But i somehow do have a few things to say, surprisingly....
The HAND OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is quiet possibly the coolest astrological image i have seen in a long time. Forget the Eagle nebula or that one near orion's belt, this baby is b-e-a-utiful! It's pulsar B1509 spinning rapidly and creating a field of debris that appears to be a hand reaching out towards a nebula that is around 150 light-years across. Now if it was the hand of a supreme being it is rather impressive. Of course it's just an amazing optical illusion noticed by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory but still amazing!
In other god related musings. I am after all agnostic. I don't really like religions, i prefer to believe the empirical evidence and hypothesis of science over some stories and alagorys. But there is an inherent thing that humans can't know everything. We seem to explain this by creating an idea of a higher power or force that is the cause of existence or a possible source of predetermined nature or a added push for the improbabilities that surround us. Like our planet being the right distance from our sun to form life, and for symbiosis, oxygen breathing, mass extinctions, natural selection, co-operation, competitiveness and a few world wide events like ice age's to get to the point where we exist. The Jedi's say it's just the force and we all have natural morale's and evil's within us, Jewdeo-Christians and Muslims think it's all to do with a god or Jehovah or Allah, and some think it's poly-deities or Buddha. I on the other hand don't have a name for it. Choose not to worship or acknowledge it to any set text and feel i can get through life without needing any guiding hand or any such worships. Like some Christian's saying that "god" love's everyone and has a plan for everyone. If it has a plan for me in this insignificant moderate zone in a minor galaxy in the moderate area of the universe's infinity then good for them, i don't mind. I prefer to think if i was in more control of my life that i would be it's deciding factor not to have to bend over to predetermination. Am i really predetermined to be my own worst enemy or can i do something about it? This is all just about god, spirituality and all that jazz is more complex and has to do with psychology and physiology and less to do with theology, or at least in my head.
Bleeding GLACIERS!, and climate change:
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Beautiful. This is of course Iron at the foot of a glacier. This iron got there because a super colony of pre-historic bacterium that don't require oxygen survived the mass extinction of those similar to them and became trapped under the ice of the southern continent of Antarctica. This untouched world is surviving despite what we do on the rest of the planet.
This wonderful and unique(from out point of view) planet is full of wonders and things that inspire awe and impress us on a constant basis. I won't go into the science of things but this planet is a massive collection of coincidence and Luck. It also has natural cycles beyond Human control. We are after a victim of our own efficiency as a species. We're not really meant to be 6 billion+ strong. We're not meant to live sedentary life styles and consume the planet's resource's en mass. But we do, and we have to live with that. I may be a hypocritical socialist and a fan of science but i am not a big fan of Green thinking. Yes we shouldn't be burning fossil fuels, but it's unrealistic to expect us to change quickly or do the right things when we could. For one the dominant nature of Capitalism on this planet will restrict it from ever happening at any fast rate until those in power can make money from it or Green types do their own thing and compete with them on a similar level and make thier own business level.
For instance nuclear power is NOT a bad thing. We're increasing our knowledge of it constantly. Eventually other types of Fission and hopefully cheap types of fusion will become available. There is little to fear from this vital energy source. Solar power and Wave are also where it's at but we're a bit slow on the uptake.
Climate change may or may not be perciptated by our actions, we can't prove it but it's happening. It's NOT global warming. It's a mass change that we can't fully explain. Things aren't going to be the same, we're either going to get a bit hotter or we're to slowly or quickly get closer to another ice age. Desertification is also a massive factor heavily ignored due to the more obvious and monochrome loss of the icecaps. The Sahara is getting bigger all the time. It's growing both south and north. Southern Spain is starting to dry up. And the heat of the desert for at least 2 summers in a row has caused a weather front that has kept Europe warm and wet and flooded the British isles. That's more than industrial factors or ice cap's melting, thats also a fracking huge body of sand that covers a large portion of a continent. The gulf stream also flowed further south than normal the past two years, or at least the first year. The worlds climate is topsey turvey, storms are getting stronger and predictability is getting harder. The climate is changing. Either a natural reaction or one perpetuated by us. We will never know fully in the foreseeable future but we can do some things to change it. It could or could not be to late, but thing's are f'd up and we are not helping anything by continuing to rape the planet for our greedy needs.
All well and good saying this but i would not give up my computer and so on. I would just prefare we fueled our existence in a more sustainable way so that we don't loose all are great mod cons and consumerist wonders. Is that so much to ask?
