I am in the mood for lots of blogging so stay tuned, there's a lot coming up.
What is planed:
Pulp Cinema: A Tale of 2 good days.
Banama Republic: How i don't want to pay a fat-cat tax for the rest of my life, or how i'm upping routes and fecking off.
Why i'm Voting Yes To Lisbon, A tale of Ignorance.
I Like The Like. (A look at The Like 2.0 and their new music and look.)
So here is more Photo's from my Blog reading. Enjoy the meme's, and the splendor that is the internet.

What's not to like?
Weeeee, it looks like SO much fun!

Gotta love a bit of Calvin, this time without the Hobbes.

An Amazing Alternate poster for possibly one of the best movies ever made.

Kanye's F' Up is now a very extensive internet meme that's gathering speed, Par Example:

Thunder in San Fransisco.

Fucking iPhone Users.

An MIT student Captured this view of space with a Cheap Mobile Phone, Durecell Batteries, an Altometer, a Baloon and some Helium. All very cheaply too. Cool!

I just love the look of this house. Right on A river, almost hanging over it.

This Unsettling photo is appear all over the place. Its apparently from the New York times, or the New Yorker, i'm not arsed to check, but its shocking.
It shows a Jewish teenager in a town Where Both Israeli and Palestinians live side by side. The ignorance and contempt is obvious. Not only is he being a brat of a teenager. But he is also showing how his cultural and Ethinic setting are also influencing him and adding further weight to how this is wrong.
And yet he's not ACTUALLY hitting her. He's NOT bulldozing her house, firing phosphurus shells or stealing the Land of another nation. No he is merely throwing a drink with Hate, Ignorance, Youthful rebelion and Racism because he is just a Brat.
He could be anyone anywhere, spitting on another human being. But Instead he is a young devote Jewish boy persecuting an old Palestenian woman.
Far more moving stuff than any scene's of real violence or agony. This shows the most basic level of Hate and lack of respect for another human being. He's a brat excused and not excused by his surroundings.

A Rather Nice black and white Photo, very well frammed at that....

Cypto-zoologists must be loving this find! Apparently Gollum has been found in South America. It could just be something else born with a birth defect and no hair, but damn it is bizarre and interesting.

Or it could be related to this Mince-baby.



Daisy beautiful.

And some gif's:

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