(Ever since i was one, i have been literally and figuratively relished the act, of Sleeping like a baby)
Now this morning i was "rudely" awoken by my mother frantically looking for her keys.
She couldn't find them, hence the looking really.
So i had to get up to help her get into the small garage to look for the keys.
My mother, in a lapse of good thinking, let my dad have the keys to do some mechanical checking, and he never gave them back.
So in my boxers and "Festival Deux Cannes" T-shirt and no socks, dashed out in the cool morning air to open the garage.
My mother was now distraught and wondering through the pre-able of babble that is my fathers usual directions.
She stood on the doorstep as i opened the garage. Exasperated she then went back into the house following one direction. So i thought, okay, i'm not needed here.
The second i put the garage keys back in the starfish key holder, i had to open the garage again.
I hoped across the cold paving avoiding stray stones too the door and opened it.
I stepped into the mass of, junk and semi-worthwhile things and looked around.
My mother repeated, "Near a stack of computers".
This is my dad we're talking about, I'm typing on the laptop in the TV ROOM, and there's a pile of computers at my feet. So imagine what the garage is like....
Nope not in the side-office.
Mother:"A Bike, i don't see a bike (bicycle apparently)"
I then pointed at the far wall, funny enough, a Mercedes bicycle hung there.
I then stepped out, putting two and two together, i saw a stack of computers at the far end. Past one of the motorbike's and the motorbike lift, there was also another Bicycle, origin unknown to me!
No real surface there for keys, oh wait a lock box. Many keys, all of different types, but 3 distinct black alarm keys for the various cars dotted about our drive....
Oh that's that sort i though.
I popped into bed and then my mother could be heard shouting. It wasn't the key!
And if that was not the spare key for the car, then the spare key was missing as well as the keys. Oh for fuck sake!
I looked about the place, no sign. So i popped my shoe's on without, any aditional clothes and went out to the, "other" garage.
The folly of concrete and man-ly interests that towers above the rest of the house.
Past the car's gathering dust and wood dust, i looked on every surface i could find, no keys....
I went back to the house. Sat a while, stopped the dogs from playing with me as their sharp nails are bad enough clothed, but with bare legs and a groggy 7am head i wasn't in the mood.
Then my mother had missplaced her phone....
I got back into bed as my dad was on his way home to help.
I lay in bed and used my phone/Alarm clock, mainly just my watch really, to phone my mums phone. In pacing up and down the corridor she didn't even hear it ringing as it was out of her head. She then found it again...
Then my mother found the spare keys, but had missed several trains so didn't leave.
My dad came home and i could here a distant loud conversation about it all. But tried to regain some semblance of sleep and keep warm from dashing into the cool morning air in effectively my Pajamas's/Underwear.
Then the keys turned up, and where were they...
Under the couch. The exact place i looked but couldnt see much.

1 comment:
Fuck. That's irritating. I stop this from happening now by having one (and only one) place for my keys. A place it's impossible to lose them from, sit on, or be stolen from me.
Though I never considered under the couch...
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