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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
pokemon blue, day 1
Today was my first day playing pokemon blue.
I named my little pixilated self after me, and my fucked up rival red.
I chose charmander he chose squirtal, devious coded little cunt!
I beat the brat with several scratches and went of on the road of my pokemon adventure.
After prof oaks package, pokedex receiving and getting a map, the real game began.
In the fittest the bugs were pitiful but before hand I had back tracked again and caught a pidgey and rattata.
Helpful against the bug trainers and for catching a caterpillar and pupous waste of space.
By Bricks gym I was still not ready to win. I lost to the first trainer. So I reshuffled my pokemon and went in circles in some grass and fought wild pokemon. I caught two more rattata's one at a higher level than the one I owned. I also fucked my fighting pokemon to give them all exp points, including the shelled waste of space...
The trainer was still a challenge. And a stop to the poke centre was needed. Then Brock...
It took two goes and a lot of effort, but I didn't want to only use charmander. I gave every one a bash at his geodude. I then had only charmander left on full strength for his onix.
I fucked in the cocoon and my almost gone pidgey to drag it out and save my charmander from the pain of bide.
I eventual won and headed on the road. A tone of trainers awaited at the foot of Mt. Moon. I took on two in a row 3 times and healed my pokemon to not be caught out, and to learn as much as I could.
The battery light started to flash on the weak AAAs so I saved my first day of blue.
Stats and a list of pokemon in future posts.
I named my little pixilated self after me, and my fucked up rival red.
I chose charmander he chose squirtal, devious coded little cunt!
I beat the brat with several scratches and went of on the road of my pokemon adventure.
After prof oaks package, pokedex receiving and getting a map, the real game began.
In the fittest the bugs were pitiful but before hand I had back tracked again and caught a pidgey and rattata.
Helpful against the bug trainers and for catching a caterpillar and pupous waste of space.
By Bricks gym I was still not ready to win. I lost to the first trainer. So I reshuffled my pokemon and went in circles in some grass and fought wild pokemon. I caught two more rattata's one at a higher level than the one I owned. I also fucked my fighting pokemon to give them all exp points, including the shelled waste of space...
The trainer was still a challenge. And a stop to the poke centre was needed. Then Brock...
It took two goes and a lot of effort, but I didn't want to only use charmander. I gave every one a bash at his geodude. I then had only charmander left on full strength for his onix.
I fucked in the cocoon and my almost gone pidgey to drag it out and save my charmander from the pain of bide.
I eventual won and headed on the road. A tone of trainers awaited at the foot of Mt. Moon. I took on two in a row 3 times and healed my pokemon to not be caught out, and to learn as much as I could.
The battery light started to flash on the weak AAAs so I saved my first day of blue.
Stats and a list of pokemon in future posts.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
In Absence of a pen, Blog.
The battle with the dark, insomnia and Rowling thoughts...
(This was a blog post i composed early last week, never finished it though...)
Sometimes i hate this time, others i embrace it. The moments before sleep you cant achieve, where you mind ebbs and flows with worries, analysis and memories. From this past week i have many new memories, good, bad, and ugly.
And it is a struggle to come to terms with it all. Despite good intentions, the week never really turned out like i imagined. In some instance's it was great that it didn't follow a set plan, in others plans fell apart or didn't emerge as hoped. It was hodge-podge of uncertain results that have left me dumbfounded as to which actions to pursue in several situations.
And for the most part the only voice i have to express is my internal one. And the only person listening, at the moment, is me. This is very hard to return to, when socialising and dulling my mind have been more equal than weeks past. Yes, most of my points in this post will greatly refer to my screen name, and the philosophy and connotations i use to express how i see myself...
I suppose the best way to tell of my week is to speak in a structure. Not quite the good, the bad and the ugly, more the social, the disappointing and the negative self reflection. Catchy title's no?
So in keeping with my last blog post i set out upon my new found semI-optimism by making plans with friends for the week.
I planed for the cinema with DS and anyone who could join, on Thursday. To see toy story 3D.
For Friday i would catch up With Dona over lunch or "coffee" and following that Budsey for drinks of some kind.
Unfortunately Gammaman was unavailable, and my wallet limited, so a Wednesday meet up had to be ruled out.
My usually ever present Ex, PG, was on nights, and not really talking to me about much anyway, so i ruled her out automatically. All over built up spite over the past couple of years really, harking back to the same issue's as to why i broke up with her via an extended textual conversation one depressed rainy spring weekend.
I also expressed further dismay that Ming would not be returning to Dublin anytime soon, and was off to London. I'd like to go to London, or anywhere! My parents are off to Venice next week. Oh how jealous i am on many levels, more on this later.
The cinema was a good time. Nordie 1 saw my facebook status update invite to my entire social circle to see who wanted to see toy story, and joined the outing. This was good considering i hadn't seen him in about 3 and a half years or so, and especially not as much as every day in secondary school. Such nostalgia is likely to pop up more as i make my student film over the next few weeks as i hope to get as many friends as possible to help out in the creation of it.
I loved Toy Story 3, it was a heartbreaking reminder of childhood and just damn brilliant.
I couldn't stick around with DS and Nordie 1 though as i had to head home. Just barely meeting my mothers train on time on arrival in Drogheda by a bus that left 30 minutes early.
Late on Thursday night though my plans with Dona were canceled. Whether i willl talk about this is a matter of conjecture in my head....
Plans still held though with Budsey, so that would be good...
Setting off in the overcast skies of Friday morning i was frightfully nervous and uncertain. The weight of Dona's cancellation, and fearing job hunting were barring down on me, not to mention uncertainty over how things would be, on several levels, around Budsey.
Somehow i found the time and effort to walk up and down Dublin looking in windows for job positions. Barely a catch. Try as i might i could not find the courage to enquire anywhere. A failing i must admit, but at the same time, positions i did find, were looking for people with experience, and qualifications. None of these i can really offer, and i was pre-emptively defeated.
One strange posting however caught my eye.
Hair model's wanted.
I passed this location, in a quite Alley twice. I have grown to love this ally as a sort of a Harry Potter link that i used to not know about. I love to duck through it to get from random to random, and also to admire the pub fronts and quirks it has to offer. For the life of me i had never noticed a barbers.
Upon relieving myself in public facilities in TCD, i returned and entered.
I asked the Women there, apparently the only staff, what the post meant?
Apparently one of them is a student Barber/Hair Dresser/hair stylest/Male grooming facilitator, and they were looking for training subjects, who would get their hair cut for free.
Well i had hair, it was unruly and needed cutting, i said yes.
So i sat in the chair, and several awkward moments ensued.
The trainee was actually kind of hot, this would not be easy. Having you hair washed, when getting a cut, was alien enough, but having to lean forward???
Then the general chit chat, few and far between, but different to the silence i get in my usual place. At first my usual barbers would ask questions and so on, back when i was a teenager, but since then they seem to have recognised that i am not interested, and that i am slightly different to them. The accent, the vocab, and quite possibly the socio-economic background and interests. Football, in a barbers, wheres the music, this may be 9 quid a cut but your establishment is "beneath me". (that being what i think, they think i'm thinking, when i'm there)
The Irish have a Unique capacity for cynicism in the face of this economic crisis. We all think the world is impossible and unforgiving, or at least that is how we casually accept how we must talk to others. Pretend were all equal, or all suffering, and hide any positives, or i am worse off anecdotes. This Trainee had a lot of this.
My, i was a male nurse, now just a bar back on the weekends was nothing compared to her. She was utterly without a 3rd level prospect, deriding the whole Career Counseling profession as expecting all girls to be Nurse's. She herself could not be a nurse, not the usual thing of gore etc, but the self revealing story that her Mother recently died. Hospice's was mentioned, but i dare not pry, i had no idea how to take this offering of conversation. Yes nursing is very noble, and not for all, but to continue down that cul de sac of connecting memory dots for her could not be a good thing. I could not really mention all i saw in James's, her mother had been there. The Cancer ward i admired was off limits, the STD's and the HIV or Burns also. Suddenly my disgust at the care of the elderly Overcrowding i had already derided was now insensitive, and i couldn't say anymore at all about nursing, or college.
She was also finding it hard to learn in her job of a year. To find hair models, or prove her skill.
Okay i was top-trumped by economic woe, a first. This had fizzled all conversation.
I was left to staring in the mirror at my hair receding, or at the ornate nature of the Dunnes Stores window down the street. Certainly not at her. That was difficult, used to ignoring men who ignore me and do a task. Instead i had a unsure nubile young woman at close quarters slowly changing my appearance. While i sat as a training instrument, trying not to let my mind undo a century of feminism and social change.
With my new head of hair i did more window job hunting, but to no real discovery of anything i gave up.
A very good busking group performed Dakota by Stereophonics with a box, an acoustic guitar and a violin, and a 3 part harmony. I had heard this rendition before while walking on Grafton street, and assumed the Guitarist must play there regularly, but the first time without the other 2.
With some red bull cola, and a guardian in hand, i sat at the base of an O'Connell street statue and waited for Budsey to arrive on the Luas.
I must have been engrossed in the G2's article on BASE jumping to notice her arrival so i got up, with a slightly stiff lower body and met her at the steps of easons.
We walked and talked and decided on Some Milkshakes from college green. Then consumed and chatted in Temple bar Square to the background noise of tourists, locals, Restaurant pushers and an Eastern European Folk group that also played some Rolling Stones acoustically.
We then went looking for a pub and eventually settled on the Czech Inn in Old town. What followed was, of course, Drink, open and frank discussions on sexuality, personal histories and religious belief. To say i did most of the talking was an understatement, but with most questions originating from Budsey i was all to happy to share and answer as much as i could. A good time had.
And after waiting for a heavy shower to pass we walked along wood quay to the four courts and parted ways on opposite Trams.
The Disappointing.
I wanted to blog a lot more this week, but i didn't.
I was perturbed and put off by the fact that my efforts to review an album and include youtube video's were scuppered by a crashed tab of blogger. And when i returned half of the post was missing due to several glitches and alterations, that were subsequently a lesser post than what i had been pre-typing on my Notebook.
And i also further dulled my mind with excessive internet use. Tumblr being a large component of this. It is fucking addictive stuff. And if you dear reader have not noticed, i have added a tumblr display to the bottom of my page, and have also started to FLOOD my twitter with, what i can only assume is annoying, auto-updates. I apologise for this if some do not appreciate the Tumblr medium, or generally don't like non-narcissistic twitter posts.
I also did not receive any round Zero offers on my CAO application. This is supposedly a round for people who have done the leaving in the past, and mature applicants, and for certain course's but nothing. Why i don't know but oh well. I have no clear concrete plans yet anyway...
Work was alright this week. I'm well into the swing of things, but it felt like a lackluster affair for some reason.
Maybe because i was so tired afterwards, and that i had spent so much money during the week after doing 2 nights in a row.
I also noticed a very cute redhead at the bar several times. And she appeared to be alone, a very rare sight. I actually had asked a colleague where she had gone. Disappointingly she had left for a rival club that is usually mentioned as preferred by the locals. A pity on many levels.
The Negative
Hmm where to begin on all that negative...
(Thus ends a this post. Can't think of a way to mend it, or end it, so i'll leave as is.)
(This was a blog post i composed early last week, never finished it though...)
Sometimes i hate this time, others i embrace it. The moments before sleep you cant achieve, where you mind ebbs and flows with worries, analysis and memories. From this past week i have many new memories, good, bad, and ugly.
And it is a struggle to come to terms with it all. Despite good intentions, the week never really turned out like i imagined. In some instance's it was great that it didn't follow a set plan, in others plans fell apart or didn't emerge as hoped. It was hodge-podge of uncertain results that have left me dumbfounded as to which actions to pursue in several situations.
And for the most part the only voice i have to express is my internal one. And the only person listening, at the moment, is me. This is very hard to return to, when socialising and dulling my mind have been more equal than weeks past. Yes, most of my points in this post will greatly refer to my screen name, and the philosophy and connotations i use to express how i see myself...
I suppose the best way to tell of my week is to speak in a structure. Not quite the good, the bad and the ugly, more the social, the disappointing and the negative self reflection. Catchy title's no?
So in keeping with my last blog post i set out upon my new found semI-optimism by making plans with friends for the week.
I planed for the cinema with DS and anyone who could join, on Thursday. To see toy story 3D.
For Friday i would catch up With Dona over lunch or "coffee" and following that Budsey for drinks of some kind.
Unfortunately Gammaman was unavailable, and my wallet limited, so a Wednesday meet up had to be ruled out.
My usually ever present Ex, PG, was on nights, and not really talking to me about much anyway, so i ruled her out automatically. All over built up spite over the past couple of years really, harking back to the same issue's as to why i broke up with her via an extended textual conversation one depressed rainy spring weekend.
I also expressed further dismay that Ming would not be returning to Dublin anytime soon, and was off to London. I'd like to go to London, or anywhere! My parents are off to Venice next week. Oh how jealous i am on many levels, more on this later.
The cinema was a good time. Nordie 1 saw my facebook status update invite to my entire social circle to see who wanted to see toy story, and joined the outing. This was good considering i hadn't seen him in about 3 and a half years or so, and especially not as much as every day in secondary school. Such nostalgia is likely to pop up more as i make my student film over the next few weeks as i hope to get as many friends as possible to help out in the creation of it.
I loved Toy Story 3, it was a heartbreaking reminder of childhood and just damn brilliant.
I couldn't stick around with DS and Nordie 1 though as i had to head home. Just barely meeting my mothers train on time on arrival in Drogheda by a bus that left 30 minutes early.
Late on Thursday night though my plans with Dona were canceled. Whether i willl talk about this is a matter of conjecture in my head....
Plans still held though with Budsey, so that would be good...
Setting off in the overcast skies of Friday morning i was frightfully nervous and uncertain. The weight of Dona's cancellation, and fearing job hunting were barring down on me, not to mention uncertainty over how things would be, on several levels, around Budsey.
Somehow i found the time and effort to walk up and down Dublin looking in windows for job positions. Barely a catch. Try as i might i could not find the courage to enquire anywhere. A failing i must admit, but at the same time, positions i did find, were looking for people with experience, and qualifications. None of these i can really offer, and i was pre-emptively defeated.
One strange posting however caught my eye.
Hair model's wanted.
I passed this location, in a quite Alley twice. I have grown to love this ally as a sort of a Harry Potter link that i used to not know about. I love to duck through it to get from random to random, and also to admire the pub fronts and quirks it has to offer. For the life of me i had never noticed a barbers.
Upon relieving myself in public facilities in TCD, i returned and entered.
I asked the Women there, apparently the only staff, what the post meant?
Apparently one of them is a student Barber/Hair Dresser/hair stylest/Male grooming facilitator, and they were looking for training subjects, who would get their hair cut for free.
Well i had hair, it was unruly and needed cutting, i said yes.
So i sat in the chair, and several awkward moments ensued.
The trainee was actually kind of hot, this would not be easy. Having you hair washed, when getting a cut, was alien enough, but having to lean forward???
Then the general chit chat, few and far between, but different to the silence i get in my usual place. At first my usual barbers would ask questions and so on, back when i was a teenager, but since then they seem to have recognised that i am not interested, and that i am slightly different to them. The accent, the vocab, and quite possibly the socio-economic background and interests. Football, in a barbers, wheres the music, this may be 9 quid a cut but your establishment is "beneath me". (that being what i think, they think i'm thinking, when i'm there)
The Irish have a Unique capacity for cynicism in the face of this economic crisis. We all think the world is impossible and unforgiving, or at least that is how we casually accept how we must talk to others. Pretend were all equal, or all suffering, and hide any positives, or i am worse off anecdotes. This Trainee had a lot of this.
My, i was a male nurse, now just a bar back on the weekends was nothing compared to her. She was utterly without a 3rd level prospect, deriding the whole Career Counseling profession as expecting all girls to be Nurse's. She herself could not be a nurse, not the usual thing of gore etc, but the self revealing story that her Mother recently died. Hospice's was mentioned, but i dare not pry, i had no idea how to take this offering of conversation. Yes nursing is very noble, and not for all, but to continue down that cul de sac of connecting memory dots for her could not be a good thing. I could not really mention all i saw in James's, her mother had been there. The Cancer ward i admired was off limits, the STD's and the HIV or Burns also. Suddenly my disgust at the care of the elderly Overcrowding i had already derided was now insensitive, and i couldn't say anymore at all about nursing, or college.
She was also finding it hard to learn in her job of a year. To find hair models, or prove her skill.
Okay i was top-trumped by economic woe, a first. This had fizzled all conversation.
I was left to staring in the mirror at my hair receding, or at the ornate nature of the Dunnes Stores window down the street. Certainly not at her. That was difficult, used to ignoring men who ignore me and do a task. Instead i had a unsure nubile young woman at close quarters slowly changing my appearance. While i sat as a training instrument, trying not to let my mind undo a century of feminism and social change.
With my new head of hair i did more window job hunting, but to no real discovery of anything i gave up.
A very good busking group performed Dakota by Stereophonics with a box, an acoustic guitar and a violin, and a 3 part harmony. I had heard this rendition before while walking on Grafton street, and assumed the Guitarist must play there regularly, but the first time without the other 2.
With some red bull cola, and a guardian in hand, i sat at the base of an O'Connell street statue and waited for Budsey to arrive on the Luas.
I must have been engrossed in the G2's article on BASE jumping to notice her arrival so i got up, with a slightly stiff lower body and met her at the steps of easons.
We walked and talked and decided on Some Milkshakes from college green. Then consumed and chatted in Temple bar Square to the background noise of tourists, locals, Restaurant pushers and an Eastern European Folk group that also played some Rolling Stones acoustically.
We then went looking for a pub and eventually settled on the Czech Inn in Old town. What followed was, of course, Drink, open and frank discussions on sexuality, personal histories and religious belief. To say i did most of the talking was an understatement, but with most questions originating from Budsey i was all to happy to share and answer as much as i could. A good time had.
And after waiting for a heavy shower to pass we walked along wood quay to the four courts and parted ways on opposite Trams.
The Disappointing.
I wanted to blog a lot more this week, but i didn't.
I was perturbed and put off by the fact that my efforts to review an album and include youtube video's were scuppered by a crashed tab of blogger. And when i returned half of the post was missing due to several glitches and alterations, that were subsequently a lesser post than what i had been pre-typing on my Notebook.
And i also further dulled my mind with excessive internet use. Tumblr being a large component of this. It is fucking addictive stuff. And if you dear reader have not noticed, i have added a tumblr display to the bottom of my page, and have also started to FLOOD my twitter with, what i can only assume is annoying, auto-updates. I apologise for this if some do not appreciate the Tumblr medium, or generally don't like non-narcissistic twitter posts.
I also did not receive any round Zero offers on my CAO application. This is supposedly a round for people who have done the leaving in the past, and mature applicants, and for certain course's but nothing. Why i don't know but oh well. I have no clear concrete plans yet anyway...
Work was alright this week. I'm well into the swing of things, but it felt like a lackluster affair for some reason.
Maybe because i was so tired afterwards, and that i had spent so much money during the week after doing 2 nights in a row.
I also noticed a very cute redhead at the bar several times. And she appeared to be alone, a very rare sight. I actually had asked a colleague where she had gone. Disappointingly she had left for a rival club that is usually mentioned as preferred by the locals. A pity on many levels.
The Negative
Hmm where to begin on all that negative...
(Thus ends a this post. Can't think of a way to mend it, or end it, so i'll leave as is.)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A month of Good Intentions...
In which i make life long choices, and have fun doing it.
So we're in august 2010. We're so far in the future that we have surpassed Lisa Simpsons wedding.

