Now for this one i'll cover a few things, the society's victory over the OTHERS of course, but also New York and why it makes great destruction porn, circumstance, photography/social networking and maybe a few other small tid bits here and there and my newish feature of embedded youtube clips.
We are the champions...:
Our winning team:
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Yes we did it again. Okay so speak's wise we haven't done too well this year versus the OTHERS in debating, i'm taking this from other people's comments as i'm not THAT in the loop, but at least we can beat them at football...
Apparently this is either the 3rd or 4th year in a row that we have Trounced them at the beautiful game. Now it's not so beautiful when a society of hippies/free thinkers/homosexuals/gender bandits and alcoholics face up to faux -intellectual wannabe alcoholic snobs who have a far large team and even bigger audience, but it was still good craic. Now i end up being the linesman/photographer but i didn't mind. I had good fun, pointed my judging call's like i was in rugby(like i know the differences) and snapped most of my pictures in the first half, i still had fun. And the Muffin with icecream in supermacs after words was worth the trek!
I'll set the seen up again somewhat. Departing from Protestantville at the heart of our fair city, a campus invaded by tourists and seeming as busy as if it were a normal college day, but no it was good friday and the livers of students were resting a mere few hours before multiple free gafs. 2 societies set off to settle old rivalry's and to have a bit of healthy fun in a southside park. Taking the bus up the dualer we then walked up hills in windy estates to the stillorgan stepps, no seriously they were like steps in a mountain range, hill, flat, hill, flat. Then with a pitch viewing the whole of the city with The posh head and the smoke stacks in full view we began the battle royale. The result, 9-2 with even Percy the Stonecutter chief getting a goal in.
Supermacks and circumstance:
So after that there was a lot of walking back down hill to the dualer to go into town. We were persuaded of a supermacs near by but alas there was none. But we forge on and took over the upper deck of a bus to rest our tired out moxy and support, and of course more rest for the people who actually played. A little bit of disent led to people parting way's on Dame street but the rest of us forged on to Sackville street and had ourselves a belated lunch of fast food and patriotism. After that the group widdled down again and i was left with Dona trying to encourage her to come to the free gaff that was on that night. Alas my efforts were fruitless. I then wasted my 2nd pair of batteries sitting in the computer huts, at a cooking 55%+ humidity and 23+ celsius, despite it only being clear skies and 8 outside, fucking radiators. I in all my technosavy nature and wisdom couldn't get my photo's to go onto college computers and onward to facebook. It was pointless, i then crashed a computer... I also tried to find out the "jack" from Gammaman and DS and planed to spruce myself up in a train station bathroom before heading to the partay. Unfortunatly as i left the huts to get ready, DS claimed he couldn't go, which meant i lost my crashpad and means of additional taxi fare. Then i waited in Amiens street station for gammaman to confirm he was okay with the new arrangements that didn't involve me, at the same time as Chatting further to dona, canceling a request for batteries and being considerate to the host of the party. God i love my new phone! So i went onward home. Circumstance really was a big bitch!
Right this pissed me off to no end, and eventually poved i was wasting my time. To upload my pictures i had to do all of the following.
Waste 4 pairs of incorrect batteries figuring out i was doing it all wrongly.
Swith the SD card from my good camera to my cheap one.
Repeat connection to computer.
Upload to google picassa 3.
Crop and delete pictures.
Fail to upload picture's to facebook.
Use Irfanview to decrease the pixel's of all the picures from 4000 x 3000 to 800 x600 to save space in the upload to facebook.
Save and back up the crop and editing changes to the pictures.
Upload them again to facebook.
Upon uploading them discover the last upload actually worked.
Delete 40+ photo's in their larger un-cropped state.
Then bitch about it in a status update.
Then delete 93 notifications of tag's of people in the photo's from my email inbox because someone got far to click happy.
Then i made 2 de-motivational poster's of funny scene's from the match.
All in all i spent FAR to long on those photos! And yet i had good fun while there, spent good time with friends and yet said very little and was the most inept and pointless linesman ever. And to think i wanted to take the photo's for the partay? What was i getting myself into?
