This post may contain some image's that are not NSFW. So those sensitive or skivvying among you have been warned...
Someone's love of Animal's over guests:
That's devotion for you.
Obama cookies? Sensitive much?
This is the most popular Slow motion video on a site of slow motion video's of water balloons.
We wonder why.
Irony in real life....
Hayley Williams (of the band Paramore) posted this on twitter:
"Security is mostly superstition... ..Life is but a daring adventure, or nothing."
Then this, before deleting it as it was a mistake....
Then this:
"well... my night just changed drastically. got hacked."
I have to say, for a negligent mistake on your blackberry, it's a rather good one. And although her best gift is red hair, which she has altered greatly over the years, she looks pretty hot here. (yes, even as an ass man i took a slight at the petite breasts...)
Oh well.
I support this message:
It all make's sense now:
This is an ad Campaign in Palermo, Italy.
For a chain of Fashion outlet's or something...
But Anti-Facist groups, and facists weren't very happy. Go figure...
Now that Lost is gone, there will be endless reference to it for the rest of eternity. But those of us who actually watched most of it, and stuck with it for 6 years. We can appreciate all the parody and meta-jokes and meme's a whole lot more!
That actually looks like a great show, especially since they both survived!
Yep, it was all a dogs dream!
I lol'd.
Apparently the Polar bear's, yes there was more than one, were on Russo's ship. But also one ended up in the desert, during the whole time travel thing....
Or they were here for this:
Also, if you never watched it, here is an explanation:
And here is a list of all the unanswered questions:
Well here are more humourus picture's i have collected over the past few days.
With the end of Lost, we now have to just remember the good old days, of always making fun of it in meta-memes:
Talking of CSI and the CSI effect, which is sort of a bad thing, since all Jury's expect the Police to have concrete Scientific evidence with no doubt etc etc
Ever thought of how to leave behind false footprints?
Here's the shoe's to do it:
Not because i have a plant to kill anyone, or anything like that, but if i had to.....
Now other than that one time, it's never Lupus.
But it might be....
I think some Dubliner's would feel the same way on certain streets:
A map of California from the Silver age of Cinema:
What a magical landscape, it can be used to represent the whole world!
Who wouldn't want to wish Happy Birthday in this Whovian way:
Screaming Kitty Approve's:
Also For all Dublin Based Film Buff's, here's a chance to do something great:
You all know this little guy. He's outside the Screen Cinema. A comendable art-house type cinema that is a love of many.
The Usher, sometimes called Mr Screen is part of a cobble stone raised area on Townsend Street and is part of the Plaza type nature of the very large junction that make's up: D'Olier Street, Fleet Street, Townsend Street, Hawkings Street (Bus's only), Pearse Street and College Street (restricted by the College Green Bus-gate at certain time's)
The Island near-by also contain's the Steine Monument which marks the sight of the Liffey's old Shoreline.
This little Square is vastly under appreciated. As the Cinema is of Cinephilic importance, there are many bus termnini around these streets, as well as historic locations and the Beautiful Gothic Pearse Street Garda Station.
There is a Pub Quiz in MacTurcaills
Price: €5 per person, maximum 5 people per team
Team Screen are hosting a film quiz to raise some money for Mr Screen's garden. Despite the inside of the Screen being a haven of loveliness, the outside certainly isn't and we think Mr Screen deserves better. Whether you care about that or not we know that you all want to exercise your film knowledge and battle for film nerdsupremacy. There will be fantasmagoricle prizes and cheap drinks, pints €3.50 and cocktails €4.
First prize, a private screening of a new summer release for you and your friends.
All of this is part of a fund raiser to DO SOMETHING to beautify the square, and clean it up. As i have encountered it's dangerous nature myself, having fallen on it and narrowly missed glass a few times.
Considering the Ominous and ugly nature of the Neighboring Apollo House and Department of Health and Children, the area does need a good face lift and a feeling of being a square, and not a thoroughfare like College Green.
I think this Cinema, and Dubliner's owe it to themselves to get drunk, reference pop-culture and make the city More pretty.