Honestly at no fixed point in time did i have any idea what i would be doing with my life in the future.
One fantasy that remained was that i wanted to be a film director or writer. Recently it has molded into the idea that i want to be a "cineauteur". Which means i want to be involved in the make process of all aspects of film or tv production. I want to be adept at all parts of my interest and weigh in as much as possible on everything that i love.
No obviously, this isn't something you can train for. More practically for the immediate future i have to get a 2nd job, i have to save money, and i have to go to college and learn.
I have to take charge of my life entirely by myself. And despite the muddle of the past year, and my lower mood during my recent blogging gap, i feel i have to express myself, i have to control my fate, and i have to live my life as it comes.
I just worked 2 days in a row. That's 100 euro. Straight away i had to give 20 to my dad for petrol costs and for 10 euro credit i desperately needed for my phone. I need more hours in my current job, and i also need a second job.
By August 5th i expect some CAO offers to come through. I have no idea what i am likely to get, but for the most part i'm convinced i will have to differ or decline them. I can't afford college again yet. My parents are not able to support me any further, and they are currently going through some aesthetic and cosmetic changes to the house and its gardens.
I have not talked to them about any of this. I haven't had a strong clue of what i'm going to do, or at least what i want to tell the parental units. For the most part i avoid conversations with them, i don't want to fight.
The most recent issue is that i just passed my road theory test. At my own expense, one weeks wages, and now i have entered into a sort of deal with my parents to get driving lessons. My Mother will fork out for my provisional license and i will pay for alternate lessons. However adding me to the insurance on any of the cars is next to impossible. It would cost 700E or so until the next policy change over date, or some such, and the in excess of 1,500 a year. Frankly that sounds like an insult, and money better spent on education or even supporting me if i decided to move out of the house and possibly avail of benefits, or live off 2 or 3 low pay jobs.
As well as the up coming CAO offers over the next month is an interview with Bellyfermot and their film course.
For this i need to prepare a portfolio of some kind. Including video work, 20 photos, Storyboards, screenplay drafts etc. I hope to work on this over the next month.
This is where my student film comes in. A documentary style thing of asking friends who volunteer their time, what they would think if they were to go to war, in space. And also other issue's specific to them and Irish youth.
This gives me an excuse to repair and plaster up a lot of my friendships that have been damaged over the past year, and also to rekindle old ties to school friends and so on.
On top of my portfolio commitments is the over barring stroke of good luck that is the chance to return to nursing. Thanks to the mother of all technical fuck ups i have a chance to do 2nd year, a third time. Now frankly i have reached the overwhelming consensus in my emotions that this would be the worst thing possible. That i do NOT want to be miserable in that course for another 3 years. That despite it being a steady career and allowing me to go anywhere i just could not commit to it. I would be so aware that i could repeat past mistakes that i would be miserable. I do not want it.
That and frankly as a peer group, beyond the friends i already have, i don't want to have to socialise with more nurses. They would all be THREE years younger, or more. This is a large stretch, and frankly its scary and alienating. Its hard enough to approach girls as a shy male as it is, but to have to return to the same situation that i have crashed and burned in again and again is just humiliating. I see nothing positive about choosing it.
My Friends and school mates are now all graduating/graduated recently. I however am nowhere further in the world than i could have been 4 years ago. I have bigger ideas, bigger aspirations and bigger dream than where i have ended up.
For the most part emotionally and socially i am still a lost and confused teenager, at 22. I feel i have not reached artificial milestones inside my head, and frequently this bothers me. I am shy and closed in and find it hard to be assertive or to let loose or open up to new people. I also find it hard to be heard, or to have anything interesting to say that i know will be heard. I'm a bundle of uncertainty.
However what i know i can be certain about is my love of Cinema. And my vast imagination that i have had to suppress and let only slip out slowly from time to time to distract myself from reality.
In the past few weeks i've taken to wasting even MORE time on the Internet, like the cyber-addict i am. Amongst that time wasting has been Switching wholesale to Tumblr as a blogging medium and means of dulling my brain, so i don't have to think about the outside world. Its damn near addictive, its twitter on crack for internet hipsters and fanboys/girls. Its not a bad place, but the time spent on it is. I really should unfollow some people, and post more meaningful stuff, but be restrained about it. I have also noticed that my twitter use has pretty much died off as a result. Yes there is auto shares and so on, but me actually expressing words and not video and photo, all but gone.
Shocking really. And it must all be rectified.
I am amongst the Job Aspirations, the saving of money, the life decisions, the social life, the portfolio etc, also hoping to make a stronger stab and maintaining my blogging, and web-presence.
Thus i am writing this, of course, and getting my self-narritive touch back. Also expect film and music reviews to come thick and fast and more often as i embrace my interests instead of self moaning, as has been a common theme of this here blog.
I may also take a stab at annotating, editing and improving the links and narrative of older posts. I've hinted at this several times, but usually i have not. I've made stabs at guides and link lists and so on, but usually its all been half arsed. Hopefully i will be a better blogger. Spring cleaning is needed.
Another issue which i especially felt today, is that i am lonely. I know i need my better stab at a social life and so on but i really do feel that i am starting to really feel the need to be with someone, to have a significant other. I know i am going to be VERY busy over the coming months, but i really am lonely. I have urges not only of the sexual kind but also to share my time with someone. Ye know to really love someone, and to be loved. I'm not even sure if i have ever been in love. The whole PG thing was hormones reaching an impasse where to two of us had to hook up and explore ourselves in order to survive as young adults, as for love, i don't know if it was there.
Then my fling in January? I was so ALONE that the only strong friend i had made in Australia was a release. A threesome and then being part of cheating, wasn't exactly the most normal way of going about anything like that, but i needed someone to be with, and for the week i was leaving, it was exactly what i needed. The following "trouble" was sort of insulting, it was no slight on anyone else, i NEED to be me. I need to live my life and make my own mistakes. I needed to feel something other than pure sadness and loneliness. I was on the edge of screaming. Stuck with an unfamiliar sister in an alien country 11,000 miles from what tenuous friendships i had was hell. And with my parents dragging me home because i was living exactly the same as at home, with no one, not even myself, believing that i could find work. It was Utterly shit. And frankly i don't regret my personal actions, i needed a friend, and i needed a good "root".
But despite how busy i know i have to make myself this month, i am raring to go. I want to embrace it all. I want to document it, i want to share what it is like to be me via this blog as i have in the past, and i want to develop and become the person i want to be.
I have the side urge of wanting a physical person to share this with, beyond friendships, but realistically i don't know if i can also attain this. I probably am still not "ready" for it, but then again, can you be ready for "love" or even the lust i so desperately want to quench. Despite not being fully interested in more promiscuous or impersonal aspects of some of modern youths sexual practice's and courting methods, i to want to get my rocks off. I don't see the full appeal of one night stands or constant flings. For the most part i want Relationships. At the same time my body wants to have its way with many attractive women, but my emotions want someone to talk to and share things with all at the same time. I don't want to separate them. I want a partner in life/crime/love etc, purely sex isn't as appealing to me.
I'd rather the affirmation of a relationship, than the gratification of a one night stand.
Its the one thing of over the next month i am still uncertain about.
Bring it on regardless.
So we're in august 2010. We're so far in the future that we have surpassed Lisa Simpsons wedding.

