Oh, well sorry about that. But it will be. It will go all the way up and up until three digits or whatever annoy me.
It is hoped to be a daily thing but sometimes i don't snap some of my own, whether via my INQ 1 or via my more substantial camera that's usually at hand protected at the bottom of my bag.
But as i see things that interested me both in the world and on various blogs and trends on the internet i will share them in Snap Happy.
Snap Happy will be nothing but a collection of photo's and other image's snapped by myself or snagged from the web. The web one's may be well known but it shows i love them to.
Oh and don't forget the witty or contextualising comments....
If i had money, as well as having a nice little Netbook, i'd have this bad boy in my Library, for purely decorative reasons!

STEAM PUNK LAPTOP! It's oh so pretty!
Now i though i caught them all, but it turns out there's a 4th Jolt flavour! Who knew!

This is Passion Fruit. It's bassically a zesty caffinated drink that shares the metalic and very never flat taste of the other 3 additions too the jolt range. Now most of this flavours are ancient to the yanks, but to us they're new, and odd.
I still hate the screw on top. The plastic is the main irksome point of them. But the design of these high pressure cans means that it doesn't seem to go flat, but it could be likely to explode or something to that effect.
Right, must put mentoes in the cola one and run!
Walking briefly after the rain i noticed the Leprachaun was taking a break:

Missed his face by seconds!
I also tried to sneakily snapp this girl stopped in the middle of Lower Grafton street on the phone, in light spittings of rain.

It didn't work but i got a very interesting distortion and curved view that i like.
I also still got the girl, but you can't see her face, so anonymity protected while still getting the picture i wanted..almost.
This however was a far better one from my old traveler camera a couple of years ago.

I think of it as a Sunshower pic.


Disney bought Marvel for 4 billion. Let's hope it's not a bad thing....
A rather interesting and terrifying add:

It's meant to emphasise the point that the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami killed 100 time's more people than 9/11.
Why i don't know, but its chilling none-the-less.
Cutesy of those masters of cute over at cute Overload:

I so want a puppy right now.... oh right, its meant to be Pepsi, yeah it doesn't work, its not the same as the Andrex puppy, he may be cute but he's a new one every 3 months and toilet paper is necessary, sugary diet drinks, i think not.
A Flock of birds, that i share to you with Flock, how quaint.

Goodbye for now.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
that pup was damn cute. Send that photo to cute overload blog. They collect cute photos and show them off. Loved reading you :)
There's a typo in the blog, it's meant to say "Courtesy of Cute Overload..." I am well aware of they supply of cute, and that puppy was from earlier in the week.
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