Okay so i should actively search for my own photos, make my own and so on, but with what i read on a daily basis in google reader i barely even need to find my own things, just share the best blogged image's of the day..... Yeah lazy. But i do have some of my own! So don't blame me.
Today was a wet day rather dreary. Not much rain, but it was grey.
So here's a sign of the times, figuratively and literally:

The Future is also here:

The ULTra system is being unveiled at Heathrow Terminal 5, almost 2 years later than planed.
This personal automated system of pods drives you from the car park to the Terminal. If it proves a success it will be spread to the rest of the airport.
Basically it works by taking the passengers only from their start point to their destination. It will by-pass all the other stops along the way, ie other car parks or terminals, and take you where you need to go.
And it's so cute and stylish!
So is this guy, in a i eat rubbish sort of way:

And look at this lucky fellow, saved from the fast track to the big house in the sky, his missing foot has been replaced with a prosthetic one:

How Quaint!:

Now that's a good design!
My book dilemma:
As i mentioned before i need a bookcase. This being the main problem:

So madly i wondered why when wandering at lunch on monday i went to the secret bookstore.
And there i saw a plethora of second hand books and rarieties, or just not so popular things, and start routing around.
The main book that cought my eye was some comedy-drama roughly titled "How i Payed my way through College/ Perfoming art's school", with a sub-title or tag line about "sex, drugs, identity theft and so on...". And i have to say it looked rather fun, odd ball like and something most likely not well known. And considering my slowly emerging book collection is mainly stuff i've seen or know about in another format this origional find sounded like a good idea.
But in checking the rest of the shelves i found.....
To Kill A Mocking Bird. Cheap to. So i bought that instead. I kind of regret it now.
Well, even if i havent seen most of the movie i know about it, i know how it ends, i know several key plot points. As i do with a lot of my other books. It just makes getting through them so much harder.
I never finished 1984 because i knew what was awaiting him in Room 101. And i didn't want to read it.
So i've decided that i will only buy odd bits from now on, hopefully that book.
And despite currently reading, Dead Untill Dark, Choke, Rule's of Attraction, 1984, and Red Mars(going on 6 years) i will switch to something i don't know about, but know i should read.
On The Road by Jack Kerouac. Its a clichéd book. Its uber famous. Its a 20th century popular cultural icon. Its fodder for academics and snobby people who read more than they absorb or understand. But it's something i know i should read not just because of it's cultural importance and popularity, but also because i want to travel.
I've heard it's difficult to read. But frankly i don't care. I got through a good chunk of Hunter S. Thompsons personal corrispondances without TOO much difficulty, this can't be hard, right??
I'll keep you posted.
As for The secret book store:
Any store with Calvin & Harris in it's entrance way get's my vote!:

Blogged with the Flock Browser
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