Honestly at no fixed point in time did i have any idea what i would be doing with my life in the future.
One fantasy that remained was that i wanted to be a film director or writer. Recently it has molded into the idea that i want to be a "cineauteur". Which means i want to be involved in the make process of all aspects of film or tv production. I want to be adept at all parts of my interest and weigh in as much as possible on everything that i love.
No obviously, this isn't something you can train for. More practically for the immediate future i have to get a 2nd job, i have to save money, and i have to go to college and learn.
I have to take charge of my life entirely by myself. And despite the muddle of the past year, and my lower mood during my recent blogging gap, i feel i have to express myself, i have to control my fate, and i have to live my life as it comes.
I just worked 2 days in a row. That's 100 euro. Straight away i had to give 20 to my dad for petrol costs and for 10 euro credit i desperately needed for my phone. I need more hours in my current job, and i also need a second job.
By August 5th i expect some CAO offers to come through. I have no idea what i am likely to get, but for the most part i'm convinced i will have to differ or decline them. I can't afford college again yet. My parents are not able to support me any further, and they are currently going through some aesthetic and cosmetic changes to the house and its gardens.
I have not talked to them about any of this. I haven't had a strong clue of what i'm going to do, or at least what i want to tell the parental units. For the most part i avoid conversations with them, i don't want to fight.
The most recent issue is that i just passed my road theory test. At my own expense, one weeks wages, and now i have entered into a sort of deal with my parents to get driving lessons. My Mother will fork out for my provisional license and i will pay for alternate lessons. However adding me to the insurance on any of the cars is next to impossible. It would cost 700E or so until the next policy change over date, or some such, and the in excess of 1,500 a year. Frankly that sounds like an insult, and money better spent on education or even supporting me if i decided to move out of the house and possibly avail of benefits, or live off 2 or 3 low pay jobs.
As well as the up coming CAO offers over the next month is an interview with Bellyfermot and their film course.
For this i need to prepare a portfolio of some kind. Including video work, 20 photos, Storyboards, screenplay drafts etc. I hope to work on this over the next month.
This is where my student film comes in. A documentary style thing of asking friends who volunteer their time, what they would think if they were to go to war, in space. And also other issue's specific to them and Irish youth.
This gives me an excuse to repair and plaster up a lot of my friendships that have been damaged over the past year, and also to rekindle old ties to school friends and so on.
On top of my portfolio commitments is the over barring stroke of good luck that is the chance to return to nursing. Thanks to the mother of all technical fuck ups i have a chance to do 2nd year, a third time. Now frankly i have reached the overwhelming consensus in my emotions that this would be the worst thing possible. That i do NOT want to be miserable in that course for another 3 years. That despite it being a steady career and allowing me to go anywhere i just could not commit to it. I would be so aware that i could repeat past mistakes that i would be miserable. I do not want it.
That and frankly as a peer group, beyond the friends i already have, i don't want to have to socialise with more nurses. They would all be THREE years younger, or more. This is a large stretch, and frankly its scary and alienating. Its hard enough to approach girls as a shy male as it is, but to have to return to the same situation that i have crashed and burned in again and again is just humiliating. I see nothing positive about choosing it.
My Friends and school mates are now all graduating/graduated recently. I however am nowhere further in the world than i could have been 4 years ago. I have bigger ideas, bigger aspirations and bigger dream than where i have ended up.
For the most part emotionally and socially i am still a lost and confused teenager, at 22. I feel i have not reached artificial milestones inside my head, and frequently this bothers me. I am shy and closed in and find it hard to be assertive or to let loose or open up to new people. I also find it hard to be heard, or to have anything interesting to say that i know will be heard. I'm a bundle of uncertainty.
However what i know i can be certain about is my love of Cinema. And my vast imagination that i have had to suppress and let only slip out slowly from time to time to distract myself from reality.
In the past few weeks i've taken to wasting even MORE time on the Internet, like the cyber-addict i am. Amongst that time wasting has been Switching wholesale to Tumblr as a blogging medium and means of dulling my brain, so i don't have to think about the outside world. Its damn near addictive, its twitter on crack for internet hipsters and fanboys/girls. Its not a bad place, but the time spent on it is. I really should unfollow some people, and post more meaningful stuff, but be restrained about it. I have also noticed that my twitter use has pretty much died off as a result. Yes there is auto shares and so on, but me actually expressing words and not video and photo, all but gone.
Shocking really. And it must all be rectified.
I am amongst the Job Aspirations, the saving of money, the life decisions, the social life, the portfolio etc, also hoping to make a stronger stab and maintaining my blogging, and web-presence.
Thus i am writing this, of course, and getting my self-narritive touch back. Also expect film and music reviews to come thick and fast and more often as i embrace my interests instead of self moaning, as has been a common theme of this here blog.
I may also take a stab at annotating, editing and improving the links and narrative of older posts. I've hinted at this several times, but usually i have not. I've made stabs at guides and link lists and so on, but usually its all been half arsed. Hopefully i will be a better blogger. Spring cleaning is needed.
Another issue which i especially felt today, is that i am lonely. I know i need my better stab at a social life and so on but i really do feel that i am starting to really feel the need to be with someone, to have a significant other. I know i am going to be VERY busy over the coming months, but i really am lonely. I have urges not only of the sexual kind but also to share my time with someone. Ye know to really love someone, and to be loved. I'm not even sure if i have ever been in love. The whole PG thing was hormones reaching an impasse where to two of us had to hook up and explore ourselves in order to survive as young adults, as for love, i don't know if it was there.
Then my fling in January? I was so ALONE that the only strong friend i had made in Australia was a release. A threesome and then being part of cheating, wasn't exactly the most normal way of going about anything like that, but i needed someone to be with, and for the week i was leaving, it was exactly what i needed. The following "trouble" was sort of insulting, it was no slight on anyone else, i NEED to be me. I need to live my life and make my own mistakes. I needed to feel something other than pure sadness and loneliness. I was on the edge of screaming. Stuck with an unfamiliar sister in an alien country 11,000 miles from what tenuous friendships i had was hell. And with my parents dragging me home because i was living exactly the same as at home, with no one, not even myself, believing that i could find work. It was Utterly shit. And frankly i don't regret my personal actions, i needed a friend, and i needed a good "root".
But despite how busy i know i have to make myself this month, i am raring to go. I want to embrace it all. I want to document it, i want to share what it is like to be me via this blog as i have in the past, and i want to develop and become the person i want to be.
I have the side urge of wanting a physical person to share this with, beyond friendships, but realistically i don't know if i can also attain this. I probably am still not "ready" for it, but then again, can you be ready for "love" or even the lust i so desperately want to quench. Despite not being fully interested in more promiscuous or impersonal aspects of some of modern youths sexual practice's and courting methods, i to want to get my rocks off. I don't see the full appeal of one night stands or constant flings. For the most part i want Relationships. At the same time my body wants to have its way with many attractive women, but my emotions want someone to talk to and share things with all at the same time. I don't want to separate them. I want a partner in life/crime/love etc, purely sex isn't as appealing to me.
I'd rather the affirmation of a relationship, than the gratification of a one night stand.
Its the one thing of over the next month i am still uncertain about.
Bring it on regardless.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Snap Happy #22
Where i unleash a backlog of photo's on the unsuspecting reader...

Mmm, Cream of Darkness, now with more zombies!

One bad ASS mo-fo!

Jelly Baby?

Jean's i'd support!

Americanization FTW!

Art & Science = Philosphy. I love it!

This is why people are afraid of clowns!

'Nuff Said.

Overkill Much?

And to keep up a semi-trend,

I like to end on a Rick-Roll or Internet meme related note...

Mmm, Cream of Darkness, now with more zombies!

One bad ASS mo-fo!

Jelly Baby?

Jean's i'd support!

Americanization FTW!

Art & Science = Philosphy. I love it!

This is why people are afraid of clowns!

'Nuff Said.

Overkill Much?

