Thursday, April 9, 2009

Synopticon, Synapses, Sinuses and Society

Seriously solicitating sequences of several s words. But anyhoo on with the blogging, despite the virsatility and abundance of s words it slightly harder at the moment to think of a good string of s words to salivate over. But that first one is good and i'll get that in a political/current affairs section later.

Now where will i start oh ya, i believe i will give society a go first:

Society dealings and social life, of sorts:

Things moving on nicely and much more improved in these areas. So much so noticing my failings to develop something similar with my course kind of got to me today. Chatterbox was held up a couple of times so i wasnt sitting beside her so for all of the day i was sitting on my own. At one point more than 15 seats to my right were completly vacant despite the room being generously filled with my classmates. That was pretty noticeable to say the least. Kind of upset me as well. To think i've been in this new year for nearly a year, albeit reluctantly, and haven't really made any new friends. Sure there was the odd few from placement but that's about it. Only once did i sit else where and through the forceful nature of a worksheet have to socialise with the randomers about me. Same kind thing goes for my tutorial group. I now am more aware of who's who in it but i'm damned if i know any of them at all. We have so few tutorial's it's just madness. Now Mystique and Jade are in my group but they're not exactly the type of girls i'd socialise with anyway so i'm kind of off in my own little world. Through some fault of my own and in other ways just circumstantial. I was fine with it until now, i didn't have to notice, and at lunch i went over to the Society but when you're sitting with such a large gap around you for hours on end it get's to you. Behind me was Daisy a few seats over but i completly ignored her and i think her the same. After a brief bathroom break Jade was briefly sitting on the edge of my row and i had to pass her to get to my seat but then she left, only a brief exchange about entering the row passed between us. I know even mentioning this is negative thoughts but it just get's to you when your disconnection is that self evident. It just sucked big time!

As for the society however that's grand. Couldn't complain. Next week being the week for politics so that should be a larf. As for tomorrow there is a football match against the OTHERS and a house party in one of the freshers. The football i can do, or at least bring the "moxy" but the Partay may be another matter. Now DS is back so i have the prossibility of a crash location, but that depends on availability and his productivity with 3 essay's so i may have to handle that carefully or forget it altogether. Now other quams include a polite decline by the cutie i was interested in, a decline that subsequentially mention the party at the same time, which also seed's doubt of my attendance. Why it was included i don't know, a test of where we stood as aquantance's i'm guessing. But when i was uneasily ignorant to anything about her and flayling at a tactic of crushing and neg's i don't think i portrayed myself very well or found out much about her. Her txt speak Comunications were of course seemingly out of fantasy character but it also proved how high and incorrect my expectations could be. It however was of course the 7th rejection in a year so it didn't exactly seem like a good thing at all. For the moment it's more knuckle down and play social leanings and politics and just ignore romance or any other such delusions.

Ran briefly into Cleo yesterday. Brief tit for tat of how one was and what movie's are good at the moment. Aminiable at best, civilised in appearance, tragic and wretching in aftermath. There is simply something about that girl that turns me into a terrifying psychopath and i want nothing to do with her. My head starts firing deluded what if's and negative and terrifying thoughts and i can't seem to stop them. She's a mess all unto herself, one i attempted to understand and failed at. She like most crazed female's i've had the overexperiance with, wouldn't open up and in turn made things more difficult. What is it about crazies that attract's me? Why do i even bother?


Yuck! I've had this sickness for over a week now! It was first a cold but inevitable with my poor physical shape, poor living habits, poor pysical and mental health, and a few bad behaviours once again i recieved my 4th Upper respiatry infection of the year so far. And this one's a keeper! Fecking thing was bad enough at first but now it's a slow releasing leak of mucus that keeps giving me a pointless and fruitless cough that just keeps building in severity. The odd time i get stuff clear but this thing keeps going. I'll soon have finished 2 course's of Day and Night and that's just a lot. I probably needed a doctor's appointment and Upper Respiratory Anti-biotic's more than a week ago, but no i slugged onward like it was a cold. And it's still at me. Fucking microbes!

Synapses; Warning more negativity and medical self diagnoses:

One interesting thought that rolled around my head is that quiet possibly my continued low moods and so on could be contributed to a persistant chemical imbalence or collection of chemical's around the nerve endings in my head that aren't queit right. Because of their prolonged pressance they are stuck that way. Basically i'm thinking along the line's that my brain need's some kind of flushing or jump start like what sleep does for short term memory. Of course i'm being a bit weird and so on but it sort of make's sense. Mild seizure's induced by elctric shock can help manic depressive's, sleep clean's up the day's experiance's, Drug's change chemical balances. Maybe in some way a cure for low mood's and so on would be to course certain level's of receptor chemical's and so on through the brain during sleep to set people to a more "happier" level artificially. It's a bit out there, and i lack the know how to understand it, but in my imagination it sounds plausable....


It's a rather cool word that i saw mentioned in the Guardian in regards to a events from last week at the G20 protests. The man who died of a heart attack was apparently assualted by the boys in blue minutes before his MI. The causative factor's probably being more than just the assualt of course as the man in question had a stressful life, was of lower income and sometimes homeless, depressive and drank heavily, but was healthy untill attacked for no logical reason. The footage, which is in the form of 2 public video's and a few photograph's seemed to capture the moments running up to and just after he was hit by police and possibly, although i haven't read anything, moments close to when he had his heartattack/MI. Synopticon as mentioned by a criminal expert is the process by which the public document with a state's wrong doings in the public domain using camera technology, or some such thing. I think it's a rather cool word and interesting as it stems from a similar word that discribe's the state watching the public for their wrong doing's and protections, but in a more sinister light ala 1984. It is an interesting topic that in this day and age people can witness such things and alow debate and criticism of a state body's actions as and when it happens. Twitter for instance was abuzz with traffic when the protest's were happening. And journalists, mobile phone's and one "tourists" camera in the case of this poor man, have been able to document these moments of history with ever increasing clarity and information. Shocking to consider the Police origionally did not seek any of the eyewitness involved, any possible visual evidance or any other such information. Just an inquiry and a delayed autopsy. Covering their fellow man, or poor handling of investigation's and their connection to internal investigations and affairs? In this day and age with so much more information it take's longer to process it all, but initial mistakes appear worse as the police take one line and stick with it, where as the media and public open every other angle and hamper, debate, discuss, add to and weaken an investigation that may be held. Mob rule would fonder just as much if it had mobile phones, several angle's of biast media and video-auditary footage. Just imagine what would happen to the senate after ceasar's death if the "mp's" all had 2nd gen iPhones? Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!

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