You're a blogger, you have the intention to blog at least once a week, or more frequently. But then you hit writers block or just don't feel like writing.
That's what it's been like for me for the past few day's. I had plenty of things to say, hell i had 3 blog posts planed out and did several thing worthy of blog posts. But i really didn't feel like bothering.
I'd rather be sucked into the mindless recesses of the internet than do a duty is signed up to, which is be narcissistic and tell a story, or share what i've seen, know, enjoy, or have done.
So what have i done you may ask?
Well if you haven't heard, i have been working. Okay i only work at weekends and only one or 2 days, but it's MONEY!
This means i was searching ebay for Camera's for My Amateur Film. Anything i could get for about 50 euro should do the trick.
In my lacking infinite wisdom, i bid on a Netbook as well, because i wanted one. And i uh... WON!
So now i am the proud owner of a soon to be arriving 7 inch netbook.
It's small, black, and weak as hell, but it was 61 EURO!
Here she is:
I will take a picture of it in My hands when it come's, sometime in the next week.
Now this little thing runs Windows CE. Which is apparently some super small version of Windows that is sort of pre-dating XP but around the time of Millenium and other such editions.
So frankly, it's shite, old, and not too demanding.
So i plan to replace it. What with?
A Linux based Netbook-specific Operating System that not only has Linux/Ubuntu feature's but also now use's aspects of Google Chrome OS (thanks to the open source stuff they gave the world for free as a tease).
I can't wait to give it a try. It also predominently works off of the "cloud". Which is a computing term for the magical world of Storing and using stuff right off the internet.
I would like to think of it as Ethernet, if that wasn't an oldschool form of Networking, or as far as i know anyway.
In other news i've been to the cinema twice recently.
And yesterday i saw Robin Hood with DS. It was a rather good movie and i hope they do make a sequel of some kind.
Also have you heard? GOOGLE TV is coming!
But what's greater than Google TV? GOOGLE TV SOCKS!
I want them!
Mainly because i am a man, i love geeky things, and i'm always running out of socks!
Back to a stronger blogging routine soon, especially since i'll have my little netbook.
What shall i call her?
Previous computers have been called, Bertha (win98)2001-2004, Sarah(win98)(2004-2006) and Lorraine(winXp) 2006-09, her hard drive is still in my possession but no PC for her).
I never refer to my computers by name, but having a name make's them special. I'm thinking Joey, any other suggestions?
I don't remember this song. Or more accurately, because it is from the year of my birth i never encountered it that often.
Whats just as strange is that as a kid i was a bit of Michael fan and played the only tape i had over and over and over. But this song wasn't from that album, so i didn't know it at all.
So when he died, and everyone was talking about this song, it was pretty moving. And that's probably the best explanation for why it make's me sad etc.
day 01 – your favorite song x day 02 – your least favorite song x day 03 – a song that makes you happy x day 04 – a song that makes you sad x day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone day 06 – a song that reminds of you of somewhere day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event day 08 – a song that you know all the words to day 09 – a song that you can dance to day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep day 11 – a song from your favorite band day 12 – a song from a band you hate day 13 – a song that is a guilty pleasure day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love day 15 – a song that describes you day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio day 19 – a song from your favorite album day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry day 21 – a song that you listen to when you’re happy day 22 – a song that you listen to when you’re sad day 23 – a song that you want to play at your wedding day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral day 25 – a song that makes you laugh day 26 – a song that you can play on an instrument day 27 – a song that you wish you could play day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty day 29 – a song from your childhood day 30 – your favorite song at this time last year
I won't make it all to bleak, but i really don't know.
I'd love to find out.
Music wise, in truth, melodic songs make me happy.
More than that songs that have something spiteful, witty or smart to say, but at the same time happy sounding.
This is why i gravitate to Fall Out Boy so much. In the early day's they discrived their lyrics as "Brutally Honest".
That's the kind of thing i like to hear. Disguised anger so to speak. Using melody and wit to express how you feel. Using you mind, popular culture and humour to express how you feel without directly referencing act's or feelings.