And to keep up a semi-trend,

I like to end on a Rick-Roll or Internet meme related note...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Passin' through the Hood.
Yet another counselor day.
I want talk much about all that cause, its usually more of a downer and not much of a story.
Instead i will regale you many a tale of hoods and keepin' it real.
I started my day in the big smoke in an internet cafe. A 24 hour joint that serves coffee, slots and slow bandwith. The sky was grey but the morning had started dry and warm, the mere illusion of summer had tourists, commuters, and hot hipster chicks dressed down, despite the slow creep of cold.
After betraying my lo-fi hommies and PC-die hardz i opted to use Safari on the ailing mediocre XP machine i paid the big coin for. Compared to IE and old bulky copies of the fox, surprisingly i got some usability out of safari. It did the job i wanted at seeds that wouldn't lead to alopecia.
After surfing my turf and representing my web presence i opened up the games chest of this communal restroom of a computer. Low and behold a game the other computers rarely had, GTA San Andreas. What was even better was this sucka had sound! My crack whore of a copy could only give me the animalistic basics, no dialogue or radio. So i was stoked to finally play with the big stuff, the semi-real deal.
I busted caps, pulled wheelies, tagged my mark on the hood and lived it up in 1992 for a good 50 minutes. It was good hommies, it was good.
Then off in the almost rain. A spot here or there but unbroken cloud. I popped my head into phone shops and other haunts of interest. I tempted myself with gadgets and gizmo's, shopgirls and salted popcorn.
But it was time for the Luas.
So i went down the O'C and onto Lower Broadway. A vagrant hung at the edge of the ticket machines and i slipped him my change, only 70 cent, but one step closer to the coffee that will compliment the lack of food on top of Benzo's to offset the kick of Methadone or crack or even another lost peripheral vein to Heroin and shared needle's. Or maybe just a McCoffee or tin of turpentine...
I rode all the way out to Tallaght-fornia. I had wage's burning a hole in my pocket and i was overcome with thoughts of spending my dough on an INQ Chat, if i could haggle down to less than 99, but that was unlikely. I however spotted the PC world on the top floor and remembered that they had those small HD handheld camera's that bloggers and journo's love oh-so-much. The cheapest price's as i remembered were usually good.
To my dismay they were gone. The entire shelf was empty, even the security tags and magnets were gone. An empty white shelf. The most prominent camcorders started at 130 or so, ie fuck that shit.
Several employee's mopped about the store, all lost and helpless. I didn't get any of their attention, i usually avoid them. But i had questions, and was looking for something specific. I noticed the cute blond who seemed to be patrolling the camera area. At one point she had picked up a mini-SLR shaped one and gawked at it with childish wonderment.
I then spotted it. In a glass case beside where the old candybar HD narcisism machines had been. A 60 euro sleek black camcorder, minimal specs, but 60 euro. Beside it the last remaining HD youtube makers, all twice the price and somewhat more ridiculous looking than the normal members of their ilk. I was intrigued, 60 euro you say!
But no shop assistant had approached, and i was still loosely mulling over the calculations of how i could afford such a thing. I know i needed a camera, for my amateur film idea, and this one spoke to me. If it could speak it would say, "Buy me, Use me, Adore Me, make magic! But eh, don't use me for certain kinds of home movies..."
By-joe it was right, i must make magic.
But by this time i had descending to go and look at the INQ Chat, it's been calling me for months, it wants my thumbs so it does. But 99 euro was still to far, and i wasn't willing to haggle. No it had to be the camera!
I returned, teaser displays of Inception playing in unison beside me on the Lazy-o-later. Can't wait for that mind fuck...
I stood at the case, i pined, i weeped, i wasn't going to perish but damn it i wanted to purchase! (Joesph Gordon-Levitt Reference btw)
I stood in its beautiful beckoning presence for a minute or two. I also had watched the shy and patrolling retail Sentry of the cute blond. She attended to a Mac Pro's iTunes playlist from time to time and then a familiar album artwork was up next, and i was sold.
30 Seconds too Mars (A beautiful lie) rang out as i beckoned her over and asked if they had the camera in stock. He muted and quiet replies were hard to hear, despite a quiet store and moderate sounds of Progressive brilliance emanating from the very machine i loath. She looked at the number and went off to a computer to check. She and said it was in stock, oh joy. She then muttered more that i barely heard but i gathered that my answer should be to a question i wasn't even sure was asked. Yes i want to buy it.
I followed her to another employee' she was looking for keys. To what i wasn't sure. Then she went somewhere else and i briefly waited before turning back and looking at an upper range camera while in my forward periphery she opened the case and retrieved the soon to be mine camera.
I approached her and took it from her hand as she gestured it to me. Then more soft spoken words about memory cards. I have plenty at home, but now she was making a sales pitch. I followed along. She showed me to the cheaper ones and annoyingly the 4gbs were only 15 euro, but all gone. So i was left with 2GB for 13, my kingdom for anything more than 2GB, every fucking card i have is 2GB!
To the sales desk!
She asked for my name to put on the Receipt/warranty. I gave it in full, but she only needed the initial and my last name. She then typed my last name and asked if she had spelt it right in a soft way, i simply reached out and punched in the K to make it a real name. She smiled a little.
Then another sales pitch, 3 year warranty for an extra 20 euro. Multiple replacements at no extra cost no mater what the fault or cause. It was damn promising. But i had to think. Eh... my wallet won't like me. How will i live, even if i am accident prowen and could break the speed of light if i wasn't paying attention, could i pay that little extra...
I seemed to think to long, i was also starng back and forth between the blue strips of paper barely jutting from my wallet and her face, then her name badge, then she sold some more. But i was to skeptical, it was buttons, but not now, i can be extra careful.
She then passed me onto the cashier girl. Who also asked was there any 4 GB cards, and even went a brief hunt for one, alas no cigar.
My receipt was my 1 year warranty and i could apparently return anytime for the 3 year one. Hmm, i'll keep that in mind. By this stage the cute/shy blond had switch from 30 Seconds to Mars's most recent album(This Is War), and it was Kings and Queens straight away. Swoon.
Back on the Luas.
As i walked back to the Tram stop, the next one was pulling out of the shunting area and up beside me.
Ahead of me a group of younger rock chick type girls were walking up to the pay station. They didn't seem to be the sort of people you would stereotypically and prejudicially expect to see in Tallaght. A few had vibrant dyed hair colours, and i could read the grey hoody of the one closest to me which read " Tegan _ Sainthood_ Sara". This connection and the fact she was attractive put me at some ease. Further along this gaggle of younglings another girl was wearing a bluer grey hoody with a Triangle Shape with a line in it. It looked familiar, i think it may be associated with 30 Seconds to Mars's self titled first album.
I passed them and sat at the very front of the Tram, in order to get a head start at my stop and hopefully use the Tram as a means to cross a busy intersection and guard me from the traffic.
Behind me sat some very, ahem, obvious locale's.
They sat across the aisle from each other both tacking up 4 seats each and putting their feet up. The one directly behind me took out his phone and started playing music.
"ooohh aye, i just died in the road to-noite! Ye know this song, feckin' classic man."
Oh here it goes i thought, and it did.
The song continued to blare from what i colloquial call a knacker-speaker, that many phones, even mine, have. I relatively poor quality loud and sparkly form of Audio supply that really must be a pet peeve of Hi-Fi buffs and vinyl fanatics. (on a side note the one on my INQ is great, clearest i know of, no not my usual plug of INQ....just a fact and tip)
"Have you seen "Joe" (name change on purpose, for later obvious reason's) about lately."
"Joe? He's back in de locke upp, last i herd."
"The locke up, wasn't he out on satur-day, or on remand or sumt-in?"
"Oh Joe Blogs, Joe Smyth is in locke upp, Joe Blogs is fuckin' eejit anyways. Give Mickey a blow there"
"Hey do ye know this one, 'ooooohh, I, I just Died in the road Tonight.' "
"Hahah ye made eejit!"
"Yo, ha, ye know that one, ye anyways, i herd you had a fifth on ye, where are we meetin' ya laters, what, what, are ye there? Fecker hung up."
"Ah he's always doin' that he's a sciving fucker.
'ooooh, aye.....'
Ah will you stop that, i'll feckin' sciv ya. Scivy-sciv-sciv!"
And on it went.
I then went to the cinema and saw Brooklyn's Finest.
A rather good movie that came here a lot later than it's stateside release.
It was really good, some great gritty stuff.
Ethan Hawke played a Catholic narc cop (Training Day...) who kill's a CI in the first scene in order to get money for his family. His house has mould, his wife has asthma and an associated infection while pregnant with twins. They already have 4 kids. So effectively he has it feckin' rough, but ye know, "Every Sperm is Sacred".
Don Cheadle play's a DEEP Undercover in the Projects in Brooklyn. This Cat is rockin' the bling and dealin' the dope etc But he's also a bit lenient and community friendly, makin' sure his dealers make their Court Dates and get good lawyers etc He also has to check-in with his handler who promise's him a promotion and an end soon enough. He get's propositioned by yer wan from the Closer, playing an FBI Uber-feminist aiming to become Head of New York or President, i'm not sure which. She want's Don to Set up Wesley Snipes to go down even further and take out the whole operation. But Cheadle feel's for him, He's taxes to pay, he needs more screen time, and Blade Trinity wasn't that bad...
Richard Gere play's a hard ass old cop 7 day's from Retirement. He drinks Irish Whiskey just to wake up, he's bullied by the more Brotherhood type cops who want to weed out the weak links. He brushes it all off, he's waiting for his Pention. Treating "The Job" one day at a Time, instead of his alcoholism. He get's stiffed with a Young Recruit as part of Publicity. The Recruit was a former Marine, Not even born When Gere started as a cop, 8 028 days ago. (7 days short of 2 years) They don't get on and he gets transferred. Gere seeks his only reprieve from a whore and witness local scum but does nothing. The Rookie ends up dead, and then Gere Notice's a girl he saw being ruffed about by the scum is a missing girl. However Gere's seven days are slow, like most of the pacing of his segments, they take a 3rd seat to the other plots.
Gere get's another Recruit, who screws up, and theres some sick politics he won't play along with, because he's got his pension coming. He has Retirement, no more days on the job. He trys to take the blame for it, he knew it wasn't going to work, the Board and Politician's wanted to make it out the civilian affected had Priors and drugs (which he did) and that the fuck up was justified. No dice. Gere want's to wallow in his own misery.
Overall despite taking what seems like less screen Time, Gere has an almost better movie. He eventually goes all Taxi driver in the Denouement. And even gets the last seconds of screen time.
Ethan Hawke ends up being a comedic sketch from Monty Pythons the Meaning of Life. Catholic woe etc. He tries to steal drug money to survive and makes loads of mistakes.
Don Cheadle basically recreates the over-all theme of The Wire, and Try's to save Wesley Snipes Film Career, but it's too late. The movie had to fuck it all up and pop a cap in most of the African Characters collective asses....
I want talk much about all that cause, its usually more of a downer and not much of a story.
Instead i will regale you many a tale of hoods and keepin' it real.
I started my day in the big smoke in an internet cafe. A 24 hour joint that serves coffee, slots and slow bandwith. The sky was grey but the morning had started dry and warm, the mere illusion of summer had tourists, commuters, and hot hipster chicks dressed down, despite the slow creep of cold.
After betraying my lo-fi hommies and PC-die hardz i opted to use Safari on the ailing mediocre XP machine i paid the big coin for. Compared to IE and old bulky copies of the fox, surprisingly i got some usability out of safari. It did the job i wanted at seeds that wouldn't lead to alopecia.
After surfing my turf and representing my web presence i opened up the games chest of this communal restroom of a computer. Low and behold a game the other computers rarely had, GTA San Andreas. What was even better was this sucka had sound! My crack whore of a copy could only give me the animalistic basics, no dialogue or radio. So i was stoked to finally play with the big stuff, the semi-real deal.
I busted caps, pulled wheelies, tagged my mark on the hood and lived it up in 1992 for a good 50 minutes. It was good hommies, it was good.
Then off in the almost rain. A spot here or there but unbroken cloud. I popped my head into phone shops and other haunts of interest. I tempted myself with gadgets and gizmo's, shopgirls and salted popcorn.
But it was time for the Luas.
So i went down the O'C and onto Lower Broadway. A vagrant hung at the edge of the ticket machines and i slipped him my change, only 70 cent, but one step closer to the coffee that will compliment the lack of food on top of Benzo's to offset the kick of Methadone or crack or even another lost peripheral vein to Heroin and shared needle's. Or maybe just a McCoffee or tin of turpentine...
I rode all the way out to Tallaght-fornia. I had wage's burning a hole in my pocket and i was overcome with thoughts of spending my dough on an INQ Chat, if i could haggle down to less than 99, but that was unlikely. I however spotted the PC world on the top floor and remembered that they had those small HD handheld camera's that bloggers and journo's love oh-so-much. The cheapest price's as i remembered were usually good.
To my dismay they were gone. The entire shelf was empty, even the security tags and magnets were gone. An empty white shelf. The most prominent camcorders started at 130 or so, ie fuck that shit.
Several employee's mopped about the store, all lost and helpless. I didn't get any of their attention, i usually avoid them. But i had questions, and was looking for something specific. I noticed the cute blond who seemed to be patrolling the camera area. At one point she had picked up a mini-SLR shaped one and gawked at it with childish wonderment.
I then spotted it. In a glass case beside where the old candybar HD narcisism machines had been. A 60 euro sleek black camcorder, minimal specs, but 60 euro. Beside it the last remaining HD youtube makers, all twice the price and somewhat more ridiculous looking than the normal members of their ilk. I was intrigued, 60 euro you say!
But no shop assistant had approached, and i was still loosely mulling over the calculations of how i could afford such a thing. I know i needed a camera, for my amateur film idea, and this one spoke to me. If it could speak it would say, "Buy me, Use me, Adore Me, make magic! But eh, don't use me for certain kinds of home movies..."
By-joe it was right, i must make magic.
But by this time i had descending to go and look at the INQ Chat, it's been calling me for months, it wants my thumbs so it does. But 99 euro was still to far, and i wasn't willing to haggle. No it had to be the camera!
I returned, teaser displays of Inception playing in unison beside me on the Lazy-o-later. Can't wait for that mind fuck...
I stood at the case, i pined, i weeped, i wasn't going to perish but damn it i wanted to purchase! (Joesph Gordon-Levitt Reference btw)
I stood in its beautiful beckoning presence for a minute or two. I also had watched the shy and patrolling retail Sentry of the cute blond. She attended to a Mac Pro's iTunes playlist from time to time and then a familiar album artwork was up next, and i was sold.
