You're a blogger, you have the intention to blog at least once a week, or more frequently. But then you hit writers block or just don't feel like writing.
That's what it's been like for me for the past few day's. I had plenty of things to say, hell i had 3 blog posts planed out and did several thing worthy of blog posts. But i really didn't feel like bothering.
I'd rather be sucked into the mindless recesses of the internet than do a duty is signed up to, which is be narcissistic and tell a story, or share what i've seen, know, enjoy, or have done.
So what have i done you may ask?
Well if you haven't heard, i have been working. Okay i only work at weekends and only one or 2 days, but it's MONEY!
This means i was searching ebay for Camera's for My Amateur Film. Anything i could get for about 50 euro should do the trick.
In my lacking infinite wisdom, i bid on a Netbook as well, because i wanted one. And i uh... WON!
So now i am the proud owner of a soon to be arriving 7 inch netbook.
It's small, black, and weak as hell, but it was 61 EURO!
Here she is:

I will take a picture of it in My hands when it come's, sometime in the next week.
Now this little thing runs Windows CE. Which is apparently some super small version of Windows that is sort of pre-dating XP but around the time of Millenium and other such editions.
So frankly, it's shite, old, and not too demanding.
So i plan to replace it. What with?
A Linux based Netbook-specific Operating System that not only has Linux/Ubuntu feature's but also now use's aspects of Google Chrome OS (thanks to the open source stuff they gave the world for free as a tease).

I can't wait to give it a try. It also predominently works off of the "cloud". Which is a computing term for the magical world of Storing and using stuff right off the internet.
I would like to think of it as Ethernet, if that wasn't an oldschool form of Networking, or as far as i know anyway.
In other news i've been to the cinema twice recently.
First i saw Hot Tub Time Machine which was fun.
And yesterday i saw Robin Hood with DS. It was a rather good movie and i hope they do make a sequel of some kind.
Also have you heard? GOOGLE TV is coming!
But what's greater than Google TV? GOOGLE TV SOCKS!

I want them!
Mainly because i am a man, i love geeky things, and i'm always running out of socks!
Back to a stronger blogging routine soon, especially since i'll have my little netbook.
What shall i call her?
Previous computers have been called, Bertha (win98)2001-2004, Sarah(win98)(2004-2006) and Lorraine(winXp) 2006-09, her hard drive is still in my possession but no PC for her).
I never refer to my computers by name, but having a name make's them special. I'm thinking Joey, any other suggestions?
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