It has a depth to it. If you just go by the words, it's all simple. It should tell a story. But if you dig deeper it's far more harsh, or more profound.
I don't hear all the positive's in every song, i hear whats underneath in a lot of what i love.
Prime examples:
7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) by Fall Out Boy
A slightly Darker song. After all it's about an a Antidepressant's over-dose. The ultimate irony of Suicide attempts. And yet, a pun in the sub-title, a positive melodic song.
Pete Wentz is one broody writer. But Patrick Stump and the rest make it all a positive catchy song. It seem's impossible. But it will have you singing catchy lines that are really really dark. "I keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type". That's dark, that's out there, but it's so peppy.
The Beach by All Time Low
This IS FAR more positive. But at the same time it has doubt, it has nostalgia. And it use's little hooks and witticisms to distract you from the fact that it's all slightly negative. The narrator is afraid of change. He's remembering a positive time, or so he believes. It's not exactly a morally "good" time to remember. "Loosing my mind for the week" isn't something to be proud of.
But it's a party song, so to speak. It's a sort of anthem. It's all about youth, and not wanting to loose it. It's a lot more than you'd think it is.
Perfect by Marianas Trench
Nothing's perfect here. The narrator, or singer, has a massive disparity over what should perfect, and what is. He's pleading and begging to the object of affection to change things. He'll do anything etc And it's all not so rosy.
But "it's better this way, i'll make this perfect again!"
Just listen to every word. It's just so much smarter than a catchy song.
In terms of Brutal honesty this one goes right for the jugular. It's not hiding behind the usual alliteration's and simile's i love. It's Right there in the open. Domestic Violence, but with Relish and wit.
It's all over. It can be laughed at from a distance. And it's all happy. It was tit-for-tat and Florence apparently came out on top. She won. She up the anti most of the time and she come's out the better party.
It's fun, catchy and full of the kind of Relish that you just don't expect and have to applaud.
But a Song/ video that can make me happy, or at least make me smile?
Bank Dance:
day 01 – your favorite song x day 02 – your least favorite song x day 03 – a song that makes you happy x day 04 – a song that makes you sad day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone day 06 – a song that reminds of you of somewhere day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event day 08 – a song that you know all the words to day 09 – a song that you can dance to day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep day 11 – a song from your favorite band day 12 – a song from a band you hate day 13 – a song that is a guilty pleasure day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love day 15 – a song that describes you day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio day 19 – a song from your favorite album day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry day 21 – a song that you listen to when you’re happy day 22 – a song that you listen to when you’re sad day 23 – a song that you want to play at your wedding day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral day 25 – a song that makes you laugh day 26 – a song that you can play on an instrument day 27 – a song that you wish you could play day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty day 29 – a song from your childhood day 30 – your favorite song at this time last year
I really really do not like her! She's androgenous to the point of disturbing, and her fashion sense, if you can call it that, is so bizarre and individualistic that it's just weird.
I just don't get anything about her.
To continue the MUSICMEME thing i started yesterday, or earlier today tecnicaly, i want to talk about a song i really hate. Or more technically, the song i least like.
Poker Face by Lady Gaga:
I really don't like this song. And i'm not sure why. But it's just really really annoying.
I know there's innuendo, i know there's humour, but i just don't like it. It's kind of annoying. It's sort of nonsensical and i really can't stand it. Or is it just her?
This however is rather good? How strange.
So is this?:
And This:
And to some extent this and this:
But that is also a prime example of SEVERAL bad things about the modern world.
The speed of internet meme's is verging on scary. This kid was only spotted as something loads of people are looking at a few day's ago. Then Ellen watches it, her producers contact his mom, and he's on the show in the same week.
That and he's a tad prepubescent. Justin Bebier Prepubescent! It's disturbing.
It's as if people are starting to view Androgynous Women and Non-Masculine men as far more appealing that the normal Gender divide.
And it's just plain weird. I myself am far from a Manly Masculine image. I don't like sports, i'm not muscular and i don't exactly have luck with the ladies or have strong male bonds with anyone.