30 Seconds too Mars (A beautiful lie) rang out as i beckoned her over and asked if they had the camera in stock. He muted and quiet replies were hard to hear, despite a quiet store and moderate sounds of Progressive brilliance emanating from the very machine i loath. She looked at the number and went off to a computer to check. She and said it was in stock, oh joy. She then muttered more that i barely heard but i gathered that my answer should be to a question i wasn't even sure was asked. Yes i want to buy it.
I followed her to another employee' she was looking for keys. To what i wasn't sure. Then she went somewhere else and i briefly waited before turning back and looking at an upper range camera while in my forward periphery she opened the case and retrieved the soon to be mine camera.
I approached her and took it from her hand as she gestured it to me. Then more soft spoken words about memory cards. I have plenty at home, but now she was making a sales pitch. I followed along. She showed me to the cheaper ones and annoyingly the 4gbs were only 15 euro, but all gone. So i was left with 2GB for 13, my kingdom for anything more than 2GB, every fucking card i have is 2GB!
To the sales desk!
She asked for my name to put on the Receipt/warranty. I gave it in full, but she only needed the initial and my last name. She then typed my last name and asked if she had spelt it right in a soft way, i simply reached out and punched in the K to make it a real name. She smiled a little.
Then another sales pitch, 3 year warranty for an extra 20 euro. Multiple replacements at no extra cost no mater what the fault or cause. It was damn promising. But i had to think. Eh... my wallet won't like me. How will i live, even if i am accident prowen and could break the speed of light if i wasn't paying attention, could i pay that little extra...
I seemed to think to long, i was also starng back and forth between the blue strips of paper barely jutting from my wallet and her face, then her name badge, then she sold some more. But i was to skeptical, it was buttons, but not now, i can be extra careful.
She then passed me onto the cashier girl. Who also asked was there any 4 GB cards, and even went a brief hunt for one, alas no cigar.
My receipt was my 1 year warranty and i could apparently return anytime for the 3 year one. Hmm, i'll keep that in mind. By this stage the cute/shy blond had switch from 30 Seconds to Mars's most recent album(This Is War), and it was Kings and Queens straight away. Swoon.
Back on the Luas.
As i walked back to the Tram stop, the next one was pulling out of the shunting area and up beside me.
Ahead of me a group of younger rock chick type girls were walking up to the pay station. They didn't seem to be the sort of people you would stereotypically and prejudicially expect to see in Tallaght. A few had vibrant dyed hair colours, and i could read the grey hoody of the one closest to me which read " Tegan _ Sainthood_ Sara". This connection and the fact she was attractive put me at some ease. Further along this gaggle of younglings another girl was wearing a bluer grey hoody with a Triangle Shape with a line in it. It looked familiar, i think it may be associated with 30 Seconds to Mars's self titled first album.
I passed them and sat at the very front of the Tram, in order to get a head start at my stop and hopefully use the Tram as a means to cross a busy intersection and guard me from the traffic.
Behind me sat some very, ahem, obvious locale's.
They sat across the aisle from each other both tacking up 4 seats each and putting their feet up. The one directly behind me took out his phone and started playing music.
"ooohh aye, i just died in the road to-noite! Ye know this song, feckin' classic man."
Oh here it goes i thought, and it did.
The song continued to blare from what i colloquial call a knacker-speaker, that many phones, even mine, have. I relatively poor quality loud and sparkly form of Audio supply that really must be a pet peeve of Hi-Fi buffs and vinyl fanatics. (on a side note the one on my INQ is great, clearest i know of, no not my usual plug of INQ....just a fact and tip)
"Have you seen "Joe" (name change on purpose, for later obvious reason's) about lately."
"Joe? He's back in de locke upp, last i herd."
"The locke up, wasn't he out on satur-day, or on remand or sumt-in?"
"Oh Joe Blogs, Joe Smyth is in locke upp, Joe Blogs is fuckin' eejit anyways. Give Mickey a blow there"
"Hey do ye know this one, 'ooooohh, I, I just Died in the road Tonight.' "
"Hahah ye made eejit!"
"Yo, ha, ye know that one, ye anyways, i herd you had a fifth on ye, where are we meetin' ya laters, what, what, are ye there? Fecker hung up."
"Ah he's always doin' that he's a sciving fucker.
'ooooh, aye.....'
Ah will you stop that, i'll feckin' sciv ya. Scivy-sciv-sciv!"
And on it went.
I then went to the cinema and saw Brooklyn's Finest.
A rather good movie that came here a lot later than it's stateside release.
It was really good, some great gritty stuff.
Ethan Hawke played a Catholic narc cop (Training Day...) who kill's a CI in the first scene in order to get money for his family. His house has mould, his wife has asthma and an associated infection while pregnant with twins. They already have 4 kids. So effectively he has it feckin' rough, but ye know, "Every Sperm is Sacred".
Don Cheadle play's a DEEP Undercover in the Projects in Brooklyn. This Cat is rockin' the bling and dealin' the dope etc But he's also a bit lenient and community friendly, makin' sure his dealers make their Court Dates and get good lawyers etc He also has to check-in with his handler who promise's him a promotion and an end soon enough. He get's propositioned by yer wan from the Closer, playing an FBI Uber-feminist aiming to become Head of New York or President, i'm not sure which. She want's Don to Set up Wesley Snipes to go down even further and take out the whole operation. But Cheadle feel's for him, He's taxes to pay, he needs more screen time, and Blade Trinity wasn't that bad...
Richard Gere play's a hard ass old cop 7 day's from Retirement. He drinks Irish Whiskey just to wake up, he's bullied by the more Brotherhood type cops who want to weed out the weak links. He brushes it all off, he's waiting for his Pention. Treating "The Job" one day at a Time, instead of his alcoholism. He get's stiffed with a Young Recruit as part of Publicity. The Recruit was a former Marine, Not even born When Gere started as a cop, 8 028 days ago. (7 days short of 2 years) They don't get on and he gets transferred. Gere seeks his only reprieve from a whore and witness local scum but does nothing. The Rookie ends up dead, and then Gere Notice's a girl he saw being ruffed about by the scum is a missing girl. However Gere's seven days are slow, like most of the pacing of his segments, they take a 3rd seat to the other plots.
Gere get's another Recruit, who screws up, and theres some sick politics he won't play along with, because he's got his pension coming. He has Retirement, no more days on the job. He trys to take the blame for it, he knew it wasn't going to work, the Board and Politician's wanted to make it out the civilian affected had Priors and drugs (which he did) and that the fuck up was justified. No dice. Gere want's to wallow in his own misery.
Overall despite taking what seems like less screen Time, Gere has an almost better movie. He eventually goes all Taxi driver in the Denouement. And even gets the last seconds of screen time.
Ethan Hawke ends up being a comedic sketch from Monty Pythons the Meaning of Life. Catholic woe etc. He tries to steal drug money to survive and makes loads of mistakes.
Don Cheadle basically recreates the over-all theme of The Wire, and Try's to save Wesley Snipes Film Career, but it's too late. The movie had to fuck it all up and pop a cap in most of the African Characters collective asses....
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A Dull Head
My mind has been pretty blank lately.
Last week in particular i felt i could best describe how my mind felt as "dull".
My sleep pattern was completely out of whack and for the entire week i basically did fuck all. My mind was heavy but silent and all i could bring myself to do was put on tracksuit bottoms, no socks, and plod down to the laptop and read a gazzilion things on the web.
It was pretty shite really. However work was fine. It was a busy night so i couldn't complain.
I also loved the doctor who finale, although it now means i have very little left on tv to look forward to, it being the off season that is summer.
I hate the summer dip in quality tv. There is no justification for it, other than theoretical good weather, and supposed people living in said possible weather. What about us no-lifers? Why betray us? Give us entertainment, we'll watch, we promise!
Well there is summer blockbusters but the schedule is backed this year, and confusing. Twilight is the next big one, but in the states several others are already out, but not here? This makes film blogs confusing and annoying because movies get spoiled before I/we have a chance to see them.
Some movies at least have International release's, Twilight:Eclipse and Predators being the next two big releases, with Inception later in the month, and Avatar: The Last Airbender (unrelated to Avatar, but then again it could help this Nickelodeon Anime Adaptation from M. Night Sham-of-an-excuse-for-a-directer-after-the-village-lady-in-the-water-and-the-happening....)
Strangely Toy Story 3 is STILL not out here in Ireland, or the UK. It's out in the US and Australia, but not here? What fresh hell is this? I want to see it now!
In other news i'm slowly trying to repair and catch up with friendships and i may or may not discuss this at some stage.
I also applied for a film Course in Ballyfermot, and emailed them asking what the requirements for their application Portfolio were. I doubt i'll get in etc, and today is the deadline for Changing CAO applications. Over the past few months i've gotten loads of letters from the places i applied to, but for the most part i doubt i'll get to go to any
of them.
Even if i have the points, i don't have the money. So far i'm only working 1 day a week, it's slowly dawning on me that this is laughable despite having saved up to 100 euro all of my own, and bought a piss-poor notebook. With a proper, 5 day a week job i'd have a hell of a lot more money, and freedom, and excuse for a life than i do now.
But ye know, it's so hard to find stuff that it's not even worth trying. If anything, with everyone saying there's nothing out there, me thinks there's a gap of defeatism in the work force that can be exploited. Ie it is actually worth trying, because so many others think it's so bad that they shouldn't even try looking, or think they can't find anything. Or is it a covert conspiracy to make everyone else not look for work so they themselves can get it?
After insistence of my dad i filled an online form out for the new 500 Terminal 2 jobs in Dublin airport. It turns out so have around 9,000 other people! I don't stand a chance with the amount of qualified or experienced people desperate for a job.
What i'd most like to do with my summer is make my amateur film. But i don't know if i'll get around to it. Although if it's a requirement for the Ballyfermot thing it might motivate me. After all, i have a physical interview just for applying! So there's a chance i could get it, and a great incentive to do it as well!
Upcoming posts:
Due to my dull head over the past week or so, some ideas came to me, others left fast.
But i did slowly start writing a continuation of the music meme posts, but in soul spilling essay style, so that could take a while.
Also over the past few days i did a lot of walking in my local area and took photo's too. I found a ruined Church and an abandoned house. I also tried to find my way up to a mysterious tower that's not on any map, but it's hard to find!
From the 3 locations i could see it from i figured out a rough area of where it is, and i hope to reach it soon, and figure out what it is. It looks like a church tower, or a monastery. It however is not prominent in the landscape and it is unmarked on all the maps i can find. It's a spooky mystery i can't wait to solve.
For now toodles.
Last week in particular i felt i could best describe how my mind felt as "dull".
My sleep pattern was completely out of whack and for the entire week i basically did fuck all. My mind was heavy but silent and all i could bring myself to do was put on tracksuit bottoms, no socks, and plod down to the laptop and read a gazzilion things on the web.
It was pretty shite really. However work was fine. It was a busy night so i couldn't complain.
I also loved the doctor who finale, although it now means i have very little left on tv to look forward to, it being the off season that is summer.
I hate the summer dip in quality tv. There is no justification for it, other than theoretical good weather, and supposed people living in said possible weather. What about us no-lifers? Why betray us? Give us entertainment, we'll watch, we promise!
Well there is summer blockbusters but the schedule is backed this year, and confusing. Twilight is the next big one, but in the states several others are already out, but not here? This makes film blogs confusing and annoying because movies get spoiled before I/we have a chance to see them.
Some movies at least have International release's, Twilight:Eclipse and Predators being the next two big releases, with Inception later in the month, and Avatar: The Last Airbender (unrelated to Avatar, but then again it could help this Nickelodeon Anime Adaptation from M. Night Sham-of-an-excuse-for-a-directer-after-the-village-lady-in-the-water-and-the-happening....)
Strangely Toy Story 3 is STILL not out here in Ireland, or the UK. It's out in the US and Australia, but not here? What fresh hell is this? I want to see it now!
In other news i'm slowly trying to repair and catch up with friendships and i may or may not discuss this at some stage.
I also applied for a film Course in Ballyfermot, and emailed them asking what the requirements for their application Portfolio were. I doubt i'll get in etc, and today is the deadline for Changing CAO applications. Over the past few months i've gotten loads of letters from the places i applied to, but for the most part i doubt i'll get to go to any
of them.
Even if i have the points, i don't have the money. So far i'm only working 1 day a week, it's slowly dawning on me that this is laughable despite having saved up to 100 euro all of my own, and bought a piss-poor notebook. With a proper, 5 day a week job i'd have a hell of a lot more money, and freedom, and excuse for a life than i do now.
But ye know, it's so hard to find stuff that it's not even worth trying. If anything, with everyone saying there's nothing out there, me thinks there's a gap of defeatism in the work force that can be exploited. Ie it is actually worth trying, because so many others think it's so bad that they shouldn't even try looking, or think they can't find anything. Or is it a covert conspiracy to make everyone else not look for work so they themselves can get it?
After insistence of my dad i filled an online form out for the new 500 Terminal 2 jobs in Dublin airport. It turns out so have around 9,000 other people! I don't stand a chance with the amount of qualified or experienced people desperate for a job.
What i'd most like to do with my summer is make my amateur film. But i don't know if i'll get around to it. Although if it's a requirement for the Ballyfermot thing it might motivate me. After all, i have a physical interview just for applying! So there's a chance i could get it, and a great incentive to do it as well!
Upcoming posts:
Due to my dull head over the past week or so, some ideas came to me, others left fast.
But i did slowly start writing a continuation of the music meme posts, but in soul spilling essay style, so that could take a while.
Also over the past few days i did a lot of walking in my local area and took photo's too. I found a ruined Church and an abandoned house. I also tried to find my way up to a mysterious tower that's not on any map, but it's hard to find!
From the 3 locations i could see it from i figured out a rough area of where it is, and i hope to reach it soon, and figure out what it is. It looks like a church tower, or a monastery. It however is not prominent in the landscape and it is unmarked on all the maps i can find. It's a spooky mystery i can't wait to solve.
For now toodles.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Snap Happy #21
Because i've been lazy, and mean to my blog...
Is it just me or are the Iron Man movie's a lot deeper and better then what you can see on the surface?

