With the end of Lost, we now have to just remember the good old days, of always making fun of it in meta-memes:

Talking of CSI and the CSI effect, which is sort of a bad thing, since all Jury's expect the Police to have concrete Scientific evidence with no doubt etc etc
Ever thought of how to leave behind false footprints?
Here's the shoe's to do it:

Not because i have a plant to kill anyone, or anything like that, but if i had to.....
Now other than that one time, it's never Lupus.

But it might be....
I think some Dubliner's would feel the same way on certain streets:

A map of California from the Silver age of Cinema:

What a magical landscape, it can be used to represent the whole world!

Who wouldn't want to wish Happy Birthday in this Whovian way:
Screaming Kitty Approve's:

Also For all Dublin Based Film Buff's, here's a chance to do something great:

You all know this little guy. He's outside the Screen Cinema. A comendable art-house type cinema that is a love of many.
The Usher, sometimes called Mr Screen is part of a cobble stone raised area on Townsend Street and is part of the Plaza type nature of the very large junction that make's up: D'Olier Street, Fleet Street, Townsend Street, Hawkings Street (Bus's only), Pearse Street and College Street (restricted by the College Green Bus-gate at certain time's)
The Island near-by also contain's the Steine Monument which marks the sight of the Liffey's old Shoreline.
This little Square is vastly under appreciated. As the Cinema is of Cinephilic importance, there are many bus termnini around these streets, as well as historic locations and the Beautiful Gothic Pearse Street Garda Station.
There is a Pub Quiz in MacTurcaills
Price: €5 per person, maximum 5 people per team
Team Screen are hosting a film quiz to raise some money for Mr Screen's garden. Despite the inside of the Screen being a haven of loveliness, the outside certainly isn't and we think Mr Screen deserves better. Whether you care about that or not we know that you all want to exercise your film knowledge and battle for film nerd supremacy. There will be fantasmagoricle prizes and cheap drinks, pints €3.50 and cocktails €4.
Team Screen are hosting a film quiz to raise some money for Mr Screen's garden. Despite the inside of the Screen being a haven of loveliness, the outside certainly isn't and we think Mr Screen deserves better. Whether you care about that or not we know that you all want to exercise your film knowledge and battle for film nerd supremacy. There will be fantasmagoricle prizes and cheap drinks, pints €3.50 and cocktails €4.
First prize, a private screening of a new summer release for you and your friends.
All of this is part of a fund raiser to DO SOMETHING to beautify the square, and clean it up. As i have encountered it's dangerous nature myself, having fallen on it and narrowly missed glass a few times.
Considering the Ominous and ugly nature of the Neighboring Apollo House and Department of Health and Children, the area does need a good face lift and a feeling of being a square, and not a thoroughfare like College Green.
I think this Cinema, and Dubliner's owe it to themselves to get drunk, reference pop-culture and make the city More pretty.
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