Hell i was a Male nursing student for a while at that.
But i don't like this trend of Lady Gaga, or Boy's who aren't even men. It's just wrong.
It's probably the one area in my personal politics where i believe i am conservative!
Men should be manly, women should be both sexy or motherly. Sure there can be effeminate gay men, and butch lesbians, and trans-gender and transsexual, but Androgynous people or undefined, that's just too far.
And considering that the whole Boy band culture is gone, there are few Rock bands that are popular, few solo male artists and the Whole Sexualising of Men via Interest in Vampires (Twilight, True Blood) you have got to ask, what do women want?
Why the hell Are Prepubescent boys and un-dead wife beaters with glittery skin more popular than real men.
And considering in Ireland, we Make up 49% of the population, it seem's even more difficult to be a man in this so called "equal" world. Mechanisation and Feminine empowerment have rendered a lot of formally manly role's and jobs useless. In our current culture young men are more likely to do worse at school, find it harder to get work and several time's more likely to commit suicide.
Is it just me or is the world bleak for Man. We had the ball's to name the species after ourselves. We ruled unchallenged, sort of, for 42,000 years. Now it's all getting hazy.
Now i'm all for many kinds of Womens Lib. But when i have no idea what it mean's to be a man anymore, and masculine ideal's are being ripped apart. It's not exactly a world many of us our ready to adapt to easily.
And yes i am single, and yeah, probably sexually frustrated. Oh and currently unfit and a bit overweight.
But i've a job now. I start Saturday. I will be ferrying drink to inebriated women, maybe things will be on the up.
day 01 – your favorite song x day 02 – your least favorite song x day 03 – a song that makes you happy day 04 – a song that makes you sad day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone day 06 – a song that reminds of you of somewhere day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event day 08 – a song that you know all the words to day 09 – a song that you can dance to day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep day 11 – a song from your favorite band day 12 – a song from a band you hate day 13 – a song that is a guilty pleasure day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love day 15 – a song that describes you day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio day 19 – a song from your favorite album day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry day 21 – a song that you listen to when you’re happy day 22 – a song that you listen to when you’re sad day 23 – a song that you want to play at your wedding day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral day 25 – a song that makes you laugh day 26 – a song that you can play on an instrument day 27 – a song that you wish you could play day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty day 29 – a song from your childhood day 30 – your favorite song at this time last year
In an attempt to bolster my blog posting, i will start using a meme.
In the venn diagram of pointlessness, Internet meme's debase our knowledge of the wider world....
To break me into the habit of posting as much as possible when ever i am online, i will use a meme.
I have seen this on a few blogs here or there, so i might as well do it to.
I have to post a song every day, for 30 days. Shouldn't be too hard?
day 01 – your favorite song day 02 – your least favorite song day 03 – a song that makes you happy day 04 – a song that makes you sad day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone day 06 – a song that reminds of you of somewhere day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event day 08 – a song that you know all the words to day 09 – a song that you can dance to day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep day 11 – a song from your favorite band day 12 – a song from a band you hate day 13 – a song that is a guilty pleasure day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love day 15 – a song that describes you day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio day 19 – a song from your favorite album day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry day 21 – a song that you listen to when you’re happy day 22 – a song that you listen to when you’re sad day 23 – a song that you want to play at your wedding day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral day 25 – a song that makes you laugh day 26 – a song that you can play on an instrument day 27 – a song that you wish you could play day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty day 29 – a song from your childhood day 30 – your favorite song at this time last year
My main problem with this is that a lot of my taste change's, but i think i can make it work.
So to start here is:
A Thousand Tree's by Stereophonics
Why? You may ask.
Well it's damn catchy! My top plays of all my songs may say that i prefer a fall out boy song, or a specific Emily song or even long ago a Mest or Green Day song, but in my mind, this is the top.
It's Fast, it's melodic, it's almost nonsensical, it's poetic, it's smart, it's sassy, and it's damn good. What's not to like.
It's possibly my favorite album of theirs as well. It can't get better than this!