I think it is, and so does this guy
This is rather good:

No i love the idea of Library's, but i would be member of one that would have me as a member. After all, i would rarely get around to reading anything... I couldn't afford the fine's!
That and is it just me, or is it Pronounced Libe-ry? But the American's make a deal out of saying Libe-rary and make fun of those who say Liberry? Wierd.
I don't think this dog like's the view:

Just chillin':

Oh to be a sloth...

So True:

Is Scott Pigrim Going to be the best movie ever?

I just recently read part 2, and i love it. I can't wait for parts 3, 4, 5 and the yet to be released 6, and the movie!
A rather image from Krakatoa. ( i think, it could be a different volcano, when was Krakatoa, to early for photographs?) Just wow...

.Poor Foresight fail:

Is it just me or are the Iron Man movie's a lot deeper and better then what you can see on the surface?

I think it is, and so does this guy
This is rather good:

No i love the idea of Library's, but i would be member of one that would have me as a member. After all, i would rarely get around to reading anything... I couldn't afford the fine's!
That and is it just me, or is it Pronounced Libe-ry? But the American's make a deal out of saying Libe-rary and make fun of those who say Liberry? Wierd.
I don't think this dog like's the view:

Just chillin':

Oh to be a sloth...

So True:

Is Scott Pigrim Going to be the best movie ever?

I just recently read part 2, and i love it. I can't wait for parts 3, 4, 5 and the yet to be released 6, and the movie!
A rather image from Krakatoa. ( i think, it could be a different volcano, when was Krakatoa, to early for photographs?) Just wow...

.Poor Foresight fail:

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sometime's a post is too late to be relevant...
In this case a post talking about what I did on Tuesday.
After all, I'm writing this 5 minutes before Thursday...
Well anyway, i'll keep it far briefer than the jotted abstract plan i scribbled into my notepad on the bus home. (More on this later)
I had my counsling appointment around mid-day so arriving in town close to 9am i went straight to an internet café.
Unfortunately i know this café all to well, for somewhere that is 1 euro an hour and popular, they really jip non-members on bandwith. I open firefox every time and it frequently crash's or is too slow to be used properly.
Last week i got to see 20 minutes of the glee finale before my credit ran out with little trouble, but this week i struggled to open article's about the mineral deposit's discovered in Afghanistan. (LINK)
Which was annoying. So i opened the game folder and couldn't have been arsed being PWND online by people with less of a life than myself, but their own computers..., so i opened up HALO: Combat Evolved.
Kickin' it oldschool.
I played for over an hour.
I went all the way from the first level, onto Halo itself, saved all the escape pods, then brought the fight to the Covenant on their Battle-Cruiser. Just when I rescued the captain i thought, hey this has been a long time, i better stop.
So i closed it and realised i had only about 15 minutes left. Good waste of time.
Appointment went well, sort of a depressing session that i doubt anyone wants to hear about. And frankly i don't want to go there.
I texted friends, but no one was about. Yay, another day alone in town.
I hoped to see Tegan and Sara in Tower Records but finished to late to get there on time.
I passed tower records at about 235 or so and there was a super huge crowd of Lesbian's, Hipsters, Gay men, Rocker youth and almost no-one older than 25.
I just walked on. I window-shop'd, looked at mobile's etc.
Then when attempting to google IFI Screen times on my phone outside of HMV i looked up and saw the Heathers standing there on Grafton Street.
I then started thinking, they must have been at Tegan and Sara, they are after all Ireland's answer to them so to speak. I also thought, My wallet is full of money, i could go right in to HMV, directly behind me, and buy a copy of their Album, Sticker promoting the Discover Ireland ad and all, and try and get their signature. But i just didn't. Didn't even take a photo.
My phone and good camera at hand if need be for any photo opportunity or blogging thoughts. But i just didn't, to melancholic from my session and pissed off with being alone and having no one to talk to or spend my time with.
I walked back down Grafton Street and as i walked i saw a group of young lads harrasing a street preformer.
One was actually perched on a lamp-post whispering in his ear trying to make him flinch or something. (it being one of those stay still preformer's)
As i walked they continued on as-well.
They then came across this guy:

Different part of the street, but the same street performer.
The bullying group of louts aproached him, one said "remember this guy".
They all stopped in front of him. One bent over and lifted than put down his tips cup.
The performer broke his pose and stared at them.
I continued to walk but couldn't help but keep watching.
I had wanted to drag the prat of the lamp-post when i first saw them, now i was concerned for the safety of the performer.
But as they crowded around him, others here and there in the street were taking notice, and the guy somehow persuaded them to fuck off. Crisis avoided.
I Turned back towards Tower Records when i saw that the crowd had now evaporated.
I smiled as they were still playing their latest album over the speakers.
I saw a small crowd at the foot of the stairs, some people taking and posing for photo's.
I approached from behind but couldn't pass, so i doubled back.
As i walked up the other aisle i realised it WAS actually Tegan and Sara.
Cool, they're still hanging around about an hour after the brief gig started.
I walked towards the magazine's, aiming to look at this months Empire, but then walked back to take a photo with my phone.
As i approached they were finishing up and they passed me, on their way out the back door. Missed opportunity.
However, hour's later i read a blog post about them. My lack of knowledge was truly blown out the window. I found out they were sisters...
Embarrassed i thought they were a married Lesbian couple, maybe it was their hair, maybe it was their massive lesbian/bi and indie/hipster/trendy fan base. I have no idea where i came up with this idea, maybe it was on from a stupid idiotic flame comment on youtube trying to argue that Tegan and Sara were better then Heathers, on a Heather's video at that... I'm not quite sure.
What i do know is, that i am fucking glad i didn't stop this international talented stars for a photo. They're Sisters, not a Lesbian Married couple, fuck that could have been awful if it came out in some way, although how i don't know, but i feel like such a tit for thinking it!
I then went to the Cinema, well first i walked about a bit.
Touring the cinema's so to speak. I walked to the Screen first and read the movie time's.
Girl on a Train, didn't recognise it should be good, i read a notice about 2 movie showing's cancelled, instantly forgot.
I expected the movie, which was in an hour's time would be a foreign movie, as i had not yet heard of it, and i read film blogs all the time.
The Savoy didn't have anything as soon as the Screen. So i walked on to Cineworld.
I bought popcorn in a centra.
I got to cineworld and saw no good choice's within the same time frame.
I struggled to try and set up an Unlimited card. 19.99 a month get's you UNLIMITED film's.
A dream i had thought about since i was 16 and going to every new movie with DS.
Now i had money, i would make it so. But the auto-form wasn't working easily, then it somehow couldn't find the address of my bank from a certain code, and since i didn't know the address myself, i couldn't finish to form... shucks.
I walked out, phoned my boss to find out what hour's i was working, saturday only, just for now. For about the billionth time he answered his phone by explaining he'd call me back, and then told me when i was working.
This has happened every single week when i have gotten him on the phone. He never ring's me back. It's as if it's an automatic response of his i think? He seem's to be so busy that he answers his call's this way?
Or does he genuinely have something to say to me each time, or does he forget about it? Who know's?
I then walked through Little Italy, over the millenium bridge and along the key's.
I had money to burn. I had dreamed, and figured out it was possible to buy an Inq Chat, €99, but i had to reserve money for my netbook which would arrive later in the week. (more on this when i get it, and review it, but the Irish Revenue office wanted to rob me blind with pointless taxes just to get what is rightfully mine).
So i decided to break a twenty on buying a the 2nd volume of Scot Pilgirm, in the run up to the movie i hope to buy them all.
I grabbed it on the shelf, the first one i picked up didn't have a price, so i comparred with the neighbouring one, 9.99.
I went to the till and handed the man the book.
I then took out a twenty and held it out.
But this was a PROPER comic book clerk.
He actually didn't say anything. He was like a comic book clerk ninja!
He placed the book on the counter gently.
Whipped up a paper bag, that i didn't ask for from under the counter.
He gingerly and carefully slipped the book in, it's thick, it wasn't going to bend and dog ear easily...
He then pulled a cellotape dispenser from the side of the till.
All the while i was still holding out the money.
He folded the end neatly and exactly and sealed it with the cellotape.
At this point i had pulled my money back, almost expecting a re-enactment of Rowan Atkinson in Love Actually.
I then pay'd the man and went to the cinema.
In turns out that Girl on a Train had been cancelled.
So i went to see Greenberg staring Ben Stiller Instead.
A review tomorrow, hopefully.
As for the earlier mentioned blog jotting in my notbook. Well i came up with several blogs i want to write over the coming weeks, especially with my netbook arriving.
The list is as follow's:
The Godfather: The viewing of a legend part II and Part III
Urban Landscape's series:
(in which in blog about urbanism, and cities, and transport, and my love of Sim city etc etc)
Post's within that series including:
Love of art Deco (photo's i took in Melbourne and stole from the web)
Shop front's of Dublin Study ( a large series of photo's i took on Dublin streets a few months ago)
Dublin's lack of Density - History, development, case for transport, green, waste, poor planning etc
Intermodeing/ my love of Public Transport and lack of interest in Car travel, and loathing of how it's infrastructure is used.
The Future:
- Agglomeration's (super cities)
-transport innovations
-food/power/water/people - study of Malthusian theories of overpopulation and chanlenge's facing humanity.
-extra-terrestrial living.
Lyrics retrospective/Poetry - Posting my old lyrics and poems.
Film Producing blog - My student film if i get around to it.
My opinions on Independent film and Irish film.
Continuing the music meme, which i abandoned...
Something about my funny way with words....
A massive case study series on the "NEED" for a New Star Trek Series.
And something i came up with when looking out the window that really got my mind going...:
Loitering vs Society: The battle over Animal instinct and human constructs.
Believe me that one may sound odd, but i had a really juicy argument flowing when i thought of it.
Toodle's for now.
After all, I'm writing this 5 minutes before Thursday...
Well anyway, i'll keep it far briefer than the jotted abstract plan i scribbled into my notepad on the bus home. (More on this later)
I had my counsling appointment around mid-day so arriving in town close to 9am i went straight to an internet café.
Unfortunately i know this café all to well, for somewhere that is 1 euro an hour and popular, they really jip non-members on bandwith. I open firefox every time and it frequently crash's or is too slow to be used properly.
Last week i got to see 20 minutes of the glee finale before my credit ran out with little trouble, but this week i struggled to open article's about the mineral deposit's discovered in Afghanistan. (LINK)
Which was annoying. So i opened the game folder and couldn't have been arsed being PWND online by people with less of a life than myself, but their own computers..., so i opened up HALO: Combat Evolved.
Kickin' it oldschool.
I played for over an hour.
I went all the way from the first level, onto Halo itself, saved all the escape pods, then brought the fight to the Covenant on their Battle-Cruiser. Just when I rescued the captain i thought, hey this has been a long time, i better stop.
So i closed it and realised i had only about 15 minutes left. Good waste of time.
Appointment went well, sort of a depressing session that i doubt anyone wants to hear about. And frankly i don't want to go there.
I texted friends, but no one was about. Yay, another day alone in town.
I hoped to see Tegan and Sara in Tower Records but finished to late to get there on time.
I passed tower records at about 235 or so and there was a super huge crowd of Lesbian's, Hipsters, Gay men, Rocker youth and almost no-one older than 25.
I just walked on. I window-shop'd, looked at mobile's etc.
Then when attempting to google IFI Screen times on my phone outside of HMV i looked up and saw the Heathers standing there on Grafton Street.
I then started thinking, they must have been at Tegan and Sara, they are after all Ireland's answer to them so to speak. I also thought, My wallet is full of money, i could go right in to HMV, directly behind me, and buy a copy of their Album, Sticker promoting the Discover Ireland ad and all, and try and get their signature. But i just didn't. Didn't even take a photo.
My phone and good camera at hand if need be for any photo opportunity or blogging thoughts. But i just didn't, to melancholic from my session and pissed off with being alone and having no one to talk to or spend my time with.
I walked back down Grafton Street and as i walked i saw a group of young lads harrasing a street preformer.
One was actually perched on a lamp-post whispering in his ear trying to make him flinch or something. (it being one of those stay still preformer's)
As i walked they continued on as-well.
They then came across this guy:

