She look's like this right?
I really really do not like her! She's androgenous to the point of disturbing, and her fashion sense, if you can call it that, is so bizarre and individualistic that it's just weird.
I just don't get anything about her.
To continue the MUSICMEME thing i started yesterday, or earlier today tecnicaly, i want to talk about a song i really hate. Or more technically, the song i least like.
Poker Face by Lady Gaga:
I really don't like this song. And i'm not sure why. But it's just really really annoying.
I know there's innuendo, i know there's humour, but i just don't like it. It's kind of annoying. It's sort of nonsensical and i really can't stand it. Or is it just her?
This however is rather good? How strange.
So is this?:
And This:
And to some extent this and this:
But that is also a prime example of SEVERAL bad things about the modern world.
The speed of internet meme's is verging on scary. This kid was only spotted as something loads of people are looking at a few day's ago. Then Ellen watches it, her producers contact his mom, and he's on the show in the same week.
That and he's a tad prepubescent. Justin Bebier Prepubescent! It's disturbing.
It's as if people are starting to view Androgynous Women and Non-Masculine men as far more appealing that the normal Gender divide.
And it's just plain weird. I myself am far from a Manly Masculine image. I don't like sports, i'm not muscular and i don't exactly have luck with the ladies or have strong male bonds with anyone.
Hell i was a Male nursing student for a while at that.
But i don't like this trend of Lady Gaga, or Boy's who aren't even men. It's just wrong.
It's probably the one area in my personal politics where i believe i am conservative!
Men should be manly, women should be both sexy or motherly. Sure there can be effeminate gay men, and butch lesbians, and trans-gender and transsexual, but Androgynous people or undefined, that's just too far.
And considering that the whole Boy band culture is gone, there are few Rock bands that are popular, few solo male artists and the Whole Sexualising of Men via Interest in Vampires (Twilight, True Blood) you have got to ask, what do women want?
Why the hell Are Prepubescent boys and un-dead wife beaters with glittery skin more popular than real men.
And considering in Ireland, we Make up 49% of the population, it seem's even more difficult to be a man in this so called "equal" world. Mechanisation and Feminine empowerment have rendered a lot of formally manly role's and jobs useless. In our current culture young men are more likely to do worse at school, find it harder to get work and several time's more likely to commit suicide.
Is it just me or is the world bleak for Man. We had the ball's to name the species after ourselves. We ruled unchallenged, sort of, for 42,000 years. Now it's all getting hazy.
Now i'm all for many kinds of Womens Lib. But when i have no idea what it mean's to be a man anymore, and masculine ideal's are being ripped apart. It's not exactly a world many of us our ready to adapt to easily.
And yes i am single, and yeah, probably sexually frustrated. Oh and currently unfit and a bit overweight.
But i've a job now. I start Saturday. I will be ferrying drink to inebriated women, maybe things will be on the up.
day 01 – your favorite song x
day 02 – your least favorite song x
day 03 – a song that makes you happy
day 04 – a song that makes you sad
day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone
day 06 – a song that reminds of you of somewhere
day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event
day 08 – a song that you know all the words to
day 09 – a song that you can dance to
day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep
day 11 – a song from your favorite band
day 12 – a song from a band you hate
day 13 – a song that is a guilty pleasure
day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love
day 15 – a song that describes you
day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio
day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio
day 19 – a song from your favorite album
day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry
day 21 – a song that you listen to when you’re happy
day 22 – a song that you listen to when you’re sad
day 23 – a song that you want to play at your wedding
day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral
day 25 – a song that makes you laugh
day 26 – a song that you can play on an instrument
day 27 – a song that you wish you could play
day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty
day 29 – a song from your childhood
day 30 – your favorite song at this time last year
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