Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prospectus and musings; A website idea.

A few little musing's on my website idea.


I mentioned in a recent blog post that i have an idea for a blogging website.

Now nothing is concrete just a drive in my mind to get all my friends and people i read and other bloggers together to work together on a website to talk about their live's.

The main angle's i'm thinking of are either YOUTH in General, Irish youth or Young Irish people who write or have idea's.

The last one being the best. IE Entrepreneur's, Writers, Musician's, Artist's, Poet's, Aspiring Journalists, Training Profesional's and Opionionated people who want to be heard.

So far i've only recieved 3 email's in reply to it but i will pursue the matter further over the comming week's before i create a website and get it all going. I have to amas a team and so on. And then set it up so it's friendly for more to join and contribute.

1 of the email's was rather fruitful in that it was from an old classmate who know's a thing or two about business. The main jist of his reply was that there is great advertising oppurtunities to be had and so on. But it also got me on this current line of thought of YOUNG PEOPLE WITH IDEA'S.

A place for the "future leaders of industries" and so on to express their current views and live's and all that jazz. See how they plan to be what they want to be, how they view the world, what their live's are like, and if or how they come succesful or not.

It could also be a chance for these people to connect with each other via this website in a forum of exchange and debate.

OR in simple terms, a bohemian café on the internet for all the mover's and shakers, and thoughtful layabouts of the future.

A Name will also be needed.

Sugestions and other questions or queeries can be sent to:


A pipedream or a possible venture? Stay tuned.

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