Different part of the street, but the same street performer.
The bullying group of louts aproached him, one said "remember this guy".
They all stopped in front of him. One bent over and lifted than put down his tips cup.
The performer broke his pose and stared at them.
I continued to walk but couldn't help but keep watching.
I had wanted to drag the prat of the lamp-post when i first saw them, now i was concerned for the safety of the performer.
But as they crowded around him, others here and there in the street were taking notice, and the guy somehow persuaded them to fuck off. Crisis avoided.
I Turned back towards Tower Records when i saw that the crowd had now evaporated.
I smiled as they were still playing their latest album over the speakers.
I saw a small crowd at the foot of the stairs, some people taking and posing for photo's.
I approached from behind but couldn't pass, so i doubled back.
As i walked up the other aisle i realised it WAS actually Tegan and Sara.
Cool, they're still hanging around about an hour after the brief gig started.
I walked towards the magazine's, aiming to look at this months Empire, but then walked back to take a photo with my phone.
As i approached they were finishing up and they passed me, on their way out the back door. Missed opportunity.
However, hour's later i read a blog post about them. My lack of knowledge was truly blown out the window. I found out they were sisters...
Embarrassed i thought they were a married Lesbian couple, maybe it was their hair, maybe it was their massive lesbian/bi and indie/hipster/trendy fan base. I have no idea where i came up with this idea, maybe it was on from a stupid idiotic flame comment on youtube trying to argue that Tegan and Sara were better then Heathers, on a Heather's video at that... I'm not quite sure.
What i do know is, that i am fucking glad i didn't stop this international talented stars for a photo. They're Sisters, not a Lesbian Married couple, fuck that could have been awful if it came out in some way, although how i don't know, but i feel like such a tit for thinking it!
I then went to the Cinema, well first i walked about a bit.
Touring the cinema's so to speak. I walked to the Screen first and read the movie time's.
Girl on a Train, didn't recognise it should be good, i read a notice about 2 movie showing's cancelled, instantly forgot.
I expected the movie, which was in an hour's time would be a foreign movie, as i had not yet heard of it, and i read film blogs all the time.
The Savoy didn't have anything as soon as the Screen. So i walked on to Cineworld.
I bought popcorn in a centra.
I got to cineworld and saw no good choice's within the same time frame.
I struggled to try and set up an Unlimited card. 19.99 a month get's you UNLIMITED film's.
A dream i had thought about since i was 16 and going to every new movie with DS.
Now i had money, i would make it so. But the auto-form wasn't working easily, then it somehow couldn't find the address of my bank from a certain code, and since i didn't know the address myself, i couldn't finish to form... shucks.
I walked out, phoned my boss to find out what hour's i was working, saturday only, just for now. For about the billionth time he answered his phone by explaining he'd call me back, and then told me when i was working.
This has happened every single week when i have gotten him on the phone. He never ring's me back. It's as if it's an automatic response of his i think? He seem's to be so busy that he answers his call's this way?
Or does he genuinely have something to say to me each time, or does he forget about it? Who know's?
I then walked through Little Italy, over the millenium bridge and along the key's.
I had money to burn. I had dreamed, and figured out it was possible to buy an Inq Chat, €99, but i had to reserve money for my netbook which would arrive later in the week. (more on this when i get it, and review it, but the Irish Revenue office wanted to rob me blind with pointless taxes just to get what is rightfully mine).
So i decided to break a twenty on buying a the 2nd volume of Scot Pilgirm, in the run up to the movie i hope to buy them all.
I grabbed it on the shelf, the first one i picked up didn't have a price, so i comparred with the neighbouring one, 9.99.
I went to the till and handed the man the book.
I then took out a twenty and held it out.
But this was a PROPER comic book clerk.
He actually didn't say anything. He was like a comic book clerk ninja!
He placed the book on the counter gently.
Whipped up a paper bag, that i didn't ask for from under the counter.
He gingerly and carefully slipped the book in, it's thick, it wasn't going to bend and dog ear easily...
He then pulled a cellotape dispenser from the side of the till.
All the while i was still holding out the money.
He folded the end neatly and exactly and sealed it with the cellotape.
At this point i had pulled my money back, almost expecting a re-enactment of Rowan Atkinson in Love Actually.
I then pay'd the man and went to the cinema.
In turns out that Girl on a Train had been cancelled.
So i went to see Greenberg staring Ben Stiller Instead.
A review tomorrow, hopefully.
As for the earlier mentioned blog jotting in my notbook. Well i came up with several blogs i want to write over the coming weeks, especially with my netbook arriving.
The list is as follow's:
The Godfather: The viewing of a legend part II and Part III
Urban Landscape's series:
(in which in blog about urbanism, and cities, and transport, and my love of Sim city etc etc)
Post's within that series including:
Love of art Deco (photo's i took in Melbourne and stole from the web)
Shop front's of Dublin Study ( a large series of photo's i took on Dublin streets a few months ago)
Dublin's lack of Density - History, development, case for transport, green, waste, poor planning etc
Intermodeing/ my love of Public Transport and lack of interest in Car travel, and loathing of how it's infrastructure is used.
The Future:
- Agglomeration's (super cities)
-transport innovations
-food/power/water/people - study of Malthusian theories of overpopulation and chanlenge's facing humanity.
-extra-terrestrial living.
Lyrics retrospective/Poetry - Posting my old lyrics and poems.
Film Producing blog - My student film if i get around to it.
My opinions on Independent film and Irish film.
Continuing the music meme, which i abandoned...
Something about my funny way with words....
A massive case study series on the "NEED" for a New Star Trek Series.
And something i came up with when looking out the window that really got my mind going...:
Loitering vs Society: The battle over Animal instinct and human constructs.
Believe me that one may sound odd, but i had a really juicy argument flowing when i thought of it.
Toodle's for now.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Brief update 2:
Tomorrow i will be in Dublin, for a weekly visit.
Among the many thing's i will be doing is popping into Tower Records at 2pm to catch Tegan & Sara for free in advance of their gig tomorrow night, which i don't have tickets to.

Few people are about town, but i might also catch a milkshake/white hot chocolate and the 2nd Scott Pilgram book, and maybe even a movie?

Who know's. I'm sure my twitter will eat up my credit on Snaptu or mobile web anyway, as i microblog to dull the boredom of walking about on my own after my errands have been run etc.
I may even do the usual window shopping where i delude myself that I NEED a new phone. My INQ 1 is still going strong, but i would LOVE an INQ Chat, or an android phone. Of course i would need to earn a lot more money than i currently earn. Which is training wage's, which i should enquire about actually since i should be due Minimum wage soon enough.

(Techie swoon)
In other job related news, if i had a driver's license i have been informed by a family friend that with my limited nursing experience i would be qualified to be a Pharmaceutical Representative. This could pay very well, so i should get on the whole driver theory thing pronto. It could also be a way of saving for college, next Calendar year, instead of the comming academic year for which i would be broke, destitute and stuck with Nursing or blessed with a course choice i can't pay for. More news as it happens....
In other news, i watched The Godfather 2 and 3 over the weekend, another post soon, possibly tomorrow morning from my usual Internet café when i need to pass time.
Also, the follower widget, to your left, is still on the fritz. I will try every other day to fix this. If you dear reader have a google account, then the toolbar at the top of the page has a follow button. You can also copy and paste the Url of this blog into your RSS Feed Reader of choice i you want to.
And down at the very bottom of the page, is The Like Widget. Links to music, photo's, video's, their tour date's and their twitter. Enjoy the slice of wonderousness that is the like, without me having to gush about them every other post :-P
Among the many thing's i will be doing is popping into Tower Records at 2pm to catch Tegan & Sara for free in advance of their gig tomorrow night, which i don't have tickets to.

Few people are about town, but i might also catch a milkshake/white hot chocolate and the 2nd Scott Pilgram book, and maybe even a movie?

Who know's. I'm sure my twitter will eat up my credit on Snaptu or mobile web anyway, as i microblog to dull the boredom of walking about on my own after my errands have been run etc.
I may even do the usual window shopping where i delude myself that I NEED a new phone. My INQ 1 is still going strong, but i would LOVE an INQ Chat, or an android phone. Of course i would need to earn a lot more money than i currently earn. Which is training wage's, which i should enquire about actually since i should be due Minimum wage soon enough.

