc.
Then when attempting to google IFI Screen times on my phone outside of HMV i looked up and saw the Heathers standing there on Grafton Street.
I then started thinking, they must have been at Tegan and Sara, they are after all Ireland's answer to them so to speak. I also thought, My wallet is full of money, i could go right in to HMV, directly behind me, and buy a copy of their Album, Sticker promoting the Discover Ireland ad and all, and try and get their signature. But i just didn't. Didn't even take a photo.
My phone and good camera at hand if need be for any photo opportunity or blogging thoughts. But i just didn't, to melancholic from my session and pissed off with being alone and having no one to talk to or spend my time with.
I walked back down Grafton Street and as i walked i saw a group of young lads harrasing a street preformer.
One was actually perched on a lamp-post whispering in his ear trying to make him flinch or something. (it being one of those stay still preformer's)
As i walked they continued on as-well.
They then came across this guy:

Different part of the street, but the same street performer.
The bullying group of louts aproached him, one said "remember this guy".
They all stopped in front of him. One bent over and lifted than put down his tips cup.
The performer broke his pose and stared at them.
I continued to walk but couldn't help but keep watching.
I had wanted to drag the prat of the lamp-post when i first saw them, now i was concerned for the safety of the performer.
But as they crowded around him, others here and there in the street were taking notice, and the guy somehow persuaded them to fuck off. Crisis avoided.
I Turned back towards Tower Records when i saw that the crowd had now evaporated.
I smiled as they were still playing their latest album over the speakers.
I saw a small crowd at the foot of the stairs, some people taking and posing for photo's.
I approached from behind but couldn't pass, so i doubled back.
As i walked up the other aisle i realised it WAS actually Tegan and Sara.
Cool, they're still hanging around about an hour after the brief gig started.
I walked towards the magazine's, aiming to look at this months Empire, but then walked back to take a photo with my phone.
As i approached they were finishing up and they passed me, on their way out the back door. Missed opportunity.
However, hour's later i read a blog post about them. My lack of knowledge was truly blown out the window. I found out they were sisters...
Embarrassed i thought they were a married Lesbian couple, maybe it was their hair, maybe it was their massive lesbian/bi and indie/hipster/trendy fan base. I have no idea where i came up with this idea, maybe it was on from a stupid idiotic flame comment on youtube trying to argue that Tegan and Sara were better then Heathers, on a Heather's video at that... I'm not quite sure.
What i do know is, that i am fucking glad i didn't stop this international talented stars for a photo. They're Sisters, not a Lesbian Married couple, fuck that could have been awful if it came out in some way, although how i don't know, but i feel like such a tit for thinking it!
I then went to the Cinema, well first i walked about a bit.
Touring the cinema's so to speak. I walked to the Screen first and read the movie time's.
Girl on a Train, didn't recognise it should be good, i read a notice about 2 movie showing's cancelled, instantly forgot.
I expected the movie, which was in an hour's time would be a foreign movie, as i had not yet heard of it, and i read film blogs all the time.
The Savoy didn't have anything as soon as the Screen. So i walked on to Cineworld.
I bought popcorn in a centra.
I got to cineworld and saw no good choice's within the same time frame.
I struggled to try and set up an Unlimited card. 19.99 a month get's you UNLIMITED film's.
A dream i had thought about since i was 16 and going to every new movie with DS.
Now i had money, i would make it so. But the auto-form wasn't working easily, then it somehow couldn't find the address of my bank from a certain code, and since i didn't know the address myself, i couldn't finish to form... shucks.
I walked out, phoned my boss to find out what hour's i was working, saturday only, just for now. For about the billionth time he answered his phone by explaining he'd call me back, and then told me when i was working.
This has happened every single week when i have gotten him on the phone. He never ring's me back. It's as if it's an automatic response of his i think? He seem's to be so busy that he answers his call's this way?
Or does he genuinely have something to say to me each time, or does he forget about it? Who know's?
I then walked through Little Italy, over the millenium bridge and along the key's.
I had money to burn. I had dreamed, and figured out it was possible to buy an Inq Chat, €99, but i had to reserve money for my netbook which would arrive later in the week. (more on this when i get it, and review it, but the Irish Revenue office wanted to rob me blind with pointless taxes just to get what is rightfully mine).
So i decided to break a twenty on buying a the 2nd volume of Scot Pilgirm, in the run up to the movie i hope to buy them all.
I grabbed it on the shelf, the first one i picked up didn't have a price, so i comparred with the neighbouring one, 9.99.
I went to the till and handed the man the book.
I then took out a twenty and held it out.
But this was a PROPER comic book clerk.
He actually didn't say anything. He was like a comic book clerk ninja!
He placed the book on the counter gently.
Whipped up a paper bag, that i didn't ask for from under the counter.
He gingerly and carefully slipped the book in, it's thick, it wasn't going to bend and dog ear easily...
He then pulled a cellotape dispenser from the side of the till.
All the while i was still holding out the money.
He folded the end neatly and exactly and sealed it with the cellotape.
At this point i had pulled my money back, almost expecting a re-enactment of Rowan Atkinson in Love Actually.
I then pay'd the man and went to the cinema.
In turns out that Girl on a Train had been cancelled.
So i went to see Greenberg staring Ben Stiller Instead.
A review tomorrow, hopefully.
As for the earlier mentioned blog jotting in my notbook. Well i came up with several blogs i want to write over the coming weeks, especially with my netbook arriving.
The list is as follow's:
The Godfather: The viewing of a legend part II and Part III
Urban Landscape's series:
(in which in blog about urbanism, and cities, and transport, and my love of Sim city etc etc)
Post's within that series including:
Love of art Deco (photo's i took in Melbourne and stole from the web)
Shop front's of Dublin Study ( a large series of photo's i took on Dublin streets a few months ago)
Dublin's lack of Density - History, development, case for transport, green, waste, poor planning etc
Intermodeing/ my love of Public Transport and lack of interest in Car travel, and loathing of how it's infrastructure is used.
The Future:
- Agglomeration's (super cities)
-transport innovations
-food/power/water/people - study of Malthusian theories of overpopulation and chanlenge's facing humanity.
-extra-terrestrial living.
Lyrics retrospective/Poetry - Posting my old lyrics and poems.
Film Producing blog - My student film if i get around to it.
My opinions on Independent film and Irish film.
Continuing the music meme, which i abandoned...
Something about my funny way with words....
A massive case study series on the "NEED" for a New Star Trek Series.
And something i came up with when looking out the window that really got my mind going...:
Loitering vs Society: The battle over Animal instinct and human constructs.
Believe me that one may sound odd, but i had a really juicy argument flowing when i thought of it.
Toodle's for now.
"A massive case study series on the "NEED" for a New Star Trek Series."
I demand, you supply!
I remember reading this thread on a Star Trek message board a few years ago profiling what a new Star Trek series should be like.
It's hugely depressing when, in almost every descriptions users wrote "Rinse. Repeat."
Oh well i will supply in due-coarse.
There are several arguements that have to be considered.
Cast, Canon, New-canon/film franchise, what theme's you go for, plot line's, time setting, how much deux ex machina there is and so on and so forth.
For the most part i believe in a grittier The West Wing/ The Wire/ Battlestar Galactica/ Stargate Universe take on Star Trek.
Or in short, do Stargate Universe, in Star Trek form... After all it did still a premise from Star Trek Voyager, but keeps the Stargate mythos and comedy here and there while also being different.
But yeah, big argument to be had, several post's etc...
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