But anyway, it seem's after some 30 years, and longer, in development hell Jack Kerouac's Classic beetnick bible On The Road is going to be made a film.
So far so good. Although there's some doubt surrounding it.
For one thing Kristen Stewart and Kirsten Dunst are confirmed stars for the adaptation. Well they're star's whose names the general public will recognise. In the Novel Female role's are scarce really, Mary Lou (Confirmed as being Kristen Stewart), Jane and a few others feature here and there, but how exactly this movie will play out is beyond me.

The two Leads the Narrator Sal Paradise and the close Friend Dean Moriarty are the main feature of the whole story. But who's playing them... Good question!
Sam Riley, Plays Sal Paradise. You may have seen him in Control, a movie about Joy Divisions origional Front man. If not, you've probably never really heard of him.
But considering his VERY good performance of Ian Curtis in Control he embodies the Jerky and manic nature of Curtis really well. If anything he's more suited to play the completly out there Dean Moriarty, if his previous role is anything to go by.
Who will play Dean, the real Thermometer/Barometer of how crazy this duo get's as they journey across America?

Garrett Hudland. Who you ask? Well he's playing the Lead in this summers Tron Legacy. Ye know, Tron, that groundbreaking special effects wonderkind of the 80s that Disney spent millions on, but few people saw or liked at the time, but now is considered legendary and culturally and aesthetically important/groundbreaking/buzzword/over-hype etc etc
He also played Patroclus in Troy. You may remember that there's a big deal made out of this Character, not only in the movie, and the Illyad's, plot. But also that there was controversy surrounding how it was changed for Hollywood audience's.
His role was small in the god awful film, but 2 very important scenes follow. 1 Being the Death of Eric Bana's Hector, the other being Peter O'Tool Delivering the ONLY worthy scene of acting in this abortion of a movie. But Patroclus was in the original a close warrior friend of Achilles and his lover. In the movie, he was demoted to unexplained Cousin. Unexplained because of Achilles apparent demi-god status, which would make a cousin very confusing for anyone who payed attention.....
I don't know Hudland at all really, so i have to wait for Tron Legacy to see if he's any good.
But i sort of get the sense that although Sam Riley is a good casting for a more Indy movie, and because of his acting chops i can actually refer to, Hudland seem's like a massive unknown.
Both Kristen and Kirsten won't have much to do in this film, depending on where in the story they focus, but they are both strong actor's and i think they can carry the female role's that are on offer, however few of them there may be.
When reading the book myself last summer, and only finishing it a few months ago, i felt this book HAD to be seen in some form. Although i value it as a book i love, and i rarely read, i think it was meant to be adapted in some way.
But it's FAR to long to be a film. A trilogy maybe, but it would be impossible to make that way.
Instead while reading it i felt it would be best adapted as a black and White Narrated Graffic Novel or Cell shaded Animation.
It could be as long as you want and specific details could be highlighted in each frame far better than in a film, where you need the a whole lot more to grab the audience.
The real story is in the fast and manic narration of the wild adventure. Can it translate into a movie? I have no idea? But i am pretty happy that someone is finally making one!

This is the Scroll of paper that Jack Kerouac Wrote the original On the Road On. In a period of about 2 weeks or so of constant typing, Kerouac punched out his past decade of Road Trips and Beet life in a fictionalised form. And thus the legend was born.
Jack Kereoac and Neal Cassidy (Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty)

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