(Techie swoon)
In other job related news, if i had a driver's license i have been informed by a family friend that with my limited nursing experience i would be qualified to be a Pharmaceutical Representative. This could pay very well, so i should get on the whole driver theory thing pronto. It could also be a way of saving for college, next Calendar year, instead of the comming academic year for which i would be broke, destitute and stuck with Nursing or blessed with a course choice i can't pay for. More news as it happens....
In other news, i watched The Godfather 2 and 3 over the weekend, another post soon, possibly tomorrow morning from my usual Internet café when i need to pass time.
Also, the follower widget, to your left, is still on the fritz. I will try every other day to fix this. If you dear reader have a google account, then the toolbar at the top of the page has a follow button. You can also copy and paste the Url of this blog into your RSS Feed Reader of choice i you want to.
And down at the very bottom of the page, is The Like Widget. Links to music, photo's, video's, their tour date's and their twitter. Enjoy the slice of wonderousness that is the like, without me having to gush about them every other post :-P
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Like Video collection post:
This post is predomently so that i can Show my Good Friend DS what's been happening with the like in the run up to their new album. But also i felt i should collect all The Like Video's that i am aware of, that are good and also of good quality etc etc.
First off, i can't post the original music video's as they are now only available on VEVO, the evil youtube offshoot for music video's that is America only and doesn't allow much embedding anywhere...
So here is the earliest clip i know of. A hillarious clip off of Ch4's Popworld:
The Like Coming on stage dressed as "zeta's" when supporting Muse. They go into the audience on a rubber dinghy. Cool stuff:
Then there is the Album making footage that the like shared with their fan's back in late 2007. If you notice this clip also include's an early version of He's not a boy.
This is a live Version of Release me from 2008, notice Charlotte Froom is still with the group.
This is the Rehearsal song they shared when they announced The Like 2.0 in late 2009, Reni Lane being present, this was just before a tour with Artic Monkey's:
Z Berg Performing an acoustic song with a friend:
Fair Game Mini movie, plus the introduction of Annie Monroe on the Organ:
He's Not a Boy Music Video:
A Live Set The like did for a website, including a cover of Will you still love me tomorrow, and an acoustic version of He's Not a boy:
I tried to buy the single for He's Not a Boy the other day in Dublin. No such look. It turn's out that not only are physical single's a rare thing in this day and age, but The Like only Released the He's Not A Boy "ep" in the UK and the US, for shame!
Can't wait for the album though!
First off, i can't post the original music video's as they are now only available on VEVO, the evil youtube offshoot for music video's that is America only and doesn't allow much embedding anywhere...
So here is the earliest clip i know of. A hillarious clip off of Ch4's Popworld:
The Like Coming on stage dressed as "zeta's" when supporting Muse. They go into the audience on a rubber dinghy. Cool stuff:
Then there is the Album making footage that the like shared with their fan's back in late 2007. If you notice this clip also include's an early version of He's not a boy.
This is a live Version of Release me from 2008, notice Charlotte Froom is still with the group.
This is the Rehearsal song they shared when they announced The Like 2.0 in late 2009, Reni Lane being present, this was just before a tour with Artic Monkey's:
Z Berg Performing an acoustic song with a friend:
Fair Game Mini movie, plus the introduction of Annie Monroe on the Organ:
He's Not a Boy Music Video:
A Live Set The like did for a website, including a cover of Will you still love me tomorrow, and an acoustic version of He's Not a boy:
I tried to buy the single for He's Not a Boy the other day in Dublin. No such look. It turn's out that not only are physical single's a rare thing in this day and age, but The Like only Released the He's Not A Boy "ep" in the UK and the US, for shame!
Can't wait for the album though!
Blog worries...
Yeah, it's possible to have them from time to time.
Not only is it Subject drought, writers block, laziness and forgetfulness, which plague me frequently, but also followers etc.
If you my dear readers haven't noticed, the follower's widget has been broken on my blog for some time. And i haven't the foggiest why. I sort of believe this could be why my official readership by those with google accounts my not have risen, but also why i only see a few devote readers posting comments. And of course i thank you for that.
I'd love to ye know, do all the blogging things of "networking" and being friendly and so on, but sometime's i forget to. I mainly just read stuff out there in the ether. Like the blogs i follow, i rarely physically go to them anymore, as i read them in my Google Reader account. For that i am sorry. It's just easier. So if i am not giving you views, it possibly shows.
And from time to time i do stay in touch with the Zietgeist of opinion my readers may have about me, although this is rare also. The reader's Ziegeist...
But i'm not clueless as to what my readers are up to. I can see weekly results thanks to the Lijit widget.
If you haven't noticed, it's the green thing to the left. You can search it, it's nice and handy. It also tell's me the number of page visit's i get, the most popular blog post's clicked on, and the google search's that lead people to my blog.
Sometimes this leads to oddities, such as Seminally Tuddled...
Current oddities and trends are the google search result's that lead people to my blog.
The top ten from the past week are as follow's:
- social dullard (4 times)
- "charlotte froom" split (1 time)
- "security is mostly superstition... is but a daring... (1 time)
- 622291_whoneeds6_mini (1 time)
- battlestar galactica gideon gaza (1 time)
- charlotte froom (1 time)
- song names for a band (1 time)
- the like (1 time)
- toast maker won't work (1 time)
- wishing he was dead the like lyrics (1 time)
Now the top one won't surprise anyone. It is my "well" established Screen Name and blogging name. It is also my profile presence for a lot of the internet, so if someone know's anything about me, they know to search for that in order to read my blog or stalk me etc...
Frequently i see result's for people searching for The Like, and like Related info. This is surprising since i have only made a few small post's here and there about them. Example's include, Ilikethelike and a guest post for ( I like the like, maybe you could too?)
Battlestar Galactica Gideon "gaza" is an interesting one. I love BSG and i love that i squeezed a comparison of the Gideon Massacre with the MV Mavi Marmara in my Gaza Post.
So this one pleased me mightily.
Toast maker won't work... How very odd, but i'm sure someone wanted to know other people's experience of non-working Toasters. Or they just didn't know what a toast maker was called...
Actually here is a heavily related post that i'm sure must have been part of what they found,
I know i've promised it in the past, but i really should clean up tagging and links in this blog. And i have also promised to blog more often, for this i have little self control, and even less excuse's.
Hopefully when my laptop arrive's, more later, i will get into it a lot more.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Snap Happy #20
The same old story, a large quantity of Photo's worth posting.

Onward readers!
Do you remember during the run up to the London special on Friends, circa a long time ago, Joey and Chandler were watching Die Hard a lot for some reason. They then expressed excitement that Die Hard would be even better In Britain. Well they were wrong, it's better in Japan.
Where's my evidence you ask, here's my Gorram (yes i've been re-cherishing Firefly lately...) evidence:

Oh Japan...
Okay this is quite possibly the best asking for trouble name ever in the history of name's:

And somehow he looks like a Tibetan Monk, go figure...
With the run up to the world cup, Google (the magical "non-evil" rulers of the interweb's) put in this little Easter egg when you search for World cup:

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL! Is what we'll here, when anyone but France or England win, so Brazil. :Logic:

When he grows up, the phrase's chasing Tail and Chasing pussy will have such a different meaning, but now it's innocent.
Hollywood prop departments are LAZY!

It's the same newspaper printed over and over and over and over again!
Or it's the only true Cross Genre plot device... bear with me.... It's a time traveling inter-dimensional magical newspaper enchanted by ye know, magic, in order to save that woman on the page by being killed by time travelling teamsters who decide to delay her great great grandfathers house from being built before winter, thus making it harder for him to make whoopy with her Great great grandmother on those harsh winter nights! Dastardly!
Look, even Truman was in on it!

Well no, just the sink of the internet doing it's job.
The nerd within me was very impressed with this meme:

Yep, that is pretty accurate:

A beanie with a woolen beard? Somehow i want it, but might not be able to pull it off in the fashion sense of the phrase...:

Senior Speilbergo in the Mouth of Bruce During the filming of Jaws:

Now if only that thing actually worked... Maybe we could get it to anachronistically prevent A.I: Artificial Intelligence from ever happening....
I may have been born in '88, so i'm not a kid of the 80s per say, but even i want a proton pack backpack!

Best Hack ever:

The best Gif ever:

That is all for now. Toodle's.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Godfather Part 1: Viewing a Legend.
I'm 22, and only now have i seen this movie.

By the lonely and all engrossing glow of my Portable dvd player, at 2am on a Tuesday I slid the cover slip off the crisp and un-used box set. I felt the grooves and bumps of exquisite packaging and briefly took in the Stylish photo graphs and gave a flip view to the descriptions, just to take it all in.
I opened the 4 disk case like a book, struggled to move quietly in the dead of the night, and un-clipped the Disk, The Godfather Part 1.
I struggled with the cabinet containing my clothes, and removed a drawer, to fit my hand through and manipulate the one isolated socket. I plugged in the Charger and creeped about slowly. I had tapped into the mains and was raring to go.
I turned off the light and discarded my cloths, still waring my under ware, cause's that's how i roll.
I struggled and decided what level of blanket comfort i needed and adorned my Comfort top, 4 size's to small, a worn and bawbaly grey and oh so comfortable, i couldn't say nay.
On with the little black button and the credits rolled, no menu, no choice's, just cinematic gold.
I had never seen this movie as a whole, or been old enough to appreciate it when i had passed it's legend emitting from the tube. I knew several name's, i knew all the players, i even knew the big moments, but forged on without caring.
Classic film's can't exist in a vacuum with Virtue and reverence. The very essence of popular culture mean's this legendary film, older than i am now by the time i was born, has been payed discreet homage, ripped off, emulated and parodied loosely so frequently and with such blatant disregard for those not in the no, that i had seen most of the key scenes without seeing the movie.
I couldn't complain. I had held out long enough, i had to see it. I was not in the position to wait for a Cinema screening Towering over me in the glow of a projector, with sticky floors, high levels of infectious particles and allergens associated with crowds, or the specific saliva satiating saltiness of overpriced popcorn.
With just water, a double bed, a blanket, a comfort top, and a lonely glow, i sat, gasped, guffawed, wanted to scream WTF and was truly entertained.
The setting was beautiful, the fashions noticeable, the culture tangible and the world seemingly epic. The second dialogue explained the time, and characters were set out, i wanted to know the answers of this world, i wanted to context of all those spoilers shared and given exposition. I was in the deepened, passing into a world where both the familiar and the unanswered had to be watched closely and understood.
The cyclical nature of Vengeance. The characters not bit parts, but shinning lights of the culture and vital plot points from time to time. The struggle and evolution of family members and the innocent. It all came together in a tapestry i had only seen glimpse's of. A cultural snapshot, out of focus or damaged by other people's honourable homage's.
Like an Archaeologist i pieced together what i already knew from fragments and in the past had created a unique and unfinished picture in my head. I knew it was supposed to be grand, i knew it had epic qualities, and most certainly knew it was treasured.
But in watching it myself, in finally getting around to a classic. I was finally on the same page as those who gave it the time and dedication i finally found the room for. This IS a Classic.
This is among the Greats.
This is a cinematic experience i will treasure.
This is something that will change how i view stories, as many will pale in relation to this.
A movie so great it appears everywhere and is spoiled, and poked at in so many genre's and mediums that it is impossible to escape it's influence.
Out of the Vacuum of Ignorance and incomplete speculation, i found the time for a masterpiece. And i loved every frame, every second, every nuance, every line, each gunshot i did not expect made me skip a heart beat, every moment i had not seen was fresh clean and left me in Awe. This is Cinema at it's best.
And i can't wait for more.

By the lonely and all engrossing glow of my Portable dvd player, at 2am on a Tuesday I slid the cover slip off the crisp and un-used box set. I felt the grooves and bumps of exquisite packaging and briefly took in the Stylish photo graphs and gave a flip view to the descriptions, just to take it all in.
I opened the 4 disk case like a book, struggled to move quietly in the dead of the night, and un-clipped the Disk, The Godfather Part 1.
I struggled with the cabinet containing my clothes, and removed a drawer, to fit my hand through and manipulate the one isolated socket. I plugged in the Charger and creeped about slowly. I had tapped into the mains and was raring to go.
I turned off the light and discarded my cloths, still waring my under ware, cause's that's how i roll.
I struggled and decided what level of blanket comfort i needed and adorned my Comfort top, 4 size's to small, a worn and bawbaly grey and oh so comfortable, i couldn't say nay.
On with the little black button and the credits rolled, no menu, no choice's, just cinematic gold.
I had never seen this movie as a whole, or been old enough to appreciate it when i had passed it's legend emitting from the tube. I knew several name's, i knew all the players, i even knew the big moments, but forged on without caring.
Classic film's can't exist in a vacuum with Virtue and reverence. The very essence of popular culture mean's this legendary film, older than i am now by the time i was born, has been payed discreet homage, ripped off, emulated and parodied loosely so frequently and with such blatant disregard for those not in the no, that i had seen most of the key scenes without seeing the movie.
I couldn't complain. I had held out long enough, i had to see it. I was not in the position to wait for a Cinema screening Towering over me in the glow of a projector, with sticky floors, high levels of infectious particles and allergens associated with crowds, or the specific saliva satiating saltiness of overpriced popcorn.
With just water, a double bed, a blanket, a comfort top, and a lonely glow, i sat, gasped, guffawed, wanted to scream WTF and was truly entertained.
The setting was beautiful, the fashions noticeable, the culture tangible and the world seemingly epic. The second dialogue explained the time, and characters were set out, i wanted to know the answers of this world, i wanted to context of all those spoilers shared and given exposition. I was in the deepened, passing into a world where both the familiar and the unanswered had to be watched closely and understood.
The cyclical nature of Vengeance. The characters not bit parts, but shinning lights of the culture and vital plot points from time to time. The struggle and evolution of family members and the innocent. It all came together in a tapestry i had only seen glimpse's of. A cultural snapshot, out of focus or damaged by other people's honourable homage's.
Like an Archaeologist i pieced together what i already knew from fragments and in the past had created a unique and unfinished picture in my head. I knew it was supposed to be grand, i knew it had epic qualities, and most certainly knew it was treasured.
But in watching it myself, in finally getting around to a classic. I was finally on the same page as those who gave it the time and dedication i finally found the room for. This IS a Classic.
This is among the Greats.
This is a cinematic experience i will treasure.
This is something that will change how i view stories, as many will pale in relation to this.
A movie so great it appears everywhere and is spoiled, and poked at in so many genre's and mediums that it is impossible to escape it's influence.
Out of the Vacuum of Ignorance and incomplete speculation, i found the time for a masterpiece. And i loved every frame, every second, every nuance, every line, each gunshot i did not expect made me skip a heart beat, every moment i had not seen was fresh clean and left me in Awe. This is Cinema at it's best.
And i can't wait for more.
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