New York, New york, so good they destroyed it a dozen time's over!:
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New York. Almost everyone in the world has heard of this wonderful city. We all know a few of it's landmarks. It's a beautiful multi-cultural, multi-ethnic melting pot of american that we all love and easily recognise. It is also the biggest victim of hollywood special effect's budgets!
Thanks to the ever reliable wikipedia i will give you the list of films that destroy new york, and add a few notes to a the odd one i actually know:
Deluge (1933) Earlies example, big flood/earthquake, scary for the time.
When Worlds Collide (1951) A nice matte painting of flooded new york at end.
Invasion U.S.A. (1952)
The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953)
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956)
20 Million Miles to Earth (1957)
The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1959)
Crack in the World (1965)
Destroy All Monsters (1968)
Planet of the Apes (1968)"Damn you maniacs, you blew it up, damn you all to hell!"
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)"It survices, but the mutants worship a bomb!"
The Human Tornado (1971)
Meteor (1979)"awful film!"
Escape from New York (1981)"It's a big prison and a classic film"
Q (1982)
2019, After the Fall of New York (1983)
Graveyard Shift (1987)
Solar Crisis (1990)
Daylight (1995)"Actually just a fictional tunnel, but new york nonetheless)
Independence Day (1996)(empire states building as epicentre of alien attack)
The Postman (1997)
Deep Impact (1998)"Massive flood, tallest but not best"
Godzilla (1998)"zilla reeks havoc downtown."
Armageddon (1998)"michael bay spares no expense in destruction"
End of Days (1999)"the devil going biblical on it's ass!"
Aftershock: Earthquake in New York (1999)
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)"Under water new york surprisingly intact,even in ice?"
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)"New york and new new york both goners!"
The Time Machine (2002)"The moon splits in two!"
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)"Best flood sequence involving new york goes to!"
Godzilla Final Wars (2004)"Godzilla beats all his enemies even zilla in a time travel battle royale!"
Category 7: The End of the World (2004)
War of the Worlds (2005)"Actually brooklynn but new york bites it off camera too"
10.5: Apocalypse (2005)
Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York (2006)
Resident Evil Extinction (2007)
I Am Legend (2007)
Cloverfield (2008)"big monster comes to play"
Wall-E (2008)"it's full of trash, what's new?"
Disaster Movie (2008)
The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008)"you're joking right?"
Watchmen (2009)"9/11 times 1985!"
Knowing (2009)"sunburst that seem's to defy earths rotation runs up new york"
Transformers 2: Revenge of the fallen. (in the trailer you see michael bay going Armageddon on new york and paris but using decepticons.)
2012 (2009)
And i'm sure both King Kong's count?
Now that is A LOT of films! But they all do it reasonably well and very disturbingly after 9/11. Watchmen deserve's a nod for upping the ante even more so than was originally in the graphic novel. And the image's of a Veidt funded ground zero working faster the real one was also very disturbing!
Other cities destroyed several times or threatened with attack:
Paris (micahel bay love's doing it!)
London (war of the worlds(book), many a dr who episode..)
San Francisco (a real earthquake, x-men 3, the core,Star trek iv:the voyage home, Star trek deep space 9 (breen attack), Star Trek(2009))
Tokyo (godzilla's many classic films)
Sydney, Hong Kong, and Los Angeles also have had a few knocks in cinematic history.
Oddly no Dublin as of yet, although Micheal Collin's and an episode of Indiana Jone's being set during the rising kind of cover that from a historical point of view, not much fiction though.
Destroyed new york image:
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The Onion poigniant article of the blog:
Click to read:
Just imagine if such things were true. If Drug dealing was a ligitimite business the state could make a fortune in taxes! Like those drug hawls the gaurds keep making, several million to several hundred million at a time. Imaging how many schools or hospital's could benifit if we sold those drugs on at a taxed inflated price? We as a state could be loaded! It makes economic and no morale sense, and is just hilarious and also a brilliant idea.
Video of the blog: Ce Jeu by Yelle; An amazingly happy song that i can't understand:
Well until the next time i do something or think of something to say. Tuddles.
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