G20 death, Columbine and the media and csi effect's on justice:
I mentioned it before and it seem's this story is far from simple. It turns out the man in question had a lot more contact with the police than originally thought. He ran into them a few time's. Apparently trapped inside the police cordon and getting in the way of a police van and being accosted and warned a few time's. His cause of death has also been changed to an abdominal Haemorrhage. It was originally a heart attack. The coroner saw liver damage, heart damage and an abdo bleed. He thought it was a heart attack. But this second one says the bleed was more substantial and apparently the cause of his death. It make's me think was this second test influenced by the media's coverage? Knowledge that he was assaulted, knowledge he was an alcoholic? Or is it more accurate now that more things are known about his life and what happened to him? Originally it was believed stress of several encounters influenced his underlying problems and he had a heart attack. But now it's believed underlying conditions such as alcohol damage, lifestyle and being assaulted led to a purfuse abdominal bleed that caused his death. The origin of the bleed and other factor's require further test's but letting the media world know this will obviously destroy any chance of a far and unbiased opinion in prosecuting the officers involved and their sentencing by a jury of their peers. The CSI and media effect on this case are going to destroy it. The Investigator's tried to gag the Guardian in the first place so they could get the whole picture of what happened. Now that the media circus continues more and more is being discovered and ruining what should be a Police investigation not a media investigation. Although i am happy that brutality and so on are being covered i am also aware that this kind of coverage is RUINING the case.
The same happened for Columbine. I read this in a good piece about it in the Guardian's G2. The media believed all the missinformation. It was blown into believable porportions instead of anything resembling the hidden truth. The two killers hated their world and were a known threat. The sherrif department had failed to investigate them properly despite warning signs. So they believed and purpetuated each rumor and let the media make it's own story beyond that of the media. BS about the trenchcoat mafia and hatred of goths. These guy's were disturbed but they had friends. They wanted to kill the entire school, they had bombs and automatic weapons. They intended to be renowned for the chaos they caused and for destroying their whole worlds. Instead they were deamonised and believed to be something their weren't. The Virginia tech killer actually claimed they were Martyrs. The media and poor handling by law enforcement created a monster the boy's hadn't intended. They wanted to kill 2000 students and then go down shooting as they took out emergency service's and the cops. Instead they killed 13 people. 11 in the libary 2 in the car park. It was not the prolonged hell of the media's story but 48 minute's of failure and mayhem that the cops made worse threw inaction and slow response. The 13th person died because the swat didn't get to them in time. Failure after failure.
It seem's all of the biggest stories are originally something different to what we are told or believe. And what emerge's may also be very wrong. Both Columbine and the G20 death are being ruined by police ineptitude and media witch hunts. Neither works in tandem and the public are fed confusing and verdict changing information long before justice can ever be decided fairly and equally.
INQ 1.5 suggestions:
I love my mobile phone, i think it's great but sometimes it can get on my nerve's it has a few flaws that could be changed. One great thing i have discovered it's potential as a media player. Micro sd card's are getting bigger and bigger which means my phone can be used as an ipod of sorts. Unfortunately the media player is fucking awful! It's interface is weak and it doesn't power save, you have to go back to the "home" yourself to get the screen to shut off, poor planing.
Other sugestions:
-The switcher wheel to be controlled by an actual wheel and not a button.
-The media player to be improved with a shuffle for all MUSIC
-To come with game's as standard
-to have a keypad that is more ergonomic. It's to thin for my hand and my bizzare thumb shape.
-an intermediate predictive text that finish's words you type manually based on recording your patterns of typing and commonly used phrase's. My old phone did this!
-Making the usb port hatch less of a nuisance when attaching charger, usb cable or hands free headset.
-A light and/or flash for the camera, maybe even higher pixels to?
-better editing control of order sequence's on the switcher.
What was the point of that?
Music and Photo organising:
Possibly the only well organise thing's in my room are my music and photo folder's on my computer. My photo's are very well organised i have to say. All by categories and so on. Even a large folder with sub folders for "social" photo's of which i put the most pride in. My music is oranised-ish as well. All albums, real and pirated all in my music folder. Some of the older pirated mp3's are all in a shared folder than sometimes is harder to find but most of those are organised by artist even if all random b-sides and cover's or from artist's whose albums are impossible to find pirated or who don't even have albums. I like that i have at least what i use the most so well organised. Oh same goes for my desktop(on my computer), all game shortcuts organised by game genre. That's also good....
I could rant on more, hell i have plenty of rant's in me. The Pirate bay came to mind. That incident from yesterday that could be upsetting to Society Politic's could also be important. But i don't want to fuel any conspiracies or any hatred. I think that one is best left a mystery as any animosity surrounding the blind election's is best left alone.
Video of the blog: BO Burnham, a rather hilarious artist that VerryBerry introduced me to a good while ago. Also a minor connection to the whole Tom Leher thing. But anyway he's great give him a viewing:
Chow for now.
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